Scariest Game You've Ever Played

Anybody play The Suffering?

Saw it last year when I went over my cousins house. Lot of fun.

Till you end up back at Abbot. I was like "WTF? The point is to get away!" *powers off 360* I gave it back to my friend after that. It got boring.
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate made me jump up a few times.

I have yet to finish the first sequel. I got the platinum edition for christmas, so I got all 3 games. Hopefully Perseus will be better than the 1st two. Killing the same enemy got old. Thats why I haven't picked it up in about a month or so.
I have yet to finish the first sequel. I got the platinum edition for christmas, so I got all 3 games. Hopefully Perseus will be better than the 1st two. Killing the same enemy got old. Thats why I haven't picked it up in about a month or so.

new weapons and enemies in Perseus. ;)

they have the same reflex time as you do.
Doom 2 was kinda creepy too, I started playing it when I was like 8-9 years old... :D

Anybody played it? Do you remember the sound that the "Hell Knights" made when they saw you and when they died? Hella scary TBH! :p
i dont game much, but i think the scariest game i played was ReVolt from the 90's....i always thot it was scary how the ufo could fly.
Come on people! AvP! No one get scared as **** as the marine?? Your motion detector beeping, pitch black. It's the only game I've actually fired off huge amounts of rounds into the dark. I don't think anything has come close...

Haha you beat me to it, definately a creepy one! :D
Resident Evil 2 for the Nintendo64 scared the crap out of me when that came out. Ohhh was that creepy. I might have to bust that out now for sh*ts 'n giggles.
I just broke out my old N64 the other day. Back then I didnt realize how shoddy the graphics were. In my mind mario cart looked like NFS Pro Street, lol. It just makes me wonder if in 5 to 10 years if I go back and play Crysis or Bioshock, if I'll be like, damn, I used to think this was lifelike, ha
I don't think you can get too much better than where we are at, atleast it won't be as much of a jump I don't think.

What I mean is that some games already look very much like photographs, and on a computer screen, photographs don't really look realistic to me. Ahhh...I don't know how to explain this. Even if the colors and everything are true to life, a picture is still flat.

Sure we can increase resolutions, screen sizes, texture resolutions, polygon counts, anti-aliasing. All that will continue to get better. But to me it, although looking great, will never have a true to life feel of depth. Shading and such can only do so much.

Depth is the next thing I think would really make games "true to life". They are already starting this type of stuff with multilayered lcd's and such. Think currently they are only to two layers. Imagine what could be done with "invisible" pixels and like 10-20 or even more layers. An illusion of depth could be created.

Probably wishful thinking on my part. But either way I am not upgrading my pc much anymore just for graphics as the jump isn't as big for the price that it used to be.

Back to the topic...

F.E.A.R. was def creapy. E.P. has been creeping me out too. I almost fell out of my chair when you climb up the ladder and she pops out of the damn vent thing. Scared the crap out of me.

But those are all surprise tactic things, like DOOM3. There hasn't been a game since the older games that really left you with that scared feeling. Jumpy (although I call it scary) != truly scary.
F.E.A.R. was a pretty intense and scary game. Sometimes I would have to stop playing cause it was too intense.

You got that right.F.E.A.R. made the hair on the back of my neck standup sometimes.Man I was afraid to go into dark rooms thinking that little girl might pop up and scare the crap out of me.Like in the air vent and the elevator....:eek::eek:
When there were no enemies and the lights were flickering, and the music set the tone, FEAR had me on edge so bad it was almost stressful, lol
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I remember one scene in F.E.A.R when I got down the stair and turned around,and then I found...that little girl just stood behind me!!
I shouted in panic and throwed my mouse,that really killed me!
Ok, the one human emotion which game developers have mastered is fear. Don't lie, we've all played a game which made us feel extremely uneasy and on edge.

However, my vote for the scariest game ever made goes to STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl. It is simply eerie beyond words and reason. The part in Lab X18 had me unsure of whether I even wanted to continue. The sense of post-apocalyptic hopelessness and fear is amazing. I've never played anything quite like it, and never had a feeling like that before. It is, by far, the scariest game I have ever played in my life.

How about you guys?

the game stalker sounds scary from your point of view but would you recomend buying it? i can get it for $20 but it is a few years old and the gameplay doesn't look like anything new or amazing...

should i get it?
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