How big is your Hard Drive?

80Gb WD Caviar + 120Gb Seagate Barracuda = 200Gb in this PC

8.2Gb in my 500Mhz AMD box

if you want to get technical i have 30Gb in various servers dotted around the globe... aswell as a 60gb on network file server (dedicated) i also set up 10Gb partitions on all other PC's in the house to use as network storage for other people, thats 4 other networked PC's = 40Gb

200 + 8.2 + 30 + 60 + 40 = 338.2Gb total stoarge. I was never one for a lot of storage...

wow don;t you get confused with all the different drives and partitions:p , also whats the access times like for you over ye house network?
80GB on my main computer, personally I couldn't see the need for a huge hard drive, I could never fill 250GB...
computer_pirson said:
So you will have 750 GB?

That's insane. What are you doing that you possibly need that much space.
I think he meant he will be adding another 250GB drive for a total of 500GB. We have members with 1500GB as well. Storage is cheap these days, and needed.
In three computers:

(Dell) 80gb
(Gateway) 75gb (Is it really 80 but listed as 75?)
(Gateway) 30gb
Not an ego thing but ihave the biggest drive...:D

Well where should i start oh ya lets start with storage, see i have a university connection and i can always dload at around 350-400 kb/s and sometimes i can get up to 800-900 kb/s. So i take advantage of this i set up my 4 drives to appear as 2. Both are just storage drives i used 1 Tb for my videos, don't bother renting them anymore, and my other Tb i use for tv shows, i pretty much have every show and every season of it. And then I have a 74 raptor just to run my Os and a few games off of was gonna get the 36 but for the price difference it was worth it to dbl the space. Now before you think i am crazy and why would i ever get this much storage is because i built my computer to be a media pc computer. And have an large collection of movies and whenever me and my gf wanna watch movies we hate looking through all of our dvd's and then we spend alot of time sayin i dunno what was this one about again and then we just end up wasting alot of time and this way we can both watch whatever we want whenever we want. And for a image i have around 1100 movies on my one drive and they are all dvd quality...Took alot of looking to make sure they are dvd bootleg versions and don't even know how many tv shows we have but various seasons from 24-smallvile-top gear (best car show ever)
Currently I have 280GB over 3 partitions. One partition (126GB using 50.2) is used for TV video (anyone need classic SNL? :)). Other data partition is 60GB with 17.2 GB used. My main drive is 74.4GB with 22.1GB used after a format about 6 weeks ago. Before the reformat, that drive was full with games, plus had programs taking up near 35GB on the 60GB partition. Oh, and don't forget the 19.6GB lost due to FAT32 formatting, grr...
300gb 16mb buffer sata 150 hd, and i fryed my 120gb ide, but it was undeer warrenty(3yr) so i will hopefully get a brand new one(prab sell?) i have a 40gb a 10.2gb 9.something gb 2gb i think a 6.4gb, and a 40mb from my dad that i am saving forever :p i find it great how big it is, its like 2x the size of a PSU.