3DMARK06 Scores Here

lol my athlon X2 scored around 1800... i expect that my new proc will score around 2500-2700 after i overclock... hopefully...
my video card was a downgrade, but it doesnt matter since i'll upgrade that a few months after DX10 cards come out...
2276 with my fx-57. will post again when my fx-60 comes. i want to see the difference. (probably very little)
Bah I hardly break 1,000 with my 3700+ sandy at 2.75, but I am getting wc and a new mobo soon, so I am gonna try and hit 3GHz, and then we shall see. :D

But ya it must support dual cores because some of those scores are insane.
Bah I hardly break 1,000 with my 3700+ sandy at 2.75, but I am getting wc and a new mobo soon, so I am gonna try and hit 3GHz, and then we shall see. :D

But ya it must support dual cores because some of those scores are insane.

Don't expect more than 1400, even 1300 @ ~3 GHz

So does the CPU score have any effect on final score?

Stock 3000+ venice scores ~700 according to tom's hardware charts, while stock FX-57 ~1100

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Good question who has the highest score in this thread?

I do. When you see 7-10k scores overall dont be fooled by that. They are using dual videocards. 2 gpus are better then one!! except if there really old!!
But as far i see here some having 2 7900gtxs some having 2 7800gtxs...etc.
ok now this suks look at my 3dmark 06 score i allways get the same no matter if i overclock the cpu or graphic card.Why is it so low?
