Pascal Green Machine (NVIDIA)

Two 480's is not the performance of a 1080. Maybe more like a 1070 or so. That one benchmark that AMD pushed with their marketing for the 480's in CF being as fast as a 1080 was definitely not the norm in all games. I'd link a source but am too lazy to find it, so search for yourself if you want. :p
Well according to this video, it's between the 1070 and 1080.
GTX 1080 FTW!


Feels great man... at stock voltages my 1080 ftw boost peaks at 2153 and is stable at 2088. While running at around 75-78 degrees with the stock fan profile.
I feel so screwed over right now... I will go SLI when the 1080 Ti comes out and the 1080 price drops.
Someone (a Reddit user of course) has taken it upon themselves to selectively aggregate benchmark results from RX 480 testing and GTX 1060 testing to try and settle the roar over who will perform better.

[Positive performance difference = GTX 1060 is better]
[Negative performance difference = RX 480 is better]

The results seem to pretty well favor the GTX 1060, but it can be noted from his findings that the RX 480 seems to do substantially better in DX12 games than the GTX 1060.

Overall though, it looks like the GTX 1060 is actually a really solid card, and for the price difference, I think I'd definitely recommend it over the RX480, unless on a strained budget.



The thing is, the RX 480 costs less as a single and can be CFX'd for essentially the price of an GTX 1070, providing better performance in most all benchmarks.

Really would have liked to see the GTX 1060 be SLI-capable because it's in my price range for now..

The GTX 1070/1080/Titan are just waaaaayyy too expensive for a college student who has to earn his own money for his parts :p
The thing is, the RX 480 costs less as a single and can be CFX'd for essentially the price of an GTX 1070, providing better performance in most all benchmarks.
While I agree with the point you're trying to make, I think this is a pretty bad argument for the RX 480, honestly. The price is $50 less. That's not much at all. Literally the price of an average hard drive. If you're on that tight of a budget, then yeah, get the 480, for sure.

The whole CF argument annoys me. So many games have either no support for CF/SLI or have the bare minimum, not to mention even ones that it does "work" with, are a bit sketch sometimes. Yes, CF 480's ~= GTX 1070, but like the repeatedly touted saying has been, a single faster card is always better than two slower cards. That will stay true until CF/SLI configurations are honored and taken into consideration during game development. We're getting closer and closer, but we aren't there yet.

I do agree though, that it's a bit sad that the GTX 1060 isn't SLI-capable, as I hate seemingly unnecessary hampering of consumer options.
That will stay true until CF/SLI configurations are honored and taken into consideration during game development. We're getting closer and closer, but we aren't there yet.
Don't have high hopes on that. Scaling for multi-gpu is not going to exponentially get better anytime soon. Nvidia must have statistics on the amount of users who have a x60 card and those that run SLi, and find that the market share for it is negligible.

P.S. I was one of them when I had 2 260's... but that was back when a 270 didn't exist and the pricing was as ridiculous. So that doesn't count.
You did the right the end of the day you didn't screw the guy over. Good on ya!


A lot of it stemmed from availability. And to be honest, the 480 isn't a great buy right now. The 470 is basically knocking on the door of 480 performance for a little less money and the price jump to a 1060 is small with a noticeable performance bump.

A lot of it stemmed from availability. And to be honest, the 480 isn't a great buy right now. The 470 is basically knocking on the door of 480 performance for a little less money and the price jump to a 1060 is small with a noticeable performance bump.

My bad, I thought you wrote 'my boyfriend'...