Another rig, for a student/gamer


New Member
Hi guys, ill get right to it

Im starting school at the end of this month (I don't need the computer by a certain time) and im going to school for computer animation/modeling basically CG stuff and im on a dated mac right now, for my next desktop I want to switch back to windows though, so I can also play more games and run them at higher settings.

So my question to you guys is, can you suggest me a rig that will give me the best of both worlds (Handling games and 3d modeling/animation at good performance)?

Im not to good with knowing whats compatible and what isn't. I know how to build a computer with all the parts, I just am uncertain when it comes to buying the right parts. I could either buy the parts individually and install them, or buy it from cyberpower or one of those sites.

My budget is around 2500, a little extra for well worth it performance isn't out of the question if I need it. And id like to have a 3d graphics card if I could

Thanks for your time guys :p
yeah best bet is to buy the parts and build it yourself, also is there anything specifically your wanting? like a certain case or certain graphics card? and also how many monitors do you plan on running?
that is usd isn't it, and does it include the monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and all that stuff, or is it just for the tower alone or what, but either way you can get a pretty beasty comp with that.

No nothing particular, I just kind of wanted one of nvidias 3d ones, I know theres more than one but im not sure which ones ideal, and so far I only planned on using 1 monitor for games and possibly 2 when I model/animate to separate my tools and canvas

Yes its usd and without the monitor I guess, its an about 2500, id really only need a monitor but give or take a few 100, just seeing whats the best rig I can get for around that, once I know what it would actually cost I can decide if ill need to downgrade something or just pay the extra for the monitor?
this is a beast, only real upgrade would be a gtx 590 or hd 6990 but those are dual gpu cards, basically 2 in 1, and they charge a crap load for them, and this is the most powerful single gpu, and there's enough power to get a second one day, but on a single monitor this should max everything for about 2+ years. and i just picked one of the cases to put but at the bottom will be 4 other nice ones too, and i believe they all can be comboed with windows for a little extra off. and if you're worried about 3d, if it was invented yet or existed, this could pull 5d ;) (although if you want real 3d you may have to get a nvidia 3d kit, they're like 100 i think)

apparently you aren't that much of a bonehead ;), only thing that i noticed on yours is a z68 is prefered with ssd's, they have ssd caching which somehow improves performance, not too sure on the specifics, otherwise not too bad.
thats the first time i tried so hopefully its not horrible lol, the only thiny i have no clue on is how big of a powersupply to get, like some things like the gpu say a min of 600W power supply but other then that i have no clue so i just got a 850
the 850 can prob power 2 580's so prob not needed, i put it in there cuz the mobo can handle 2 at full x16 i think, but could prob dop mine down too, i think a 650 would be fine for this, 600 min prob.
The Amps required by a GPU should also be considered always.

As for 3D you would need an NVIDIA 3D vision kit and a monitor which has a refresh rate over 120Hz.
As for your work, it is very CPU intensive and gaming would require a nice GPU also so you would have to get the best of both the things.
I would suggest going with a GTX 570 and saving some money for a few FPS gains.And if going for 2 monitors I would get the GTX 570 HD.
what are you talking about gtx570 hd, never heard of and don't think there is, also the amount of watts i put there is no need at all to check the amps, and for what he wants why not get the 580, it will last longer and do more if he trys to game on 2/3 monitors the 580 will do a good bit better.
what are you talking about gtx570 hd, never heard of and don't think there is, also the amount of watts i put there is no need at all to check the amps, and for what he wants why not get the 580, it will last longer and do more if he trys to game on 2/3 monitors the 580 will do a good bit better.

GTX 570 HD :p

Google before making such assumptions. :p

The GTX 580 wouldn't provide much of an FPS gain as much as it will increase the price.And as for multiple monitors that is why I suggested a GTX 570 HD which you clearly did not know about till now.
And as for "last longer" - How much longer would it last compared to the GTX 570? :p

As for the PSU,
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GTX 570 HD :p

Google before making such assumptions. :p

The GTX 580 wouldn't provide much of an FPS gain as much as it will increase the price.And as for multiple monitors that is why I suggested a GTX 570 HD which you clearly did not know about till now.
And as for "last longer" - How much longer would it last compared to the GTX 570? :p

As for the PSU,
No comments.

+1. Haha. The only real important factor to the multiple monitors is the extra memory. That is actually a beasty card though.
actually almost all of the evga 570's are labled 570 hd and no other company has them, so i think it's supposed to have to do with its features or something but it's something evga did by themselves, it isn't a better card at all, and the 580 with 1.5gb's vram is still enough for 2 monitors, and a 580 will prob last another half year+ over the 570 maxing everything.
actually almost all of the evga 570's are labled 570 hd and no other company has them, so i think it's supposed to have to do with its features or something but it's something evga did by themselves, it isn't a better card at all, and the 580 with 1.5gb's vram is still enough for 2 monitors, and a 580 will prob last another half year+ over the 570 maxing everything.

Who said that? Never said it was better. Read carefully


EVGA or not ,it exists, disproving your careless assumption and distributing wrong information on the forum.

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