Anyone else running Windows eight? and if so how do you like it?

Wow you are a terrible person, honestly. I feel sorry for the people who have to live with you day in and day out. Sounds like you are a liked guy in the neighborhood.
I'm sure your son will be happy that you are reaping thousands of dollars from his hard work that he did with no pay. Talk about slave labor. You think that you are the first, but in reality you are in a long line of fools who have all struck out, haplessly.

PS. No Roger Clemens is not God.................but he is close to him.
Yes they do, they also have to spend countless hours searching for video drivers and custom drivers for hardware. You think it's fun, and that's ok, I respect that. However, I would rather be in the forest chasing and photographing bears. Does your linux run direct X 11? My kids want to know. Because they are tired of the penguin bowling that you are bragging about.

We all wish that you were in the woods, believe me.

Just because you can't handle Linux doesn't mean its a terrible OS, quite the contrary.
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everyone tell me if I am wrong but a company with 50,000 employees would have a web site right? I am sure he can not cough that up.

By the way for any of you who might believe him, I am a full Linux user, no dual boot with Windows and I do absolutelty no programming.

Correct, they do have many websites. So why with your unrivaled linux brilliance can't you cough it up on your own..................

Bragging that you can not figure out something that is really rather simple, does not make you look very bright.

But you have a free OS, and thus can afford more Twinkies than me.
Yes they do, they also have to spend countless hours searching for video drivers and custom drivers for hardware. You think it's fun, and that's ok, I respect that. However, I would rather be in the forest chasing and photographing bears. Does your linux run direct X 11? My kids want to know. Because they are tired of the penguin bowling that you are bragging about.

I know we have open GL support which is as widely used, and I am sure your children do not even know where direct X comes from and what help promoted that into the market. Nice try though.

I do feel bad for them cause your so computer illiterate so do tell them about Wine so they can run there Windows games on there and if they want a free game better then penguin bowling let them know about Alien Areana.
We all wish that you were in the woods, believe me.

Just because you and handle Linux doesn't mean its a terrible OS, quite the contrary.

"Just because you and handle Linux doesn't mean its a terrible OS, quite the contrary."

Okee doki, ifm u um se so.....................

Now, slow down, breath and read the gibberish that you are writing.
All linux users have to be programmers. That's the point, Microsoft lets me spend my time in the National Parks chasing bears or teaching my Son's to throw sinkers. You just sit there, and pretend.................
1. No they do not. That statement is flawed in oh so many ways. Linux, especially Ubuntu and Mint, is just as easy to use as windows, with no programming experience. I use Ubuntu and PClinuxOS everyday, and the most programming that I can do is the "hello world" in c and python, and the BB code that is used here and over at FTE in about 50% of the post.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results
we are insane for even carrying on this thread. Its TROLL material at its finest.

and 2. While you say microsoft lets you spend your time in the Parks chasing Bears (maybe one will catch you one day. with some luck), All M$ has done for me is eat up time requiring constant driver searches, hotfixes, product codes (and the errors that comes with that), scans for maleware, and programs that again have all the basic flaws of windows itself. Linux is the way to go for people short on time.

Now, slow down, breath and read the gibberish that you are writing.
3. there is an quote button that makes the threads a whole lot more readable.

4. take your own advice.
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Correct, they do have many websites. So why with your unrivaled linux brilliance can't you cough it up on your own..................

Bragging that you can not figure out something that is really rather simple, does not make you look very bright.

But you have a free OS, and thus can afford more Twinkies than me.

Fine cough up a web site if you have one, I am sure your the janitor at one of these companies. Next tell me what software you run on your Windows machine that I do not have a open source version of. Further more explain to me where windows is better in desgin. You can't cause your a fake.
I know we have open GL support which is as widely used, and I am sure your children do not even know where direct X comes from and what help promoted that into the market. Nice try though.

I do feel bad for them cause your so computer illiterate so do tell them about Wine so they can run there Windows games on there and if they want a free game better then penguin bowling let them know about Alien Areana.

They have played alien arena already, mastered it's silly interface in about ten minutes and have moved on to real games, which does not deter them from garnering straight A's in school.

They have played alien arena already, mastered it's silly interface in about ten minutes and have moved on to real games, which does not deter them from garnering straight A's in school.


still waiting on your fake website of your fake company. I hope they mastered the interface of Alien Areana since it is a first person shooter. How about you go through my post and do everything I ask, cause you can't cause you know nothing. Your kid's might get A's but that means what to me, they are probably as much of a loser as you if they took after you.
Fine cough up a web site if you have one, I am sure your the janitor at one of these companies. Next tell me what software you run on your Windows machine that I do not have a open source version of. Further more explain to me where windows is better in desgin. You can't cause your a fake.

Look LOSER. I have had people tell me my name, address and phone number on the internet before. You people obviously can not get anything that you are not given, which is why you need to be handed free software.

