Im getting bored of my Video Card

Do you not think you're rushing into this, I said your card was bad, no you're wanting to buy a whole new PC... It's a bit of an impulse buy.

Originally Posted by Kornowski
C'mon, that thing is rubbish!

Originally Posted by DrCuddles
Hey! This thing has kept me going through all my games!!! not failed me once and i did get it November 2005!!!

But yea i do need an upgrade i think ill get one pretty soon, wonder waht i should get... dont answer that here i think ill ask in a new thread

Theres the question!
Oh, there it is And erm... no lol

You've got to be kidding!?

You've only decied you want a new PC because I said your current graphics card wasn't very good.

Well, Actually, you were originally just going to get a new GPU, but now because it wouldn't be very good if you did, you're going to upgrade your whole computer... Just think it's a tad stupid!
You've got to be kidding!?

You've only decied you want a new PC because I said your current graphics card wasn't very good.

Well, Actually, you were originally just going to get a new GPU, but now because it wouldn't be very good if you did, you're going to upgrade your whole computer... Just think it's a tad stupid!

I dont :)

Im in need of an Upgrade so im going to upgrade, if i need new parts to get the full whoompf of my GPU then thats what ill get :p
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I dont

Im in need of an Upgrade so im going to upgrade, if i need new parts to get the full whoompf of my GPU then thats what ill get

Alright, Just as long as you think it through and make sure you actually need and want this, and don't want it so that you can have "8800GTX" in little fancy colours in a signature.

It's a lot of money!
It is a lot of money!

But that is what you need to do for good specs these days!

I want to be ready for Unreal Tournament 3 and any other game the world might throw at me, including Crysis!

Im sick of putting it on the highest setting and having to tweak it down these days, its very annoying!
It is a lot of money!

But that is what you need to do for good specs these days!I want to be ready for Unreal Tournament 3 and any other game the world might throw at me, including Crysis!

Im sick of putting it on the highest setting and having to tweak it down these days, its very annoying!

You would know about good specs wouldn't you?

AsRock 756SIS
AMD A64 3500+
3Gb 400Mhz RAM
8800GTS *

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It is a lot of money!

But that is what you need to do for good specs these days!

I want to be ready for Unreal Tournament 3 and any other game the world might throw at me, including Crysis!

Im sick of putting it on the highest setting and having to tweak it down these days, its very annoying!

Good luck man. This will pretty much make your system current (screw DDR2)... You can add a shitload of performance by overclocking, have you considered that? Admittedly Your PC3200 will make your job a bit harder but nothing a couple dividers wouldn't take care of.
well.. if your motherboard supports it, you could change your CPU to a X2 (4600+, 4800+ or FX60, assuming its socket 939). ;)
Good luck man. This will pretty much make your system current (screw DDR2)... You can add a shitload of performance by overclocking, have you considered that? Admittedly Your PC3200 will make your job a bit harder but nothing a couple dividers wouldn't take care of.

Dividers...? Ellaborate please... I dont know what they are.

And thanks for the Good Luck :D
The Ram speed is connected to the FSB. So When you raise the FSB to overclock the CPU You are also raising the speed of the RAM. PC3200 ram runs at 200mhz, and the C2D FSB is 266. The C2D makes the ram run at 266. So unless you have extremely Overclockable RAM you'll need to Put a divider on the ram to reduce the speed of the ram. You might be going, reduce the speed of my RAM?? that sucks! but remember that it's still tied to the FSB, and the FSB is set to 266. So make the ram run at 133mhz from 200mhz, 4/6 divider, and your RAM will be running perfectly at the speed it's supposed too! All this just to get the system to work properly! but you'll still have room left to overclock. Whenever you raise the FSB by 33mhz or so reduce the speed of the ram by 33mhz and everything will equal out. Granted you can't keep reducing the Divider and i can't remember when it stops (hopefully not at 3/6!) but this could all be alleviated by getting a CpU with a higher Multiplier.. a higher multiplier equals a lower FSB thus reducing the strain on you and the ram a bit. Is any of this actually making sense?? It seems like alot of work but you get used to it believe me.:D
errrr.... i dont know, do you have to buy a divider?

Also, i want to get a new 19" montior aswell, 19" and a 17" shouldnt mix i need two 19" to make it look better :)
I hate to say it but it'll have to be Dell to go with my other one, any suggestions?
Also, i want to get a new 19" montior aswell, 19" and a 17" shouldnt mix i need two 19" to make it look better
I hate to say it but it'll have to be Dell to go with my other one, any suggestions?

You don't need to buy a new monitor to make it "look" better, it isn't a fashion parade! You don't get marked on how good it looks, if you've got two perfectly good, working monitors, stick with them!

This is getting more and more expensive, I still feel it's a really bad impulse buy.
Its my money, i can buy a new monitor to go with it if i want to, i just wanted suggestions, not fashion tips.

I was waiting for that:D

You don't have to buy a divider. When i first got into Overclocking i thought the same thing, lol. A divider is just a term for making the Ram run slower to keep it stable.

I admit it's a bit daunting for someone new to this but if you read up on it it'll be like second nature. If you just don't want to have to deal with it You're going to have to shell out an extra $200-300 for a new motherboard and RAM. ( i say 200 because i keep seeing 2gig ram packages selling for $100:eek:) Up to you DrCuddles ;)
not fashion tips

I wasn't giving you fashion tips, what are you on about, I was saying it sounds like you want your computer to look good, because you're spending more money on a new monitor, so that it looks better than the one you currently have.

You already have a perfeclty good monitor though, was all I was saying...

Don't need to get your nickers in a twist.