Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

I edited the image link. they weren't appearing.

EDIT: Hmm. they still aren't.

yeah i noticed yesterday when i posted them, the link was correct though, just not displaying, i thought it was just an issue on my side thats why i didnt bother to fix, works now :)
New Pics of my Hackintosh

Google was the only place I could upload images


And proof screenshot of desktop.
(iATKOS is the maker of Leopard hacking to work on a pc)


Got the Corsair cooler installed again. (was afraid it'd opstruct airflow to the cpu cooler, but it works alright ^^ )
also, scooped my Dad's monitor. he has/had trouble with it going off (or on standby, cant remember, anyways, the screen went black all the time) didn't have a problem so far tough. have to get myself a DVI cable for it tough, since its still connectd through VGA atm.

my excuses for the mess btw.
(iATKOS is the maker of Leopard hacking to work on a pc)
I have that and tried the guide to dual-booting that with Vista, although I get the kernel crash screen when I try to boot it up, not sure exactly what went wrong, but I'll get to figuring it out eventually.

BTW, I have v1.0iR2.
we know that already :rolleyes:
i dare you to try software update !! lool
couldn't help but notice you have lara croft action figures !!! :D:D
What shes my hero.
[-0MEGA-];947647 said:
I have that and tried the guide to dual-booting that with Vista, although I get the kernel crash screen when I try to boot it up, not sure exactly what went wrong, but I'll get to figuring it out eventually.

BTW, I have v1.0iR2.
If you were 680i you had to update to r3.

Heres the links to guides

if you have a 680i mobo:

p35= good luck. I only know one guide but that requires a retail copy of leopard.
we know that already :rolleyes:
i dare you to try software update !! lool
couldn't help but notice you have lara croft action figures !!! :D:D

I'm doing software update atm. Unticked all the system updates. 'bought iLife 08 after pics and iMovie 08 wont work and requires the update to fix it.

Got the Corsair cooler installed again. (was afraid it'd opstruct airflow to the cpu cooler, but it works alright ^^ )
also, scooped my Dad's monitor. he has/had trouble with it going off (or on standby, cant remember, anyways, the screen went black all the time) didn't have a problem so far tough. have to get myself a DVI cable for it tough, since its still connectd through VGA atm.

my excuses for the mess btw.

did you steal my scissors?
[-0MEGA-];948205 said:
Where did you get P35 from? I was trying to use it on my laptop which has a 965-based motherboard. I'll check out that forum though, thanks.

No problem. It's just kalyway is really suited for p35 but when i tested it on my former sony notebook it crashed the whole laptop. I'm phoning sony on monday. (p.s Did a command prompt format to hide evidence. Sony may have to replace whole HDD or give us a thumb drive with xp installed on it.
On topic. Changed my monitor around. Agh its annyoing cant wait to get the 20inch mac monitor for the dual setup.



P.S Anyone see the new tomb raider underworld model pics. She looks like a woman now. :D:D
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[-0MEGA-];948245 said:
Damn, I did some searching on the forums but it seems like they are geared for the Core 2 series, damn :(


If your talking about the hackintosh you need to have a SEE2/SSE3 compatible
[-0MEGA-];948351 said:
Is what x86? The OS I'm using now is, the version of Leopard that I have is also x86 I believe.

If your asking if my CPU supports it, then yes it does (obviously), it's an x86-64 based processor.

What problems do you have. First patch your iATKOS v1.0ir2 to ir3

2nd restart pc and type -v when reconized

if all goes well go into disk utility and make the osx journeled partiton
Then install (with customize) Dont choose any network drivers otherwise you will get a loop bug. (you can install network drivers later). Select which type of processer you have. Eg. Mines SSE3 = No htep SSE3;) Make sure you click guid or mbr. I choose mbr but I have it installed on a seperate HDD. I hear people get lots of problems if you do MBR on the same HDD of windows (even if its on a different partition) then woola.