My new 60$ tablet..!

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I thought I was bad with all the dumb posts I made, I think Grantapus makes me facepalm more than I've ever made you facepalm. Seriously, this kid... :rolleyes:
I thought I was bad with all the dumb posts I made, I think Grantapus makes me facepalm more than I've ever made you facepalm. Seriously, this kid... :rolleyes:
If only slipx/Dragunov/Life/NikonGuy was still about... yes that's 4 different aliases for the same guy. :rolleyes: Fluffiness was a great member too, he was definitely John's favourite. ;)

Anyway, back on topic, pleased that hear that Grantapus likes his tablet. Doesn't seem too bad considering it's a budget tablet. As I've before, every time I've tried a budget Android tablet I've ended up returning them because they don't have the Play store so you end up with a tablet which often has a very nice IPS 2K screen (the one I bought did anyway) and that's about it. If this tablet has the Play store then maybe it's a decent option. :)
You obviously don't know what a meme is.

And you didn't answer my question. You said before that the tablet was on 5.0.2, now you say 5.1. Which is it?
oh, i typed it wrong, im on 5.0.1

You obviously don't know what a meme is.

And you didn't answer my question. You said before that the tablet was on 5.0.2, now you say 5.1. Which is it?

Is Captain Picard your dad? What kind of boat does he captain?
what kind of insult is that:eek:o_O
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No. It's a facepalm. You said you didn't know what facepalm meant. Now you do.

You must not know who Captain Picard is either.

If you dont know who Captain Picard is I automatically assume you have lived under a rock for your entire life. Also, if you don't know what a meme is, WTF?!
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