Yay extended budget


I was about to buy a few parts to upgrade my PC when my parents decided it would be better if I just built a new computer. So now I have more $. Not sure how much yet, but around 800-1000$ range. I would like an AMD, preferrably dual-core, a 7 series GPU (not the 7300) and at least one gig of RAM. I don't need the monitor, speakers, keyboard, or mouse. SLI is also good. What can I get for around that price range?
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sorry didn't configure the video card you wanted... this was better for your budget...
and if you could fit in $60 more into your budget, you could get this processor
Forgot to say-sound card and optical drive aren't necessary. I'm keeping those from my Dell, and might upgrade later if I need to.
mrbagrat said:
Forgot to say-sound card and optical drive aren't necessary. I'm keeping those from my Dell, and might upgrade later if I need to.
well than take out the optical drive and sound card i configured and get the X2 4200+
Would a 7600 GS perform well? I'm not looking for super high FPS, but I want to play oblivion on medium-high 1280 x 1024 with at least 40 fps. Btw, I'll choose the case. Not that yours is bad, I just have personal prefrence.
mrbagrat said:
Would a 7600 GS perform well? I'm not looking for super high FPS, but I want to play oblivion on medium-high 1280 x 1024 with at least 40 fps.
yes it would work...idk if at 40FPS... mebbe like 30... but it doesn't hold a thread to the one in the configuration... but if you don't want to spend that much money, then i would get the x850xt... there is a 256MB powered by saphire for $169 on newegg that is very nice...

mrbagrat said:
Btw, I'll choose the case. Not that yours is bad, I just have personal prefrence.
thats fine... try keeping that PSU tho...
edit: the 269.99 x1800xt is now out of stock for a week :/

this configuration is very close to what I am going to get. My budget has been jumping up and down but i finally decided to spend ~1000 on a new system.

The saphire x1800xt at 269.00 after rebate (newegg) is just about the best in the price range for playing oblivion, or so it seems from what i have read.

Check out the following benchmarks. Dont expect those exact framerates though unless you want to sell your organs in order to afford a fx-57. But you can still compare the cards.


I resold a evga 7800gt card on ebay for 285.00 so I could get the x1800xt instead. I felt kind of guilty for charging someone that much cash for a 7800gt . . .
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Are there any AMD motherboards that support DDR2 533? It would be cheaper if I could just use my own ram, then I could get a good SLI mobo.
mrbagrat said:
Are there any AMD motherboards that support DDR2 533? It would be cheaper if I could just use my own ram, then I could get a good SLI mobo.
currently, no. But on June 6 of this year, the AM2 sockets come out with a bunch of new processors and those will support DDR2 ram...
Would it be worth the wait? Currently my Dell has DDR2 533, but the timings I think are the worst possible and the cas latency is 4. Would it be better to just get DDR 400? Would it go noticably slower?
mrbagrat said:
Would it be worth the wait? Currently my Dell has DDR2 533, but the timings I think are the worst possible and the cas latency is 4. Would it be better to just get DDR 400? Would it go noticably slower?
i would wait... but thats just me...
Encore4More said:
sorry didn't configure the video card you wanted... this was better for your budget...
and if you could fit in $60 more into your budget, you could get this processor

I just realized--add shipping, OS, and tax, its about 200$ more. Ah well, I'll just pester my folks for more money.:D
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mrbagrat said:
I just realized--add shipping, OS, and tax, its about 200$ more.
well usually when we configure people's computers we don't count that unless they specificly ask... and $200 more?????????? my dads was about $80 more after all that!!!
well if u take out anything it won't be much of an upgrade from what u have now... so i would wait
Media center edition--116$ at tiger direct

60-odd tax for newegg parts
20-odd shipping for newegg parts

And thats not even including the case.
Budget: <1000USD

* AMD Athlon64 X2 4200 [S939, Manchester, ADA4200DAA5BV] ($359.00)
* eVGA 7800GT 256MB + SLI Mobo ($329.00 after $20.00 MIR)
* OCz Value Series PC3200 2x512 CL2.5 ($66.13 after $10.00 MIR)
* NEC 3550A DVDRW ($39.75)
* Maxtor DiamondMax10 250GB 16MB SATA ($96.00)
* XClio XClio-480BL [12V@33A] ($63.99)
* Coolermaster Centurion 5 CAC-T05-UW ($44.99)
* SUBTOTAL: $998.86

This will probably be the best deal: it's Praetor's config.
whip-rush said:
edit: the 269.99 x1800xt is now out of stock for a week :/

this configuration is very close to what I am going to get. My budget has been jumping up and down but i finally decided to spend ~1000 on a new system.

The saphire x1800xt at 269.00 after rebate (newegg) is just about the best in the price range for playing oblivion, or so it seems from what i have read.

Check out the following benchmarks. Dont expect those exact framerates though unless you want to sell your organs in order to afford a fx-57. But you can still compare the cards.


I resold a evga 7800gt card on ebay for 285.00 so I could get the x1800xt instead. I felt kind of guilty for charging someone that much cash for a 7800gt . . .

Do you know of a place you can sell your organs at? :D
Jet said:
Budget: <1000USD

* AMD Athlon64 X2 4200 [S939, Manchester, ADA4200DAA5BV] ($359.00)
* eVGA 7800GT 256MB + SLI Mobo ($329.00 after $20.00 MIR)
* OCz Value Series PC3200 2x512 CL2.5 ($66.13 after $10.00 MIR)
* NEC 3550A DVDRW ($39.75)
* Maxtor DiamondMax10 250GB 16MB SATA ($96.00)
* XClio XClio-480BL [12V@33A] ($63.99)
* Coolermaster Centurion 5 CAC-T05-UW ($44.99)
* SUBTOTAL: $998.86

This will probably be the best deal: it's Praetor's config.

Where is this video card and mobo with rebate you are talking about?
Ok, I have a few more questions:

Is there a noticable difference between the 3800+ and the 4200+?

How does DDR 500 RAM work on a DDR 400 mobo?

And, would this PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817189005 be enough to power what I am going to get (see below)? Or do I need the prementioned Rosewill 550watt? I am not planning on doing any major upgrades, aside from a few more hard drives, and maybe another x1800 for crossfire.

So far:


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103547 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103562 (depending on responses)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817189005 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817182017 (depending on responses)

yes the 4200 is much better cause right now not much games support and dual cpu and when the 3800 is used in games it stinks with one proccesor with the 4200 it is much better
holyjunk125 said:
yes the 4200 is much better cause right now not much games support and dual cpu and when the 3800 is used in games it stinks with one proccesor with the 4200 it is much better

But isn't oblivion made for dual core processors? Not sure where I heard that.

How about the RAM and PSU question?