Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

13 years ago I owned a Yamaha setup. Surround amplifier (the remote was the size of one of those Belkin PDA keyboards), Yamaha tuner, Yamaha five disk carousel, Yamaha powered sub, etc (the sub was probably two or three times what you paid for that receiver), etc. A couple thousand bucks worth all told, but damn it was worth it. Great sounding gear in that bracket. I then sold it and upgraded to the Rotel which I've been with ever since.

I have no doubt you'll love that Yammy. Their speakers leave a little to be desired, but their electronics are excellent for the price.
Yeah, i spent so much on my stereo with the receiver, speakers and the works, kind of regret spending the amount i did.. but its worth it :D
I spent $350 on the whole setup (except cable). For the price I'd say it's a great system and sounds a whole lot better then my previous z-5300's.
Yeah, that's a good deal. The sub was twice that. The surround amp was almost three times that. It's funny in a way.. They're making stuff much better now, but it's cheaper. Wierd.
my new HOLY SHIT (to me at least) computer! It is a completely different beast compared to my old p4 2.8 and 6200!



so, what do you guys think?? Good for $710?
thanks! yea, i know, and i hate my desk for that....but hey, its not my money so im content. Plus i got the desk like 8 years ago, when my parents built the house....this desk does have tons of storage, and a good spot for the mouse,..... oh yea, and the case is just freakin awsome! I prefer this case over the antec 900 anyday.....i dont know why people obcess over looks like a cheap $20 case....
Lol, I don't have anything to say against the Antec 900 since I have never used it or even seen it in real life but I can say that NZXT Apollo cases are amazing!

Specially the Orange one...

*cough* look *cough* at my comp pictures in my sig *cough*


I took a look at that smilodon and am just floored! I may end up getting it :D. I am wondering though, why do you have that 20 year old switch panel for your pc? I had one like 13 years ago for when my parents pc wouldnt turn off without it, but whats your excuse :p? (If you say its a surge protector, its not).
Thanks mep916!
@ramodkk: dude, NZXT Apollo cases look sweet! urs that a custom side fan?

Haha thanks! :)

But no, the side fan is not custom or anything, it came with the case. I added the Blue LED back fan though and 2 x UV Cathodes that you can't really see on those pictures (they are one in the bottom of the case and one on top (on the inside of course!)) ;)

My HD3870 glows under the UV light! :p
@Kobaj: yea, the smilodon is one amazing case, so easy to use! (especially the doors on both sides) LOL at the 13 year old switch panel! yea, um, my excuse (haha) is that it is the only way i can hook things up since my desk is so poorly designed that i cant get through the back ( or even see it). it has like 8 years of dust back there lol. + it works fine.

lol at the 3870 glowing...haha....
here's for a friend of mine

i want to steal his casing and pretend his broke :p :eek:
anyhoo check out his desktop

men and you expect your Pc to run fine with such ? :D:D