post your Photoshop art here




Just some random stuff :)
damn danny that stuffs old :p

and in the last one there a chunk of yo ur head missing :D :D

its good stuff tho mate :D
Hello does anyone have anything to help me in photoshop i just got it and have no clue how to use it lol please help !
I know, I haven't done any more recentyl, so...

Thanks :D

That is old :rolleyes: Haven't you posted that in here before? :p And how did you do the last one anyways? Tripod, take 4 pictures of you in different places and then layer them?
man photoshop so hard!!!!!!!!!!!i really need help :(:(:(:(:(

Read basic tutorials, understand basic features such as layers, opacity. Too be honest one you understand the layers, start applying mutliple images and then alter the opacity, and then just tweak.. Best way I started learning, and im far from being a Pro.

And theirs only one way your learn is by trying, no by posting saying you need help.
it from scratch like ?

the clouds and the sun rays or you still just playing ?

good so far and
you'll get there ;)