*Official* Post Your Pictures Thread

^ No prob hehe

I'm not saying the manual will teach you how to take a good photo. It will teach you how to use your camera to make it easier. I never said reading the manual would teach him composition, exposure, etc etc. Knowing how to use your camera is just as important as practicing.

Yes sir, I agree again.
test photos taken with my new Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM




all shot at f/2.8 because well... i've never seen that number on my LCD before. :p
well i did a outdoor portrait shoot yesterday and lets just say i didn't do the lens justice. :p not yet used shooting at those wide apertures in afternoon light which is a bit harsh and right above. :( and this being my first prime lens, not yet used to "zooming with your feet" :p

here's one from yesterday.
ISO 100

my problem is if i slow down the shutter speed some more, there's not enough light to illuminate the subject. my speedlite isn't that powerful so i guess that's where off camera lights/flashes comes in, eh?
^^ Excellent, really impressed with focus and detail of that shot.

Very impressed by the girl as well :D
my first attempt at forced perspective, something i actually find pretty fun. taken with an old samsung 5 megapixel

I think the angle is a bit off...they look like they're stepping on his nuts, lol.

lol that was kinda the point but anyways... my first try, during class, with my cell phone. god i love having a free period where i dont have to be ANYWHERE, well technically im not even supposed to be at school yet but whatever
Something tells me I really need to get back into taking pictures again and really learning my camera. I've kind of fallen out of doing so since last year, and I just haven't gotten back into it.

Depression is a bitch, that way.
But I'm slowly mending myself back into old hobbies... so I may have a few in the upcoming days.