Why Microsoft Sucks

You are a special one, no cloud will cost no more the the HDD, cloud services are pretty cheap if not free in most cases depending on your storage needs not to mention even cloud computers like the chrome book have SSD for people.
You Just Don't get it do you?
You Just Don't get it do you?

No, YOU don't seem to get it. You have it stuck in your head that if Microsoft starts offering a cloud service it will be extremely expensive and nobody will be able to afford it. What the other posters in this thread are trying to tell you is that your thought is not true.
No, YOU don't seem to get it. You have it stuck in your head that if Microsoft starts offering a cloud service it will be extremely expensive and nobody will be able to afford it. What the other posters in this thread are trying to tell you is that your thought is not true.
It's not a thought, Look this crap up. I don't like the fact either. whether you like it or not It's Going to happen
It's not a thought, Look this crap up. I don't like the fact either. whether you like it or not It's Going to happen

So, its GOING to happen. And?

You mean they are going to stop making OS's to go on standalone PC's that the majority of business's and those that live in areas where Broadband is just a mere pipedream will still rely on.

So, yes, it probably is going to happen. Just like other companies are bringing in their own cloud. Ever made your own Google Map?

Stop being one dimensional, look at things from another angle.

One last thing.

Why dont Google suck?

Why dont Apple suck?

Why M$ only?
It's not a thought, Look this crap up. I don't like the fact either. whether you like it or not It's Going to happen

Like I said before, you seem to think Microsoft will/does have the only cloud service and cloud service will be mandatory to run a Windows OS.

And as far as me looking it up....Don't make me look it up. YOU need to provide your own sources.
Microsoft doesn't suck.And it is COMPLETELY normal that it is not COMPLETELY free because NOTHING is free.Besides earning the money is a goal of EVERY company lol.If Microsoft does things for free,they would fail LOOOONG time ago lol.Every online service if NOT 100% free unless if you need 10 MB of storage only,but if you need let's say few GBs then of course Microsoft is not going to spend so much space for EACH person for 100% free.How do you think they pay for HDDs and SSDs on which your "online" data is stored to?

By the way I am pretty sure that many people who say that "Microsoft sucks." actually use Microsoft's Windows operating system to even write that here on this forum,but only lie they use Linux or even Unix such as SOLARIS,but for some BIZZARE reason do NOT even know how to simply format a simple HDD lmao!
Yea right...they use Linux and Unix,but do not even know how to perform the most simple things.Then how the hell they use Linux and Unix in the first place then xD
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,but only lie they use Linux or even Unix such as SOLARIS,but for some BIZZARE reason do NOT even know how to simply format a simple HDD lmao!
Yea right...they use Linux and Unix,but do not even know how to perform the most simple things.Then how the hell they use Linux and Unix in the first place then xD
Ok, 1. The average ubuntu user doesn't need to be a programmer or computer genius to use it. The install is almost as simple as windows, needing limited to no manual partitioning. Also, most, if not all of the necessary software can be installed in a manner on minutes through software centre.
2. What does 1 have to do with the other? Just because you don't know some basic things means you don't use it? In that case I MUST not use windows 7 because I don't know how to set up the automatic backups, or how to use notepad, or how to use run-line utilities? It make negative sense what you were attempting to say.

(No offence intended. I didn't intend to come across as hostile. Just trying to speak my mind about your post.)
Ok, 1. The average ubuntu user doesn't need to be a programmer or computer genius to use it. The install is almost as simple as windows, needing limited to no manual partitioning. Also, most, if not all of the necessary software can be installed in a manner on minutes through software centre.
2. What does 1 have to do with the other? Just because you don't know some basic things means you don't use it? In that case I MUST not use windows 7 because I don't know how to set up the automatic backups, or how to use notepad, or how to use run-line utilities? It make negative sense what you were attempting to say.

(No offence intended. I didn't intend to come across as hostile. Just trying to speak my mind about your post.)

LoL it's ok.No offence taken.:)

I just mentioned Unix Solaris for which you need to have knowledge to even use it properly and I have seen so many people saying they are master in it and do not even know the most basic things such as installing simple programs like Skype in Windows lol.And let's face it...if someone does not know anything about computers,he/she SURELY won't be able to use Unix like he/she says.
By the way I never mentioned Ubuntu lol...
It's different because it's the Internet we are talking about! Not FootLocker, Do you know how BIG the internet actually is? Microsoft is just realizing how much we use it every day.

Did you seriously think about this statement before you wrote it?!? Microsoft is JUST realizing how much we use the INTERNET every day?
Jesus, you talk about the Cloud as if it is something new... server-based storage has been around for a long time, mass storage has and will continue to get cheaper (and faster). Because this storage is beginning to become more accessible to smaller businesses and such, it has passed the threshold for being released directly to the public. However, few consumers want to buy "Intelligent phone with touch-screen interface", then want an iPhone. So, no consumer would want to put money into "server-based mass storage", they want their stuff on the magical and wonderful "Cloud". This stuff has been used for a LOT of businesses, companies, enterprises... and on occasion, we hear about one or two companies out of them being hacked. You worry about this kind of storage being a large target ... isn't Fort Knox a huge target? IIRC, no federal bank has had money/gold stolen from them... the only incident was a drunkard who walked into one of the FedBank lobbies and asked a guard for the money.
i haven't read all this, but cloud is amazing if done right. anyone ever used onlive? it's basically a cloud version of steam where you pay to play the game without ever downloading it or anything, so my crap comps can play the best games on highish settings. cloud rocks. there is a lot more i'd like to say but there's just so manythings that make cloud good and this guy incredibly wrong.
You Just Don't get it do you?

Actually I do get it, I had a chromebook and I love the cloud, many services I use in Ubuntu are in the cloud and make things very easy to do when you upgrade your OS every six months. You are like a wet match in a dark cave, you need to do some more reading and educate yourself.
Actually I do get it, I had a chromebook and I love the cloud, many services I use in Ubuntu are in the cloud and make things very easy to do when you upgrade your OS every six months. You are like a wet match in a dark cave, you need to do some more reading and educate yourself.

This "Cloud" stuff is bollocks. It's just some server in china, india, USA, or wherever. "The Cloud" is a stupid term and a buzzword.

The sad thing is that people are nearly stupid enough to fall for it.
The way he talks about Cloud turns out to be something so new and risky.Online storage areas exist already for a such a long time and this is actually the first time I see someone talking about it this way lol :D
And I agree with voyagerfan99 when he said:"You are like a wet match in a dark cave, you need to do some more reading and educate yourself."

Hell, it hearkens back to the old days, when all you had in front of you was a terminal and you ran all your programs on the mainframe.

When I was a kid, that's all there was. My high school's FORTRAN and COBOL classes were done on a teletype linked to the University at the other end of town.