Fish Tank Full Of Veggie Oil For Computer.

way to much overkill. way to expensive, and would be to lound.. vegie oil is really not to thick, I think that a regular h20 cooling pump would last a year or so, and they are not to expensive.
those are operated by the rotation of the cam shaft or crank shaft in 99% of engines, so there is no electric motor to run them, they also operate at pressures of 30-80PSI so they would flow way to much if you could find an electric one.
hmm, I never looked into that. I knwo that you can use engine oil, but it smells a little funny to be in the house.. depending on price, if it will be the same price or cheaper or a LITTLE bit more expansive, I will buy some and dunk an ohm meter in there. I will let you know.
hmm, I never looked into that. I knwo that you can use engine oil, but it smells a little funny to be in the house.. depending on price, if it will be the same price or cheaper or a LITTLE bit more expansive, I will buy some and dunk an ohm meter in there. I will let you know.

what? engine oil smells great! this also makes me wonder if there would be an advantage of synthetic or natural blend?
I will not be using engine oil, I work at a shop that mainy does oil changes and tires.. I dont like the smell of oil

but mineral oil would work

only problem is 6 gallons of mineral oil = $60.. ekkkkk

compared to $6.15 a gallon of vegie oil = $36.99
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I have no heat on people intrested in buying my current stuff, and at the low price that I can get for it I will just keep it as a backup rig, so I am going to dunk it. I will start planning tonight and but some stuff tommorow and see how it goes, thanks for the support all!..
man the whole oil idea is just stupid! what type of super computer do u think u have to need to take such extreme nerd messures? imagine bringing a girl back to ur room and she see's a big tank of oil with a computer in it she will think ur a bit strange dont u think?:p hahaha
just get a water cooler and some fans jimmy nutron:D.....TOTAL NOOB!
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do not use vegitable oil, it degrade over time, you need to use di-electric fluid or some sort of mineral oil as a long term solution.
There are dozens of threads on this topic, have a search
man the whole oil idea is just stupid! what type of super computer do u think u have to need to take such extreme nerd messures? imagine bringing a girl back to ur room and she see's a big tank of oil with a computer in it she will think ur a bit strange dont u think?:p hahaha
just get a water cooler and some fans jimmy nutron:D.....TOTAL NOOB!

I will let you go buy a water cooling system for the CPU, Ram, Video Card and Chipset for several hundred dollars and I will be running the same temps with my $70 fish tank cooling.. lol.. It a conversation peice just as much as its a way to cool a computer and its fun!, maybe put some bubble in it and a light, fake endless possibilities..
I will let you go buy a water cooling system for the CPU, Ram, Video Card and Chipset for several hundred dollars and I will be running the same temps with my $70 fish tank cooling.. lol.. It a conversation peice just as much as its a way to cool a computer and its fun!, maybe put some bubble in it and a light, fake endless possibilities..

hmm true! i supose if building computers is more of a hobby to you it would be worth it.. but if u were just a norm pc user like myself it would be pointless:p

btw are those internet download/upload stats ur computer?? thats DAMN fast:p
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