computer/technology quiz

No they don't, all 'sound' is just vibrations... It is just the instruments in our bodies that convert them into audible frequency.
guys this is one of the oldest questions in the world, does sound exist if noone is around to hear it...
heck you can apply it to everything:
does an object exists if noone sees it

or this one will screw your mind
does a an idea exist before someone thinks it?

Plato thought so... what do you think?

But be sure of this... you wont answer the question :)
apj101 said:
or this one will screw your mind
does a an idea exist before someone thinks it?
Wow, that's tough... The brain always confuses me, and I don't think my thinking is abstract enough to unravel that mystery of the world... I'm interested to hear what others say :)
Please lets get back on topic. If you're after a philosophical discussion, then it would probably be better for someone to make a new thread (Off Topic section mind you... :p).
i will get us back on topic
what was amd's first in-house cpu? And what did the letter in it stand for?

(Btw this is my first 100 post thread!!! W00T)
i will get us back on topic
what was amd's first in-house cpu? And what did the letter in it stand for?
What do you mean in-house? Commercially availab.e? AFAIK, it is the K5, the K standing for "Kryptonite"
Correct! bobo your turn. (i have a dog nemed bobo)
Here we go:
In what year was the word "computer" first used to describe a mechanical calculation device?
magicman said:
1897. I think...

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "computer" was first used to describe a mechanical calculating device in 1897. Although the word existed previously, it had been used to describe "a person who computes or performs calculations."
okay here is my question

What was the first movie to use 2D CGI and what year was it?
and What was the firstr movie to use 3D CGI and what year was it?