Official 3DMark06 Rank Thread

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upped it a bit @ 4.5 GHz:

Thanks 87dtna! You will definitely beat me with an i5 and 4870x2 at 4.3GHz - the P55+i5 @ 4.3GHz has a higher memory bandwidth than a P45+C2D @ 4.4GHz

I will try for higher clocks, still playing with my OC settings. X2 has 2 gpu's @ 800MHz and Memory Clock @ 1GHz

What happend to your X2 by the way? Did you sell it?

Yeah your X2 is still at stock clocks. I had mine overclocked, which helped quite a bit.
Your CPU at 4.5ghz is now giving the same CPU score as my old I5 at 4.3...about 6500. Now you need to OC the video card. I think mine was at 850 core, and I ha dsome overclock on teh memory too. I found out you have to overclock each core seperately, when I overclocked at first it was only changing one of the cores. After I OC'd the second GPU, it meant like another 500+ points.
Yeah I sold it, got bored with it. It was only good for benching, for gaming I like my 9800gx2 way better. Now I have a gtx275 co-op, and also I actually just picked up a 5830 and have an eyefinity setup with three 1080p monitors.
Thanks 87dtna, happy with everything so far. I still really like my X2 even for gaming, I will try to do some Crysis tests at some point soon.

You sold your 9800gx2 too? Have you tried or seen anyone here benching a GTX 295?

So will you be getting a second 5830?

Haha! too many questions.. but still very interesting :)
Thanks 87dtna, happy with everything so far. I still really like my X2 even for gaming, I will try to do some Crysis tests at some point soon.

You sold your 9800gx2 too? Have you tried or seen anyone here benching a GTX 295?

So will you be getting a second 5830?

Haha! too many questions.. but still very interesting :)

Yeah sold that too, I've owned over 2 dozen cards but never a gtx295. I've had a 260/275/285, 9800gx2, gts250, 9800gtx, 8800gt's SLI, 9600gt, 9400gt, 8600gt, 8600gts, several 8800gts's (320 and 512mb's), 3870, 4670, 4870's Xfire, 5770, and now a 5830. Probably missing a few I can't think of off the top of my head. The 5770 wasn't strong enough for 3x eyefinity.
But actually I JUST bought another GX2, it's on it's way to me now. I bought it to have 4 GPU's folding at once and I also picked up another I7 860 for the bigadv, my rig should put out around 50k PPD then.

No, I'm a Nvidia fan actually, I'll probably buy a gtx460 when they come out in june.
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Wow 87dtna what a collection, are you in the computer hardware business?

gtx 295's are awesome cards and heard that they're pretty good folders too.

I heard some mixed reviews on the fermi based gtx460's but I could see now why you're an nvidia fan..ati's arent so great in the folding department :)

This is it for my OC adjustments now as I am back to work tomorrow!
I don't have all those cards I listed, I'm saying I've owned those cards in the last 6 months or so.
I sold my other GX2 about 2 months ago. But the other arrived yesterday. I'm using these GPU's for folding right now though.

But I do have an I7 860 coming, once I get that, I'll run that on some DICE at hopefully atleast 5ghz with all 8 threads and the GX2 overclocked I should get some really crazy good results. Not that this thread will ever be updated again though.
3dmark06 is all about CPU clockspeed. Running a cpu at stock clocks is gonna kill your score, even with a quad.
Not bad with that hardware, you need to upgrade your CPU and your ram though. Get a Phenom II quad in there, overclock it to 3.6-3.8 ghz and you should be closer to 12-14k. Then get 2x2gb of ddr2-1066 cas5 ram in, it will only boost your score maybe 500 but it will help elsewhere.
Not bad with that hardware, you need to upgrade your CPU and your ram though. Get a Phenom II quad in there, overclock it to 3.6-3.8 ghz and you should be closer to 12-14k. Then get 2x2gb of ddr2-1066 cas5 ram in, it will only boost your score maybe 500 but it will help elsewhere.

thats funny cuz thats the same plan i had in mind once i get the money lol
Consider this thread finished, new threads will be up within a few days pending outcome of the poll. Geoff does not have the time to continue updating these threads and has agreed with the closing of this thread.

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