*Official COD4 Clan*

I love CoD4, I play it all the time now.

would you guys mind if i join you in your server somtime?
I have the IP adress and the server put in my favorites already, i just need the password.

my ingame name is: =DoD=Bass505 it might change to =lH2ol= soon though
Campo, sorry, could you please edit your post, we don't really want the password just, on the internet, but Yeah, you're right! ;)

MB, That's awesome, we wouldn't mind at all!

If you head over to www.cfclan.co.uk

it'll have everything you need to know! :)
Yeh were the website is being hosted is moving databases so you will have to keep checking sorry for that, but it will be back today sometime so join it and read the forum for details, we look forward to playing with you.
Thats ok, I had already gotten the IP/port before i posted from the website you posted. just needed the OK an password ;)

Thanks, i'll have to come in somtime :D
For information about tuesdays clan knockout please visit www.cfclan.co.uk .
there is a thread on the front page of the website. any new members wishing to join in tonight read the thread and pm meanman or Drcuddles.