Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Here is My PC

W/ Red cold cathode, red fan, and red lazer leds on close-up

Full pc W/lights on

mouse and keyboard (guess)
No desk have one but I just have to bring it up yet monitor is behind the PC lol 15" CRT till I get the money for a flat screen probably have it in two weeks
Its not my favorite color Thatguy, but I do like your PC, very colorful with all the LEDs :)

Thanks, i wanted to be different than the usual black/silver cases...i need a new camera the pics suck, even worse when i turn the flash off lol

Looks good Jabes, hows the battery life on that mouse? i have been wanting one but reviews says the battery life sucks...
what are the specs?

there in my sig

Thanks, i wanted to be different than the usual black/silver cases...i need a new camera the pics suck, even worse when i turn the flash off lol

Looks good Jabes, hows the battery life on that mouse? i have been wanting one but reviews says the battery life sucks...

haven't run the battery out yet and it comes with two batterys so its not that bad

wd rx

new mobo

1gb version



cool kof
i like how much room i have between the atx mobo and the psu lolz i can fit the pump in there

i like the feature where i dont have to reset the jump on a failed overclock :D it will attempt to boot 3 times and then it will reset the bios for me :D
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Very nice kof, i wander how much total you have spent on your computers over the last year :p

Ooo, my motherboard does that tried booting 3 times then reset bios, i forgot to fix my multiplier :(

How does that 2900 compare to the GTX?
cool setup.. how much are them cable sleeves and were can i get some, they look sweet...

edit: ill put up a pic of my setup once i clean my desk. lol i also got more ram, but nothing flash.. just some corsair.(had 512mb,was killing me)

They were only £6, I don't know how much they'll be where you are.
They're very good, just a little tricky to put on is all :p

Kof, Have you still got your SLI'd 8800's? Howcome you needed another PC and how the hell do you get all the money!? :eek:
They were only £6, I don't know how much they'll be where you are.
They're very good, just a little tricky to put on is all :p

Kof, Have you still got your SLI'd 8800's? Howcome you needed another PC and how the hell do you get all the money!? :eek:

i still have that computer.