New Xbox revealed!

I enjoyed this a little:

Here's my input:

For me, I like the looks of the new Xbox One. Like the fact that it's a digital TV device. Has a Blue-Ray. That's where it ends. I was actually considering buying one, not for gaming thought. Here a digital cable box costs approx $300. So it would make more sense to buy this Xbox to do this and more. But with all the other bullshit that comes with it; the "on for updates" once a day, the whole xbox used gaming crap, and others ; I actually don't watch tv that much to justify it. I wish I could just use my tuner card in my computer, but I think that will never happen :(

I won't be buying a Playstation nor a Xbox One. To me they are both crap. I do however very much like Playstation's minatory demo idea. Freaking amazing and should be brought to the PC as well.
Working in my store I've been asked countless times already "What do you think about the Xbox One?"
This question came to me Friday night from a group of fairly friendly guys who were buying Xbox 360 games. I looked at them and told them quite honestly that I think Microsoft is making a huge mistake. Several mistakes.
And this has NOTHING to do with the computing power of PC's, I'm talking strictly console, as this is what is it... A CONSOLE.

1. The supposed mandatory check-in that the system will have to preform once every twenty-four hours. What about those that are out in an area with low internet support as it is? What if your internet connection breaks and stops working for a long period of time? I guess you can't play your stuff after that twenty-four hour mark. I'm assuming this is to take place of the lack of Online Passes. Along with the whole MSRP for games you leave at your friends, if they pop them in to play them, etc. While there is said to be a method in the mix for trading in digital licences from the bought games, still making them able to be traded, it's hard to say how exactly how that will work. We haven't been told at a store level as I suspect that they're still working very closely with Inventory and Tech with certain gaming retailers.

2. Rumoured no support for third-party headsets. Say goodbye to your Astros, your Tritton, your Turtle Beach. Proprietary, bitches!

3. YAY BLU-RAY DRIVE!!1!!!1one!

4. We put TV into your Xbox One... but only if you already have a preexisting cable box. Luls. (So screw the rest of you.)

5. WHO WANTS A KINECT THAT CAN SEE IN THE DARK. REALLY?! REALLY. That's some scary shit, guys. Scary shit. It can identify you... it's ALWAYS on. Have fun with that.

6. Profit?
I am interested to see what comes of this system. I haven't watched the video from the reveal and have only gone off what I have read after. So far much of it does not sound good. I got rid of my kinect shortly after buying it. Having a video camera pointed at me all day didn't sit well with me.

Having been playing xbox for the last 5 years I may switch back to sony if I dive into the new systems. Although the PS4 may turn out no better.
I don't know anybody who is going to be buying the One. I think the PS4 may win this round in the ongoing 'console battle' but I won't be buying either.
I also don't like how you can't trade games or rent them. They go with one console only so goodbye gamefly. I feel xbox is trying to force us into a internet world when it isn't ready.
I'm not a console hater, but is this seriously the design of the xbox one? Did they get their inspiration from an old VHS machine, maybe they are going for the retro look?
I'm not a console hater, but is this seriously the design of the xbox one? Did they get their inspiration from an old VHS machine, maybe they are going for the retro look?

I actually like it,Its minimalistic and clean looking. :p

The only thing that's bothering me about the Xbox one..they're forcing the Kinect on can only buy a console that comes with one as a package = pumping up the price.

I have no interest in the Kinect at all,So we should be given the choice in a console without the Kinect for a lower price...maybe in the future this will change. :cool:
I actually like it,Its minimalistic and clean looking. :p

The only thing that's bothering me about the Xbox one..they're forcing the Kinect on can only buy a console that comes with one as a package = pumping up the price.

I have no interest in the Kinect at all,So we should be given the choice in a console without the Kinect for a lower price...maybe in the future this will change. :cool:

If people like it then fair enough, its just me then :)
I also don't like how you can't trade games or rent them. They go with one console only so goodbye gamefly. I feel xbox is trying to force us into a internet world when it isn't ready.
You can sell and trade games, it would just be a pain because you have to remove it from your account first. Honestly though this wouldn't effect me, as I only buy new games and don't trade.
I also don't like how you can't trade games or rent them. They go with one console only so goodbye gamefly. I feel xbox is trying to force us into a internet world when it isn't ready.

You can sell and trade games, it would just be a pain because you have to remove it from your account first. Honestly though this wouldn't effect me, as I only buy new games and don't trade.

Geoff is right. They are working on ways to trade games (but from what I've heard, make it so the devs/publishers still get a cut), and as stated it would required removing the digital "code" that is linked to your account making it a one system only deal. Nothing has been hinted on HOW this will work with retailers though, and likely won't be until E3 or sometime after E3.

I'm just hoping they sit down and rethink some of their current decisions before release. Sony must be sitting pretty right now.