y am i so not satisfied ... at all.....

it just seems jittery i would be happy with a steady 80 fps and i think that the only way to achive that would be better processor and to run 2 gfx cards... no?
it just seems jittery i would be happy with a steady 80 fps and i think that the only way to achive that would be better processor and to run 2 gfx cards... no?

No, my x850xt could play it maxed without a problem. Your eyes can only see 25FPS, so anything above that is pointless.
We should run some diagnostics to see what the problem is. What anti-virus do you use?
I know you this is probably the last thing you want to hear but if you want to set everthing on high you are probably just going to have to spend more money. I had basically the same setup before I upgraded to what you see here. This is what it took to make me happy. I think a hotter video card might make the difference for you. I had the BFG 7600 GT OC too. It ran BF2 pretty well with a little chop once in a while not put everyting on high. Had to turn serveral things down to medium. Still not perfect but pretty good. I thought about just getting a better vid card but saved my money up and went all out. I'm glad I did. This thing flys. All setting at max now. Flawless. Plus super fast loads.
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I know you this is probably the last thing you want to hear but if you want to set everthing on high you are probably just going to have to spend more money. I had basically the same setup before I upgraded to what you see here. This is what it took to make me happy. I think a hotter video card might make the difference for you. I had the BFG 7600 GT OC too. It ran BF2 pretty well with a little chop once in a while not put everyting on high. Had to turn serveral things down to medium. Still not perfect but pretty good. I thought about just getting a better vid card but saved my money up and went all out. I'm glad I did. This thing flys. All setting at max now. Flawless. Plus super fast loads.

if i was to just upgrade the processor and keep the card i have do you think it would be decent? and if so what would be a good move in upgrading the cpu
I have an AMD 3400, and an ATI 9800 Pro and I can First person games between 50 - 100 FPS @ depending on what resolution I am running

also what kind of display do you have? If you have a display with a crappy response time it looks like crap.
yeah but the difference between 30 - 50 and over 100 makes a peformance issue at hand. The game in general will run smoother, have less clipping, less lag, and peform greater in higher textured areas.

Plus, I guess if it matters to you personally, bragging rights as well.
anyway im not happy at all with the preformance for gaming and multitasking. frankly it sux. i bearly get good fps in dod source (30-50 in an open area on high settings) its just unplayable. and as far as the multi tasking... i cant do too much. have i done something wrong other than potentially buying crap hardware? is there settings that need fooled with? ive already overclocked the vid card using coolbits.... nothing to the cpu. y does this suck? im soooo unhappy

You must find the clitoris first..
No, my x850xt could play it maxed without a problem. Your eyes can only see 25FPS, so anything above that is pointless.
We should run some diagnostics to see what the problem is. What anti-virus do you use?

I think its somwhere around 20-30fps is the max the eye can see. Thats why movies can get away with only running at 29FPS. However in games, it's totally different. With movies, each individual fram is somewhat blended together, unlike games where each frame is an actual still image. So the difference between 30FPS and 50FPS is noticable in how the game is played. Take a look at Halo for instance, by default it only goes to 30fps max, and looks great, however if you disable that and have it run at 60fps or so, the game seems to move much quicker.
if i was to just upgrade the processor and keep the card i have do you think it would be decent? and if so what would be a good move in upgrading the cpu

To be honest I believe your first limitation here is your video card rather than your CPU for gaming purposes. Because gaming is so GPU intensive. You might see some improvement with a faster processor but the GPU is doing more of the grunt work during gaming. I'd take another look at the difference in specs. between the 7600 card and lets say a 7900 card. There you might see the difference that will convince you. The memory bandwidth on the 7900 is about double that of the 7600

725 million vertices/sec.
23.2GB/second memory bandwidth

7900 GT
990 million vertices/sec.
43.GB/second memory bandwidth
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bandwidth would be an issue if it were bottlenecking, not sure if thats what happening here. Its hard to say since most games are developed to be run optimal at minimum specs, which I am not sure of the minium requirements of this game but I am sure this video card suffices. However, it could be bottle necking.

what about other games, like BF2 or something like that or Farcry? What FPS do you get in those, or on HL2?
You said multi-tasking sucks. You don't have a dual core processor which would be an immense improvement on multi-tasking. Also with everything said, the 7600GT is not a bad card at all. Also, 30-50 fps is not bad. 50fps is definitely nothing to be ashamed about. i think the problem for you maybe internet lag if you have "jitteryness" because at 30-50fps, it should be more than playable.
what honestly is this guy doing that hits performance? I don't have a dual core and I can multitask just fine on my machine at home. I can run office, burn a DVD and surf the web all at the same time and not have a huge performance decrease.

Are you like rendering a gigabyte photo or something in photoshop? Or perhaps rendering a studio recording of a band?

Most computers you buy can do all basic things, multi tasked, right out of the box.
You said multi-tasking sucks. You don't have a dual core processor which would be an immense improvement on multi-tasking. Also with everything said, the 7600GT is not a bad card at all. Also, 30-50 fps is not bad. 50fps is definitely nothing to be ashamed about. i think the problem for you maybe internet lag if you have "jitteryness" because at 30-50fps, it should be more than playable.

I think he has a certain level of performance in mind that he may have seen on somebody Else's machine. The 7600 card is not a bad card I agree. In fact it was a great improvement when I first got it and very playable. Even though my FPS were just as good as his with my old set up similar to his there were still jitters and stumbles here and there when really pushing my system hard with BF2. Big fire fights etc. I think maybe thats what he wants to see improve. I thought it was internet lag too until I got this new system. Obviously it was not lag because those little hiccups are non-existent with my new setup.
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someone asked what monitor i was using ... i use a 24" sony crt flat screen its huge and awesome and i know a place that sells them for $150 ha! i like to run 1280x1024 lcd resolution which is on the low side for that monitor.....

1. anyway .... should i spend the money on a new cpu and run the gfx card i have...... what cpu (amd)

2. or should i just keep it and get a new gfx card like the 7900gt or something

3. or should i just say screw it and sell all those parts to you guys who would like to buy anything and just start over with core 2 duo and new mobo ram and gfx?.... this is obviously the most expencive way but im a total retard ....
I think you would see a marked improvement if you just upgraded your video card. I am more familiear with BFG and am very happy with my BFG 7900 GT OC 256MB. Plus they have great customer support.
well.. i get about 70-120 fps in Halflife 2.... DoD:S has HDR map's, wich also brings it down i gues (dont have it myself tough)... so i think that fps is actually right for the system. ( you're running it maxed out i assume)
no no no thats with eveything down on low ..... ive even tried using -dxlevel 80 and 70 in the launch options ..... if i run direct x 9 with things on high its pathetic....
maybe you do have a bottle neck somewhere, update your firmware/bios/drivers to the absolute newest revisions? Have all the latest win xp critical udpates?