Computer totally f'ed

i'm doing that but where are you getting that from, especially since it's not only when i leave it alone, it's done it while i was just on the internet with only 1 or 2 things up, and when i'v been lokking at like 3+ tabs, steam, and 1 or two other apps up.
i know i've done it b4, but i can't find hibernate right now.

never mind, if it's the hybrid sleep option then it's now off
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can you look at your post and fix it, cuz i think some things are missing, and i don't think that's it since if you look, mine is listed as a 7050/620i, not a 610i
Ok, good man, forget my previous post.

Where are you up to, can you provide a list of what you have 100% completed and what you still need to do?
i have done everything, but the check disk may not have completed since after an hour and it was on <20%, so i went to sleep, and hen i woke up it had flashed off or something, then when i tried to turn it on it did the fan thing, reset the ups and it worked, i thing this may flash the power off for like half of a second and the psu or something resets or jumps, idk, just guessing, and i haven't checked the psu cuz it's still the oem right now, but i can if you want me to.
Please refer to post #23, and specifically address each point. Please avoid just rambling and address each point such as:

1. update direct X - complete
2. checkdisk - started - unsure of completion

etc etc

thanks mate, im a busy man (acutally currently at work), so if you can be concise and to the point that would help ;)
-Driver updates succesfully installed
-Windows updates succesfully installed
-Check disk completed-may have interupted but unsure
-sfc /scannow succesfully completed
-oem psu, will check if is necessary, too many tools to look through if not needed
-memory check completed succesfully - no errors
-Direct X successfully installed
-Norton antivirus scanned and completed fixing all problems found, someone exited it, rerunning now, but have ran multiple times over past week
Well done.

That looks good, as we have removed memory and hard disk issues. Check disk will try to repeat again on restart where it didn't previously finish, so I am confident it is ok.

When you have fnisished that, please download and run Malwarebites ensuring you have updated it first.

Its looking increasingly like an issue potentially with your PSU. Old, cheap OEM PSUs do begin to fail, and although I cannot be sure without propoer onsite testing, I would suggest that is a likely candidate. Especially if you are in the USA, where I guess it is summer (reduces efficicieny and makes problems worse), that could be it.

Make sure you have no dust accumulated in the CPU fan.

The other thing I would like to investigate is updating the motherboard bios, however I cannot find any updates for your exact board. You may want to do your own research and post if you find something. This can frequently fix issues like this.

Make sure you turn off sleep mode as this seems to be failing to wake properly (related to old bios i think). But you also told me that it has failed during use, so I still think (based on the fact that the RAM and HDD is good), that you are seeing signs of a failing PSU. I would recommend your Dad considering upgrading to something cheap, but confirmed good as this: $20 (after rebate) 460W PSU Coolermaster. Its only really designed for computers without discrete graphics cards (like yours), and is likely to be a big step up from what you currently have.

If I were a betting man, I would suggest you have a failing PSU as we have pretty much excluded everything else. Please look at the sticker on the side of the PSU and report the brand and model number. Then do this to be sure:

  1. Run your Antivirus again - fix issues
  2. Install and run Malwarebytes - fix issues
  3. Investigate motherboard BIOS updates - consider calling emachines
  4. Ensure computer is dust free
  5. Reapply new thermal paste to CPU (if you are confident in doing this)
  6. Replace PSU
  7. Reinstall Windows

Thats about as much help as I can give you. Sorry.
k, my dad still has an older but very lightly used psu out of an old computer, i have one out of my presario that i know works but is only 250w, but that should suffice, and if anything else, i can put that 1 back in and put in my rosewill rv-2 500w psu, if you can, do you think this is a good psu for a single gpu once i get a build going, i got it for like 37 in the end with shipping, and it looked like it should be fine, with 2 +12v rails running 20amps each and a lot of connectors on it.
Yes, put the Rosewill in the computer. That will be sufficient, however the others you mentioned are not recommended, however post the "lightly used' model and brand.

A mid-range GPU (nothing more powerful than the 5770) would be ok, but check first.

How is the computer behaving now? I am suggesting this thread has run its course, as I cannot think of anything else you can test. If you complete all the above (post #49) then you need a new motherboard, ram and CPU. Otherwise good luck.
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well i'll check on that stuff, but i'll tell my dad and we'll probably just get it replaced or something since it's still under warranty
hey, wouyld it matter if the psu is uppside down, and it's an fsp group, and where do you post pics so you can link them here.

never mind, made a youtube video so i can show more angles, it's a little weird cuz i used my webcam, will edit in link once it is done uploading.
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ok, it's officially the psu, i hooked up the one i showed in the vid, and although it was unable to fully boot because it need a 20+4pin, and mine's a 20 pin, it still pulled up the emachine logo and never messed up when loading like 5 times to that point to be safe, but if the oem was in either of the 2 slots i pointed out it began to mess up i think, may have just been 1 of them.
A quality PSU is by far the most important component. Get yourself a quality PSU and be done with it ;)
or i can get one for free from bj's thanks to warranty, and most oems are decent, the one in the vid that i plugged in is from '01 and still works fine and has probably over 100,000 hours on it
Most OEMs are rubbish,.

You need

26A on the 12V rail or 40A if it is only ATX1 standard
80% + efficiency
MTFB of 100,000 hours at 40oC (not 25oC)
Active PFC

You need a min of 400W from a brand like COrsair, Seasonic, PC Power and Cooling, XFX.
of course still haven't gotten the warranty done, so currently got my rosewill beside the case with the side panel off and it powering it so we are less likely voiding warranty, and it's working perfectly so it is beyand a bit of doubt the psu, and is the rosewill rv-2 500w vlues 2 series any good, cuz if we don't get warranty solved then i'll gewt my dad to give me the 35 and i'll get something better, save for a corsair 650 or other good brand as i've learned much over past month in this and other threads