BF Bad Company 2

I find modern warfare slightly boring now. BC2 is a refresher because it has the destructible enviroments, ability to revive people, and vehicles which I also like.

try new weapons/gametypes/perks/playstyles/killstreaks. if you use the same shit over and over it gets very boring.
BFBC2 imho is MUCH better than MW2, and i rly like mw2 lol... BFBC2 is much more FUN, better pace, VERY IMMERSIBLE, it is an epic experience. Everyone should play this game lol it is amazing.
I'm totally loving this game. I was just in a game where I was walking on the scaffolding next to this house, blew a hole in the side with a rocket launcher, and shot the guy on the mounted machine gun, then I jumped out and repaired the ATV, and rode off, lol.
I have one question, why is that in the unlocks section, you will be able to unlock everything fine until the point of some scope and for that you need to have like 10 million points?
I cancelled my pre-order on Steam last night,contacted steam support and they said yes no problems and have refunded my money.

Steam FTW.
I got it off barnes and noble when it was $20 (which most people thought was a mistake). They sent me a $5 gift card which I assumed was a sorry we made a mistake and are now canceling your preorder gift but mine is still scheduled to ship....

Does anyone else get it from amazon? Anyone know whats going on with that?
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Barnes& was selling pre-order of this game for 24 bucks the other day - but the offer expired quickly. Not sure if they'll actually ship to those who bought it.

Sweet looking game though.
the unlocks that cost ridiculous amounts are there to limit how far yo u can go in the Beta they will be normal when the game comes out or if they decide to let us see more weapons :D