Case painting

haha that is awsome dragon! if i had any fans needing covering thats the way i would do it! lol yeaaa i want to mod my computer but im lazy and have no time on my hands lol, also buying things costs money appearently

modding neednt be expensive or time consuming, a few lights and crazy appliques costing around a total of say 25-30 USD and 2 hours work and you got a cool case.
hmmm maybe i shall do that before i go away to collage then.. (in 2 weeks) im gunna make a new thread to ask ppl what i should do to my case take a look! (pic incl.)
right then, i suppose this should be in a new thread by now but what the hey, it's my thread anyway.

First stumbling block has been reached already, i have the stencils i want in picture format stored on my PC at the moment, i printed them off to see how they would look when i cut them out and discovered that paper would be far too flimsy for the job of spray paint stencil.

So im open to all uggestions as to what material i can print or transfer my stencils onto. Remeber that they will be used more than once, so the material will have to be rigid and not go floppy if it gets a bit of paint on it. I was thinking perhpas as barbaric as simply transferring them ont a corn-flakes box or something, do you think this would surfice to the task??

Thanks, any replies appreciated!

*EDIT* I also need to be able to cut this new material with a standard stanley knife so please dont suggest 2mm steel. LOL
yeah that sounds like a good idea although a carboard box may be to solid to bend through the curve of your printer.. i would recomend printing onto a normal piece of paper then taping the normal paper to the cardboard and then cutting the stencil out of both the paper and cardboard with an exacto knife or scissors if you cant find an exacto knife. or you could cut it out of the paper and trace it onto the cardboard then cut that out
ok, thanks dan, so you think cardboard would be sturdy enough to stand up against 2 sprayings then??

*EDIT* and whats an exacto knife, i've never heard of that before.
oh ok, thanks, i cut out the ones on paper with a stanley knife and it went perfectly, a bit tricky round the corners but you just have to keep turning the paper.

Thanks for your help Dan, you seem to be the only one interested now.