You have no idea how dumb you are. But you have a worthless free OS, at least that is something.
still waiting on your fake website of your fake company. I hope they mastered the interface of Alien Areana since it is a first person shooter. How about you go through my post and do everything I ask, cause you can't cause you know nothing. Your kid's might get A's but that means what to me, they are probably as much of a loser as you if they took after you.

Do you think that Intel turned over a 3930K to me based on my fake wages?


The Alien Arena x-purt speaks......................


You have no idea how dumb you are. But you have a worthless free OS, at least that is something.
and you have windows which I doubt that you fully understand how to use.

Now, you came here and asked a question. That is fine. Your then proceed to completely derail the whole topic with a Linux bashing spree.

so, Sir, you say these things, provide proof other than the ****ing hot air that you are full of.

1. Worthless OS.
2. You work for this big company that uses all windows computers. Even a name of the company would help to validate your "story".

and the reason they got your info is because you are on WINDOWS that has about as much security as a oak tree.
Look LOSER. I have had people tell me my name, address and phone number on the internet before. You people obviously can not get anything that you are not given, which is why you need to be handed free software.

You have no idea how dumb you are. But you have a worthless free OS, at least that is something.

Still not coughing anything up so your a janitor and I feel bad for his children. Look guys I am going onto more important threads cause he has ran out of steam but at least he shows me that I know more about computers, and that I will always be twice the father he has dreamed of being.

He was to scared to even tell me what software he uses in knowing I would crush him by showing him I can do all the same things.
Still not coughing anything up so your a janitor and I feel bad for his children. Look guys I am going onto more important threads cause he has ran out of steam but at least he shows me that I know more about computers, and that I will always be twice the father he has dreamed of being.

He was to scared to even tell me what software he uses in knowing I would crush him by showing him I can do all the same things.

Hah, the Alien Arena x-spurter has given up..................


See ya.
Quick question to you all, what is the point of these trolls? What personal gain does he get for sounding like a idiot? I don't get it so can someone explain to me.
Okee doki, ifm u um se so.....................

Now, slow down, breath and read the gibberish that you are writing.

My apologies dear sir, it has been fixed. Have you read the gibberish you've been saying?

Once in the trap of truth, no evil-doer ever escapes.

The ghost of Christmas past, present and future are perpetual, of this you can be sure.

Yes I will say that I am not arguing, I have posted some ideas, that are not really entirely popular, and you and others have attacked me for having those ideas. I just continue to post more ideas, all truths.

PS. I found the bears anyway....

PSS. If you understand the above, there is a 98.5% chance that you are a federal agent of some type.

And theres more, but I grow tired of searching

Wait wait!
Hah, the Alien Arena x-spurter has given up..................
not sure what an x-spurter is..............
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My apologies dear sir, it has been fixed. Have you read the gibberish you've been saying?

And theres more, but I grow tired of searching

Wait wait!
not sure what an x-spurter is..............

Man did I get under your skin...........................

Windows has a bubble screensaver, it has almost as many bubbles as you have on the side of your foaming mouth at the moment.

Try Xanax...................

We got no landing gear, so we can't take off. Lightning fried the radio, so we can't call for help. AirSea with try a rescue mission but without a beacon to hone in on it's like trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass. The only thing we got is this flare gun with a single flare.
Quick question to you all, what is the point of these trolls? What personal gain does he get for sounding like a idiot? I don't get it so can someone explain to me.

Usually to try and invoke some kind of emotional response from those he is trying to aggravate (aka us).

Man did I get under your skin...........................

Windows has a bubble screensaver, it has almost as many bubbles as you have on the side of your foaming mouth at the moment.

Try Xanax...................

We got no landing gear, so we can't take off. Lightning fried the radio, so we can't call for help. AirSea with try a rescue mission but without a beacon to hone in on it's like trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass. The only thing we got is this flare gun with a single flare.

Okay now you're just posting random garbage.
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You could have some valid points. But your logic is flawed, so your argument sounds like a guy that stepped on a board, it flewed up and hit him in the face. Your lashing out from a noob point of view on Windows and Open Source. I use both for different reasons. Both have there draw back and both have there advantages.

Is Microsoft a monopoly, yes. But I dont blame them for it, Bill Gates was a hell of a competitor. I dont even think they should lost any of the lawsuits. Becoming a monopoly was nothing but smart thinking in the begining. All these companies that go after them for having IE/Media Player and so on claming it give them the advantage. Duh, its his Operating System, he has the right to install any programs he want to. Thats like saying Chevy cant put Windshield Wipers/Floor mats/Tires because it give Chevy or the company that made them a unfair advantage.

But your attitude and really noobish understanding of Open Source just kills any points you could be making for Windows. I mean its really like you have no understanding of it at all. Its not even worth taking it point by point. Even your main reason because of compensation, its like your making a judgment call without any knowledge or concept or even reasoning. Humpty Dumpty syndrome.