Official Screenshot Thread


KotOR 2 in widescreen :D

A bug I had in a scrim the otherday lol. Somehow a black line was sticking out of my arm and it was distracting... But we won :D
No i dont have it anymore, it was a 1round bug. It somehow made me DemiGod as i could take damage but wouldnt die :p
This isnt softcore Promod, we were playing NA ProMod, WAY worse. Radar has no red dots and no way of having the red dots, well if you have a multihack then yeah but that makse it not fun. Aastii, you should play in a 3v3 or something with us, see how bad my team is :D

Why did Rockstar make AA impossible in GTA4? It needs it so bad....

If you have the GPU and CPU grunt, there's a mod that lets you run the game at double your native resolution, and downscale it to provide anti aliasing. It looks amazing.

Why did Rockstar make AA impossible in GTA4? It needs it so bad....

Since you have an nVidia card, you could use the FXAA found in the drivers. People with AMD cards can use MLAA.

Or you could use injectSMAA or FXAA injector, but these can cause false positives when running anti-cheat software.
I got Homefront + all DLC in the steam sale for under £6 a few days back.

Good game actually,The graphics are nice...only letdown in this game is the the AI for the guys that's on your side..they get in the way ALOT and then you cant move.!

Enemy AI is good though.

Hard to get decent shots when there's a lot of action going on. :eek:





Looks pretty good. I still need to get some screenshots of Dirt 3 and Just Cause 2 and share! :)
I got Homefront + all DLC in the steam sale for under £6 a few days back.

Good game actually,The graphics are nice...only letdown in this game is the the AI for the guys that's on your side..they get in the way ALOT and then you cant move.!

Enemy AI is good though.

Hard to get decent shots when there's a lot of action going on. :eek:






I bought it on release, Was not impressed tbh. MP was ok but i hated single player. Far too short and disjointed.
I bought it on release, Was not impressed tbh. MP was ok but i hated single player. Far too short and disjointed.

I was going to buy it on release as well,But like many games these days,I think to myself is it going to be worth £29.99.

So i just wait until steam sales now.