Severe dust bunnies


New Member
Hey all. I have a really bad problem with dust. My pc ends up caked in the stuff within a few months. I cant understand how you lot keep such spik and span pc's.

Is there a secret to minimising the amount of dust which gets in the case?

Mine doesnt look too bad atm as iv cleared it out to replace a few parts but every few month the fans have like a mm or 2 of dust caked on them.
Best suggestion is keep it off the floor. mine sits on the table. its once a year for me.
Best suggestion is keep it off the floor. mine sits on the table. its once a year for me.

To add to this - putting it on the carpet (or nearby) will collect it a lot faster, if you know what your doing take side case off and use an air compressor gently and possibly look at your airflow system.
Best thing I can say is get can of compressed air and 'dust' the inside carefully every once in a while before it builds up..

We have a bunch of animals too and my side panel often is off--and my rig is pretty much spotless
Keep your system off the floor

Install fan filters on your intake fans

Have More intake than exhaust to create positive pressure, so the only air coming in is from the intake fans, which are filtered
Ok, so its not on the floor and at current i have one exhaust fan one intake. Will play around with air fl get some more fans. ty for the help guys.
Keep your system off the floor

Install fan filters on your intake fans

Have More intake than exhaust to create positive pressure, so the only air coming in is from the intake fans, which are filtered

weird, I got no problems with dust... and my pc is just under my office desk!
but I'll place it on the desk, so I can see my monster pc xD
Yeah keep it off the floor. My machine gets dusty, but not to extremes. It certainly collects dust faster in my dorm room when there are two people living in one space.
I love that word... panty hose, always brings a smile to my face :D

Im using an old pair of tights over my intake fan on top.. Hopefully that helps.
Yeah I agree with the smoking thing and the filter on the air intake. Smoke of almost any type has oils in it from the compound being burned. The oils will naturally cling to whatever they come into contact with, ie your computer parts. Then there is a nice extra fine layer of oil in your computer to catch dust! yea!

I use something like a sponge filter, like the foam kind that race cars use. They are known as reticulated filter foams. I picked this type because its a decent filter to grab the larger dust particulates like pet or human hair. It's also light enough not to prevent air flow, even with my laptop air intake. Just cut the appropriate size of 1/4" foam and put it over your air inlets. Be sure to find the reticulated foam that is really light and spongy and with tons of air flow.
Omk so iv took all advice into consideration....except for smoking near the thing. Sorry guys but a victory cig after a battle is a must for me :p
Omk so iv took all advice into consideration....except for smoking near the thing. Sorry guys but a victory cig after a battle is a must for me :p

Seriously, smoking next to it is what will dust up the computer the worst. I personally don't give two hoots if people smoke or not, but I think you'll find that that's what clogs up the PC the most.

Try not smoking next to it for a few months and see what happens. Just step out the room or something.