Anti static wrist, quick reply pls

ok well here i go back home from school, going to finish this computer building. wish me luck

Also i love the fact that the wrist strap came with no instructions.

Ah well! Me, I can't stand instructions, hate 'em! The only thing that can be useful in the least is a diagram of the mobo.
uh oops...i already have the stuff in, all i did was connect the wrist strap to the case. I never plugged the psu in. So does that mean there is a good chance i fcked up my parts?

Yea it is no problem, just remember for next time. Really all it does is REDUCE sd's but there is no way that you can totally eliminate it unless you are working somewhere like Intel in the chip assembly area. What the ultimate goal is to make sure all that you are working on has the exact same charge so electrons do not jump from one to the other. Good luck on the build. Hope to see some benchies/pictures when you have it together.
above my heatsink is one of those power things that one of the psu plugs go in. But there are 8 of them, 4 of them are covered with something black over them. The psu still has pins left, i already put the big one in. I dont know if im supposed to take off that black thing to plug in the second biggest psu thing or not.
above my heatsink is one of those power things that one of the psu plugs go in. But there are 8 of them, 4 of them are covered with something black over them. The psu still has pins left, i already put the big one in. I dont know if im supposed to take off that black thing to plug in the second biggest psu thing or not.

You mean a plug for a fan? And I assume by "the big one" you mean the 24-pin PSU connector? Anyway, a picture, if possible, would be very helpful.

Remember that when you plug everything in most likely you wont use all the power cables. Like I've got an 8-pin plug that I didn't use because my mobo doesn't require it.
You mean a plug for a fan? And I assume by "the big one" you mean the 24-pin PSU connector? Anyway, a picture, if possible, would be very helpful.

Remember that when you plug everything in most likely you wont use all the power cables. Like I've got an 8-pin plug that I didn't use because my mobo doesn't require it.

I dont know how to put pictures on here, plus the only camera i have is my phone so it would probably look terrible. yes i plugged in the 24 pin already, but there is another 8 pin next to the heatsink. But 4 of the pins are covered with something black.
Oh wait... I'm looking at a picture of the P6T (assuming that's what board you got) and the power plug there requires a four-pin plug... there should be one on your PSU.
you can place just one in there, but if you are going to oc then I would place a second one to fill all 8 holes. It's just to be safe to make sure your board is getting all the power it needs
I dont know how to put pictures on here, plus the only camera i have is my phone so it would probably look terrible. yes i plugged in the 24 pin already, but there is another 8 pin next to the heatsink. But 4 of the pins are covered with something black.

OK, what board did you get (so I can look for pictures.) I thought it was the P6T, but I must be mistaken.
Ok on the PSU i still have a 4 pin left. Is that for the gpu maybe?
and why did that 8 pin stretch right across the mobo. seems a bit weird, i have never seen anyone else who has a coord across their mobo.

What number should i put the fans on?

I still need to power my gpu, hardrive, and optical drive, but there is only 1 4pin thing left on the psu.

Oh and im really not sure which of these coords are used to plug in the HDD and optical drive.
Ok on the PSU i still have a 4 pin left. Is that for the gpu maybe?
and why did that 8 pin stretch right across the mobo. seems a bit weird, i have never seen anyone else who has a coord across their mobo.

What number should i put the fans on?

I still need to power my gpu, hardrive, and optical drive, but there is only 1 4pin thing left on the psu.

Oh and im really not sure which of these coords are used to plug in the HDD and optical drive.

Na! It's normal if you don't have good cable management. As I said before, you wont use all the cables coming out of your PSU... I only used 4 out of 13 in my rig I believe.

As far as the HDD and ODD goes any power cable that fits is fine (if you have a SATA drive use any SATA power cable, if you have an IDE drive use any one of the standard IDE power cables.)
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Do i use a 6 pin or 8 pin to power up the hardrive and optical drive?

Neither lol

If it's SATA it'll use one of these:


If it's IDE it'll use one of these:
