Anyone else running Windows eight? and if so how do you like it?

One must understand evil in order to defeat it. All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
So you run Linux because Microsoft is evil. You and I are very alike.
Do I need go on?
You hate the fact that I know exactly what you have there, and what you can and can not do. It's ok, I understand.
Nice, so we have a psychic troll here. Since you claim that you know exactly what I have here, and what I can and cannot do, please elaborate. I'd like to know.

You could have some valid points. But your logic is flawed, so your argument sounds like a guy that stepped on a board, it flewed up and hit him in the face. Your lashing out from a noob point of view on Windows and Open Source. I use both for different reasons. Both have there draw back and both have there advantages.

Is Microsoft a monopoly, yes. But I dont blame them for it, Bill Gates was a hell of a competitor. I dont even think they should lost any of the lawsuits. Becoming a monopoly was nothing but smart thinking in the begining. All these companies that go after them for having IE/Media Player and so on claming it give them the advantage. Duh, its his Operating System, he has the right to install any programs he want to. Thats like saying Chevy cant put Windshield Wipers/Floor mats/Tires because it give Chevy or the company that made them a unfair advantage.

But your attitude and really noobish understanding of Open Source just kills any points you could be making for Windows. I mean its really like you have no understanding of it at all. Its not even worth taking it point by point. Even your main reason because of compensation, its like your making a judgment call without any knowledge or concept or even reasoning. Humpty Dumpty syndrome.

"flewed up and hit him in the face"

Ah, does Linux have spell checking?

The reason so many people contribute to Linus OS for free is because they are try to stop Microsoft been monapony in the early days, Can you imagine if there is only Windows OS and OS/? from Apple out there, how much you have to pay for these OS?
Just like the main board bus, IBM try to propritary the MCA bus in the late 80's and lucky thing Compaq and the others don't want to pay for the royalty license and invent EISA bus so we can have the free choice.

Thank to those programmers that we don't have to pay thousand dollars for the OS and simple programs.

Like the old days we have to pay so much for DOS that can hold in a 1.44mb diskette.

The reason so many people contribute to Linus OS for free is because they are try to stop Microsoft been monapony in the early days, Can you imagine if there is only Windows OS and OS/? from Apple out there, how much you have to pay for these OS?
Just like the main board bus, IBM try to propritary the MCA bus in the late 80's and lucky thing Compaq and the others don't want to pay for the royalty license and invent EISA bus so we can have the free choice.

Thank to those programmers that we don't have to pay thousand dollars for the OS and simple programs.

Like the old days we have to pay so much for DOS that can hold in a 1.44mb diskette.


The last time I laughed that hard, was during Something About Mary. The theater was mostly empty, and I had to start punching the seat in front of me, until my hand really started to hurt. Why, because I was laughing so hard at the ass with his thingy caught in his zipper, that I really could not get in a breath......................Seriously, I am laughing so hard here now, that my wife has started laughing, and she has no idea what's going on.

The reason so many people contribute to Linus OS for free is because they are try to stop Microsoft been monapony in the early days, Can you imagine if there is only Windows OS and OS/? from Apple out there, how much you have to pay for these OS?
Just like the main board bus, IBM try to propritary the MCA bus in the late 80's and lucky thing Compaq and the others don't want to pay for the royalty license and invent EISA bus so we can have the free choice.

Thank to those programmers that we don't have to pay thousand dollars for the OS and simple programs.

Like the old days we have to pay so much for DOS that can hold in a 1.44mb diskette.


The last time I laughed that hard, was during Something About Mary. The theater was mostly empty, and I had to start punching the seat in front of me, until my hand really started to hurt. Why, because I was laughing so hard at the ass with his thingy caught in his zipper, that I really could not get in a breath......................Seriously, I am laughing so hard here now, that my wife has started laughing, and she has no idea what's going on.


Still trying to learn how to quote thinks on this forum? idiot.
So you run Linux because Microsoft is evil. You and I are very alike.


Nice, so we have a psychic troll here. Since you claim that you know exactly what I have here, and what I can and cannot do, please elaborate. I'd like to know.[/QUOT

Important Linux software for the masses----->
Can't even quote people right. And you confuse games with operating systems, that's just like whoa...We've got an uber troll here folks :cool:
"flewed up and hit him in the face"

Ah, does Linux have spell checking?


Come on, you can do better then that. Does nothing to improve your understanding of Open Source. Tell me what was the point in this thread really. Your second post was its free, the thing has been out for over two months. When has a preview or Beta ever cost anything. I mean your first two post are very revealing. Then out of nowhere you say Windows 8 is going to kill Android, then the rant about Netscape. Then you start on slave labor. Then I own two SUV's, one car, six computers and a house. Then, Did I mention tht my Son has thrown five no five consecutive years?
Seems you need spell checker too, its spelled (that).

From the second post on, its like a rant of self destruction. A few post of intelligence, then you completely wipe any thought of intelligence away. It turns out to be nothing but a guy that got hit in the face with a board. But somehow it was done with premeditated intentions.

Have you ever heard the song by Seether called Fake It. If not listen to it. You need to get alot better at it.
Not to make his head any bigger, but what do you all say about adopting this guy as resident troll? :D

Yeah I don't think so. The tribe has voted. Double-Aces, you have been voted out of the CoFo tribe. :cool:
Lucas have you tried Windows 8 Dev, I thought about it but I prefer a desktop look and the metro does not do it for me and I want something new over the optional same looking Windows 7 U/I. Not to mention don't feel the need for a two hour install because of drivers and updates.
Lucas have you tried Windows 8 Dev, I thought about it but I prefer a desktop look and the metro does not do it for me and I want something new over the optional same looking Windows 7 U/I. Not to mention don't feel the need for a two hour install because of drivers and updates.
I have, I don't like the new metro interface and underneath it there's the Windows 7 desktop. The only thing I liked in the preview was the redone Task Manager.
By the way, they added the ribbon interface to Windows Explorer...
Anyway, the dev preview isn't something to form solid opinions on.
Actually I wonder if his parents are actually proud of him :cool:

Oh wait, he's a 16 year old troll sitting in his basement.
I'm sure they are man, I'm sure they are :cool:
Again, I am married and have two children. Here is a photo of me, in the Yankees Sweatshirt, with my wife and son's.


If you're going to troll so hard, then you should at least understand troll references :rolleyes:

And judging from one of your albums (plus the fact you seem to be a Yankee fan) I'm guessing you're from New Jersey. That would explain why you think you're so correct in everything you say. You're stubborn and big in the head.

It all makes sense now :rolleyes:

Why do you keep saying "chow" is that your name?
If you're trying to be Italian is "ciao" (ignorant American)

Also if he's gonna say ciao after every one of his posts, why doesn't he just leave already?
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