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Picked up Borderlands GOTY off Amazon for $7.50. Activated through Steam and let it download all night. Already sunk 2 hours in to it today. Shame I have to go to work... Really surprised at how fun this game is. I just wish it had some anti aliasing because it's really jaggy. Oh well.
Just got done playing RAGE. And by done, I mean the game sucks. The gameplay seems ok, nothing to write home about, but the graphics made me wanna puke. So I went looking around the net for information on what horrible game engine they could have possibly shit out to make this game. id Tech 5? Says the game uses 20GB worth of textures? 2048x1024 texture resolution? I dont think so. Thats a crock. Textures looked more like 640x480 at best. I couldnt even get up close to anything without becoming sick with disgust over how 1990s the game looked.

And yet I was left wondering....why in gods name is this game using 1.6+GB of VRAM? The "open" world, much like BF3, is surrounded by a 2D static image so that only things within a small radius of the player are being rendered. And there is not much being done in the way of that either with no true HDR and the low quality textures. I almost want to throw my Xbox out the window and shoot at it for ruining the gaming industry for so long....but I know its not my Xbox's fault that game developers are being lazy and un-innovative.
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Just got done playing RAGE. And by done, I mean the game sucks. The gameplay seems ok, nothing to write home about, but the graphics made me wanna puke. So I went looking around the net for information on what horrible game engine they could have possibly shit out to make this game. id Tech 5? Says the game uses 20GB worth of textures? 2048x1024 texture resolution? I dont think so. Thats a crock. Textures looked more like 640x480 at best. I couldnt even get up close to anything without becoming sick with disgust over how 1990s the game looked.

And yet I was left wondering....why in gods name is this game using 1.6+GB of VRAM? The "open" world, much like BF3, is surrounded by a 2D static image so that only things within a small radius of the player are being rendered. And there is not much being done in the way of that either with no true HDR and the low quality textures. I almost want to throw my Xbox out the window and shoot at it for ruining the gaming industry for so long....but I know its not my Xbox's fault that game developers are being lazy and un-innovative.

the graphics of that game were amazing, take a pic and post it cuz i think yours was glitchin, i played it on my 360 and it was beautiful, i liked the gameplay and a decent story sorta, only complaint i had was the ending sucked and it was so short, but this is what it should look like


and there's a few screenshots somewhere on the screenshot thread IIRC
Sounds like your game isnt loading the texture properly as i personally think the graphics are beautiful. Quite a different style to most games out there but nice all the same.
the graphics of that game were amazing, take a pic and post it cuz i think yours was glitchin, i played it on my 360 and it was beautiful, i liked the gameplay and a decent story sorta, only complaint i had was the ending sucked and it was so short, but this is what it should look like


and there's a few screenshots somewhere on the screenshot thread IIRC

That looks good to you? I mean, it was ok 8 years ago but Iv raised my standards....

Look at all the low quality textures....

Case and point:

They obviously were not even trying. I believe Doom 1 had similar texture resolutions. If they wanna pass this crap off as 2048x1024, they better at least TRY to make it look less like a block. Still unsure what is using 1.6GB of VRAM, I assume only 32MB of that is textures.
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Iv never noticed that on my game :/ Maybe i wasnt looking close enouigh :p

Textures are the first thing I look at in a game, as they can make or break the game in terms of quality. And that sir is some poor texture quality.

If you will also notice, the game is only using 30% of my GPU but hogging half its ram.
I never really looked that closely :p From afar they look awesome :p

Indeed. Nice little trick the developers are playing eh? They have been doing this in alot of games.....specifically because they are making them for consoles, which as we know have limited resources (512MB of RAM?). So in order to implement all their fancy half assed lighting effects and uber cool looking character models, they have to make sure their textures do not exceed the consoles resources, but at the same time do not look 10 years old. How do they do this? I dont know exactly, but indeed from a distance the textures look grand. But get up close, and suddenly you are taken back to your youth where 2D games ruled the PC world with Doom and Duke Nukem.
i still have a download key, this is making me want to try it, but i'd have to delete every game i have and possibly more, but i've got an offer on a 160gb seagate barracuda right now so shouldn't be an issue soon, but i'll still have to go to walmart and grab a moneypak to buy more games :(
Idk what's up with yours, i played it on the xbox and that ladder was perfect and all, try re-downloading it and see if you can, the entire world was hand made, there isn't a single repeated texture, that's why it uses all of your VRAM.


skimmed a bit of it, you've got it on a HDD ain't ya, it's having issues streaming that much info so fast from the sounds of that.

