Show off your speed

My DSL had a slightly better ping but not enough to really be a problem. Up and down speeds sucked but playing games with nobody else using the internet was relatively flawless save for random disconnects courtesy of my router most likely.

Really digging the new speed. Can stream 1080p Youtube with relative ease and somebody using Netflix doesn't cripple my gaming or regular internet use like it used to.
Love my home connection, great upload speed for uploading all my photos:

Verizon LTE sucks in many locations, even AT&T's "4G" is faster than Verizon's LTE.

Verizon LTE:

I got so overexcited about this new internet speed that I asked a question on Yahoo if anyone could beat it but got a violation for breaking one of their rules.

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I just ordered Comcast and I'm excited to get off at&t and i believe Comcast has a cap but isn't enforcing it(just like at&t)
$55 for "unlimited" is pretty good. I'm paying 33 for 15/1 @ 300GB/month.

I wonder how many people don't know their phone has a potentially (much) faster connection than their home setup. :p
$55 for "unlimited" is pretty good. I'm paying 33 for 15/1 @ 300GB/month.

I wonder how many people don't know their phone has a potentially (much) faster connection than their home setup. :p
Ouch, 1Mbps upload would be killer for me when it came time to upload 200 photos of an event, haha.

You're telling me though, AT&T is way faster than my cable connection, and I'd say mine is faster than most.

Ouch, 1Mbps upload would be killer for me when it came time to upload 200 photos of an event, haha.

You're telling me though, AT&T is way faster than my cable connection, and I'd say mine is faster than most.


Wow geoff, i would step over my own granny for speed like that :)
Totally unlimited* here :p

My provider said it was unlimited.
This month I received a letter that I downloaded more then 300Gb and that they see me as major user...
I had to pay 10 euros more, because I downloaded 50 gb more then the downloadlimit which he said was unlimited -.-
My provider said it was unlimited.
This month I received a letter that I downloaded more then 300Gb and that they see me as major user...
I had to pay 10 euros more, because I downloaded 50 gb more then the downloadlimit which he said was unlimited -.-

Isn't that false advertising by the ISP then?

Virgin media (who i am with) do offer "Unlimited" downloads,however if you go over so much they don't bill you...they just slow down your connection,Oh and at peak hours they also slow down your connection regardless of how much you have downloaded that month based on what time it is,Usually anywhere from 7pm-3am.
Wow geoff, i would step over my own granny for speed like that :)

you wouldn't for the data caps lol
Yeah, the data caps suck. AT&T has a monthly cap of 5GB, but on Verizon where I get speeds around 20-40Mbps I have grandfathered unlimited data.

Isn't that false advertising by the ISP then?

Virgin media (who i am with) do offer "Unlimited" downloads,however if you go over so much they don't bill you...they just slow down your connection,Oh and at peak hours they also slow down your connection regardless of how much you have downloaded that month based on what time it is,Usually anywhere from 7pm-3am.
It sounds like it would, but AT&T had the same thing where their "unlimited" plan was really only 5GB, and after that they throttle you.
Well i have always had sky unlimited and as far as i know it really is unlimited, I have seen me go through 50GB in a month and they have never emailed or throttled my speed.