Official Screenshot Thread

it looks good but sort of gimicky, like GRID was.

You look at GT or forza and (especaially forza) the tracks and races seem to be like the actual thing, not a game. I don't mean you look at it and you think "oh my days it is a real race" i mean it has more realism that this.

I have been playing the new CoD maps recently and they are awesome :D the 3 maps kick ass and the zombie map is so difficult but so much fun. The new voices they have put in are great too, some of them are actually fairly funny, which is weird for a game i suppose :p
Have you played the game?

The damage console ain't as good, But handling & sounds etc have really been thought of, I'd say it's pretty immersive, although I don't use the cockpit view myself, there's a lot of little things that have been done just to make you appreciate that they took time to think about these things.

It doesn't feel like NFS anymore, Which the fanboi's are going to scream about :p

Game length has also been sorted out.

I've been playign well over 12 hours now and Im @ level 21/50

It looks very very much like Pro Street, but gameplay wise its nothing like it. It's well worth £25 in my view! I think it's one of the best NFS i've played about the same level as Underground 2, so much better than any of the Carbon/Pro Street/ Undercover 'games'. :)
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Have you played the game?

The damage console ain't as good, But handling & sounds etc have really been thought of, I'd say it's pretty immersive, although I don't use the cockpit view myself, there's a lot of little things that have been done just to make you appreciate that they took time to think about these things.

It doesn't feel like NFS anymore, Which the fanboi's are going to scream about :p

Game length has also been sorted out.

I've been playign well over 12 hours now and Im @ level 21/50

It looks very very much like Pro Street, but gameplay wise its nothing like it. It's well worth £25 in my view! I think it's one of the best NFS i've played about the same level as Underground 2, so much better than any of the Carbon/Pro Street/ Undercover 'games'. :)

Only 25 pounds?
Wow you're lucky it cost 69.99$ here (which is like 39.87 pounds)
After i seen those Shift screenshots i had to try it out...what a fantastic game!

Im not realy into racing games,im more of a FPS player,But i was playing this game for ages last night....and this morning....might get it!

I especialy like the London map thats cool.





Shift look ok, but I haven't played NFS since Pro-Street (which I didn't really like) and the only things making me want to buy a new racing game are the graphics, 'cus there doesn't seem to be much more you can add to racing games.

Plus I don't have a racing wheel for my computer :(.
Alterac Valley Battleground:

Playing the DPS role in a group:

One of the bosses:

My newly rolled Mage dancing:

My Mage being a Mage in a group:

Bought a flying mount on my main Today:

Haven't posted on this thread (with pics) for a bit, so why not some aa3 one's ay?

This is from a loading screen (I know), but I reckon it's still really awesome

Now for some random pic's of dead people landing in funny positions (to me anyway), including me!

I don't know how this happened (I'm alive in this pic)

And this is me dead yes

Play aa3 naow.
Dude, a squad does not only use a freaking M16/M4 in combat.

That's why they put a SAW in each fireteam. If you actually knew anything about the game, it was made by the U.S. Army, from guys in the U.S. Army jeez. It is the best game you will play if you want real Squad's and real names.

This is a game screenshot thread, not a argument thread, so that's that ok.