Official Screenshot Thread

The lion creature in Black and White 2.....


black and white 2 has me hooked. i think i'm on lvl 8
Now who said you couldn't run older games with DX 9c in Vista? Please raise your hands! I always seem to get B's Recorder 5 GOLD running from 98 to Vista and even Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix GOLD. The screen was a little darker and EAX sound effects quite yet but...

Now who said you couldn't run older games with DX 9c in Vista? Please raise your hands! I always seem to get B's Recorder 5 GOLD running from 98 to Vista and even Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix GOLD. The screen was a little darker and EAX sound effects quite yet but...

Yeah, Theres only one game I haven't gotten to run in Vista, and thats the Need for Speed: Carbon demo. Don't know why cause thats a fairly recent game.
Whats so special about black and wight?

Nothing really, it's a decent city/war sim with a few interesting concepts..... It also has very nice graphics and physics, not to mention, the creature aspect is freakin' awesome...... But, like I said, it's very glitchy and can become boring/annoying at times.........
Yeah, Theres only one game I haven't gotten to run in Vista, and thats the Need for Speed: Carbon demo. Don't know why cause thats a fairly recent game.

That's probably due to being a demo written for 2K/XP systems. SOF2 is a full install version here. Now to see if the first version will go on? :confused: But before planning to install much of anything I'm still waiting to see when Creative comes out with a Vista full not beta update that includes the EAX console and other things not just the basic sound drivers. I hate losing a good card that works!
Newegg has been having some rather strange prices lately while their stock seems to be diminishing when trying to find something lately. It did come out at the begining of the year. In fact I just finished installing it along with others on a Vista OSed drive here. You can see a few older games had no problems going on either. But $12?


Gee even DosBox installed to a Vista desktop there! Time for some original 8bit Duke Nukem again! :D

oh no!,. we're late for school again, we better hurry! :p


(who said driving to school by buss isnt cool? ^^ )


Some reckless driving.. by,.. well, see for yourself.. =o


I believe i can flyyy! I believe i can touch the skyyyy :D


I saw someone posted using other cars. I have all the secret cars, but the truck(eh, whatever one looks like a Ram) is still the best for derbies :p

As usual, 1280x1024 and cropped to look better/easy viewing.

ive just started playing gun. its pretty good so far
My room mate played that for a while on Xbox. It looked pretty fun...