Next GTA (Grand Theft Auto)

Don't you ever diss the SNES...:mad:

young whipper appreciation for the classics:cool:

im not, im dissin the ds, and i DO HAVE A SNES. super mario world 3 is beast as hell. but i went to turn it on a couple days ago and no picture shows up, but power light does. my sis said it hasn't been working for a couple weeks(she most likely broke it) and im kind of pissed. its like 17 years old and it finally gave. im thinking of getting one of these though
im not, im dissin the ds, and i DO HAVE A SNES. super mario world 3 is beast as hell. but i went to turn it on a couple days ago and no picture shows up, but power light does. my sis said it hasn't been working for a couple weeks(she most likely broke it) and im kind of pissed. its like 17 years old and it finally gave. im thinking of getting one of these though

Its funny i just saw a facebook group "I grew up with consoles where you had to blow on the cartridges to make em work.."
GTA IV was for PC, as you probably know, they even introduced 'legitimate' online play. Granted, that was short lived since a lot of mods and hacks were only on the PC version, and the so called crappy consoles had great live service, kinda like how MW2 was.

Last time I checked Liberty City was based off of New York, and GTA III and Liberty City Stories were also based off of it.

I would love for them to bring back Vice City, but maybe a more modern setting, even though I loved the 80's theme.

The last one was based off of New York. They even included the Deli my friend's dad owns there.

And seriously, if they decide to make a new one, at least have it playable on the PC! GTA4 lags on my computer with a 4890, wtf??

+1. I would really like to see it look like New York.
1. Another one? Isnt rockstar running out of ideas? Personally there have already been way to many GTA's out. Dont get me wrong I like them but, when does it stop? Same thing with the "Saw" movie series.

3. Better Graphics!!! :D Stop worrying about storylines are get us better graphics (dx11 maybe?)
1. Another one? Isnt rockstar running out of ideas? Personally there have already been way to many GTA's out. Dont get me wrong I like them but, when does it stop? Same thing with the "Saw" movie series.

3. Better Graphics!!! :D Stop worrying about storylines are get us better graphics (dx11 maybe?)

I think you left out #2? :D
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i dont even play the story, i tried, got pissed, and downloaded a gamesave. now i play for hours a day without getting bored of SAN ANDREAS. its still fun just drving, shooting, running away from cops, etc.
I hope there is another GTA. I love the series and the controversy each game brings. Not sure what city they'd choose this time around, whatever it is I hope it's fresh and exciting. And they can do more from the previous GTA, like add in more vehicles (land, sea, and air), stuff like that.

What exactly is the point of GTA. I watched a few gameplay clips on Youtube - and it looks like you just steal cars that drive poorly and shoot people and run from the cops.

Is there an objective in the game itself? Like a plot besides just thugging. Do you have assignments - from your body chopper - or ar you trying to earn a certain amount of money from Stolen Cars?

What exactly is the point of GTA. I watched a few gameplay clips on Youtube - and it looks like you just steal cars that drive poorly and shoot people and run from the cops.

Is there an objective in the game itself? Like a plot besides just thugging. Do you have assignments - from your body chopper - or ar you trying to earn a certain amount of money from Stolen Cars?

WOW! I suggest you go get GTA IV on a console or PC and play it. It is awesome. You get given missions by people whether it is your family or your friends and you do them and basically just follow the storyline. You can also "free roam" and do whatever you want.
You can also "free roam" and do whatever you want.

That must've been what I saw on Youtube. It looked like a pointless game and I didn't know what the hype was about.. :confused:

If I see it on sale again - I may have to check it out. Are any of the earlier versions good. I like to buy bargain ( call me a cheapskate ) games that play good. My favorite bargain pickup so far was Vegas 2 :good:

Edit: Just saw Amazon is sellingit for 14 bucks- that's pretty cheap. It' only got 2. stars though
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The problem with GTA games is that features do not stack... in vice city stoires you could own property, not in SA or GTA IV. SA had heaps of features and almost none were included in IV... If the GTA series wants to survive, they need to start stacking the features. As in, this game has this many things you can do, and the next game as all of those plus more, and so on.

I would love a return to vice city with tommy verceti again! I still play vice city.

Perhaps GTA: Vice City 2?