No dude....that is how RAGE is supposed to look, I compared it to other screenshots/videos and its even the same as the link you posted before.
Just got done playing RAGE. And by done, I mean the game sucks. The gameplay seems ok, nothing to write home about, but the graphics made me wanna puke. So I went looking around the net for information on what horrible game engine they could have possibly shit out to make this game. id Tech 5? Says the game uses 20GB worth of textures? 2048x1024 texture resolution? I dont think so. Thats a crock. Textures looked more like 640x480 at best. I couldnt even get up close to anything without becoming sick with disgust over how 1990s the game looked.

And yet I was left wondering....why in gods name is this game using 1.6+GB of VRAM? The "open" world, much like BF3, is surrounded by a 2D static image so that only things within a small radius of the player are being rendered. And there is not much being done in the way of that either with no true HDR and the low quality textures. I almost want to throw my Xbox out the window and shoot at it for ruining the gaming industry for so long....but I know its not my Xbox's fault that game developers are being lazy and un-innovative.

But still RAGE game is better than Duke Nukem Forever, right?
But still RAGE game is better than Duke Nukem Forever, right?

In terms of graphics? Id say they are pretty equal, with better character modeling in RAGE.

Honestly, I dont know what happened to DNF, but as the abbreviation suggest, they Did Not Finish the game and released the worst game of this century so far. If Im not mistaken DNF used the same engine as Doom 3 did correct? Was that the Unreal engine? Anyway, somehow they managed to make it look worse than Doom 3 which if anyone remembers was circa 2004, next to Far Cry one of the hottest looking games in 2004.
In terms of graphics? Id say they are pretty equal, with better character modeling in RAGE.

Honestly, I dont know what happened to DNF, but as the abbreviation suggest, they Did Not Finish the game and released the worst game of this century so far. If Im not mistaken DNF used the same engine as Doom 3 did correct? Was that the Unreal engine? Anyway, somehow they managed to make it look worse than Doom 3 which if anyone remembers was circa 2004, next to Far Cry one of the hottest looking games in 2004.

I played it in demo version, not great game.
No dude....that is how RAGE is supposed to look, I compared it to other screenshots/videos and its even the same as the link you posted before.

Ok, this is so messed up, i swear to god the xbox had better graphics for RAGE, it looked perfect, nothing touched it and i never saw a texture pop or anything, i saw the door spawn in the opening area in the ARC when i spun to look at it, this is BS, i'm still gonna play the game cuz i like it, but it's really stupid, they programmed it specifically for the console hardware and just didn't work on the pc version much, gonna go look for some patches and mods.

But really, i remember the door to the arc on the xbox being amazingly sharp and detailed while on here it was a lower resolution and a little crappy, still had more detail than most games but it was pixalized.
Ok, this is so messed up, i swear to god the xbox had better graphics for RAGE, it looked perfect, nothing touched it and i never saw a texture pop or anything, i saw the door spawn in the opening area in the ARC when i spun to look at it, this is BS, i'm still gonna play the game cuz i like it, but it's really stupid, they programmed it specifically for the console hardware and just didn't work on the pc version much, gonna go look for some patches and mods.

But really, i remember the door to the arc on the xbox being amazingly sharp and detailed while on here it was a lower resolution and a little crappy, still had more detail than most games but it was pixalized.

You may be right. I remember the Xbox version looking better as well.....but its been a while since I played it on my box. Perhaps I will play it again just to compare.

According to id, the engine was designed for PC (*cough* BS), yet when they initially released it for PC it had tons of problems. Sound familiar? GTA4 anyone?
Uh... been playing Black Ops campaign (don't have xbox live myself) and Halo3/Reach/GoW1&2 in co-op with my brothers (yea, old... only got xbox last Christmas, lol, and anyway I refuse to pay more than $30 for a game). I know I'm a bit of a fanboy and all but I really wish there were more good Halo-like games, dying from a single flesh wound to your big toe and not being able to hit anything more than a metre away without pulling up ironsights is a bit annoying when it seems that every game these days needs to do that (and I mean I must be really out of loop as far as games go since most of the time I see people whinging about there being too many armoured-badass games out there, go figure).

Which of course brings me to my new question: does anyone know of any good armoured-badass games on xbox (preferrably some that have split-screen co-op)? Actually, does anyone know of any games with good split-screen co-op (4 players would be nice)? Also, I've got a week of holidays left... undecided whether I should play BioshockI&II, finish Dragon Age or start on Mass Effect (have all but only played 1 once and boy was that boring... the last hour or so was the only really fun part of the game IMO, but my brother insists that ME3 is way better than all Halos so I'm quite curious whether there's some truth to his heretic rambling).

Or maybe I should just plaf Half-Life 2. I haven't even played that yet.