Call of Duty: Black Ops Thread

Fairly simple actually....DON'T BUY IT.

I refuse to buy a DLC ever...specially 10 hours after release there was news about it. The problem is idiots buy it anyways and only make the problem worse. Soon you will buy the game for $70 and you wont be able to play till you buy some DLC packages for $10 a pop. You laugh but they would do it to you in a heart beat if they could. What kills me the most are the people who are like "it keeps the community active and helps gameplay" its called a open editor....every game with it has a thriving community.

Good luck trying to convince the whole community to not do that. It worked well for the L4D and MW2 boycotters. They sure made a difference with their little Steam groups.

I'll buy DLC content for a game that I play, and be happy about it. Because first, I enjoy the game, and want to enjoy it further. Second, hate to say it, but companies want money. Plain and simple. Unfortunately not every company can be like Valve, with their free updates and one time fees with games. So if I have to spend, what, $5, $10 for some content, I will. Because it's a win-win then for the Developers and I. They get their money, and I get the content. Should the content be free? That's debatable. Personally, if I was a developer, I'd want money for the content I produce.
The way its going though Twist,If we thought like that we would never have anything these days.

Just because you or me dont buy the DLC wont make one bit of diffrence because there will be like a billion other people that will,and the game companies know this.

Its all about max $$$,really gets on my tits.

Just tried out the Zombie mode in Black ops,I think this is the only part of the game that runs smoothly :D

And if everyone thought like that, nothing will change. If all the people that got annoyed at paying a quarter of the price of the actual game, for less than a 10th of the content (and not even good content), which is what happens with DLC's , didn't buy the DLC, companies would soon either

a. include the content in the game, which they should be doing anyway
b. make DLC free

It is the same thing as voting, some people won't vote because "1 vote never made a difference". I'm the same as Twist, I don't, and won't, pay for DLC, it should be free like it has been every game from ~3 years + ago on PC, and DLC isn't the same as an expansion pack. Expansion packs added something massively extra to the game, and if it didn't, it got slated for not doing so, now it seems "the norm" to add 2 or 3 things, or an extra hour of gameplay, or some other waste of time and hard drive space


check out xfire now btw ;)

Rank|Name|Minutes played

1st: WoW: 3,794,981
2nd CoD4: 3,353,792
3rd: Black Ops: 2,859,365

Seems I was a little optimistic about how long Black Ops will be ahead of CoD4 :p
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Good luck trying to convince the whole community to not do that. It worked well for the L4D and MW2 boycotters. They sure made a difference with their little Steam groups.

I'll buy DLC content for a game that I play, and be happy about it. Because first, I enjoy the game, and want to enjoy it further. Second, hate to say it, but companies want money. Plain and simple. Unfortunately not every company can be like Valve, with their free updates and one time fees with games. So if I have to spend, what, $5, $10 for some content, I will. Because it's a win-win then for the Developers and I. They get their money, and I get the content. Should the content be free? That's debatable. Personally, if I was a developer, I'd want money for the content I produce.
Very true. Now if they forced you to pay for an update, or else the game will not be playable, then I would be against that.
And if everyone thought like that, nothing will change. If all the people that got annoyed at paying a quarter of the price of the actual game, for less than a 10th of the content (and not even good content), which is what happens with DLC's , didn't buy the DLC, companies would soon either

a. include the content in the game, which they should be doing anyway
b. make DLC free

Nothing will change either way to be honest,people will either not buy the DLC and some will...Your forgetting that they have already made enough money from selling the game itself,DLC is just a little added bonus to their bank balance so they couldnt really care less if people buy it or not.

Look at all the moaning Mafia 2 started up with the DLC,There was thousonds if not more sighning petitions...did they offer it for free or reduce the price? NOPE.

As for COD atm,what a mess....still lag online,noobs running around with knives at 100mph,spawn on top of enemys....get shot in the back at spawn.

just pathetic.

I think il have to return to a real game....BC2 :p
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Nothing will change either way to be honest,people will either not buy the DLC and some will...Your forgetting that they have already made enough money from selling the game itself,DLC is just a little added bonus to their bank balance so they couldnt really care less if people buy it or not.

Look at all the moaning Mafia 2 started up with the DLC,There was thousonds if not more sighning petitions...did they offer it for free or reduce the price? NOPE.

As for COD atm,what a mess....still lag online,noobs running around with knives at 100mph,spawn on top of enemys....get shot in the back at spawn.

just pathetic.

I think il have to return to a real game....BC2 :p


Anyone for a wee zombie co op?

Add me on steam

[email protected]
When you spend your hard earned money on a game that does not run right and nothing seems to be getting done about it,I think we have a damn good right to moan!:D

They released a patch already and it improved the game some. I've noticed a difference, as have some others. It's not like they're telling us to go get ****ed. They're working on it. I'm sure they're not sitting on the solution, they're probably working quite hard to get this fixed completely.
They released a patch already and it improved the game some. I've noticed a difference, as have some others. It's not like they're telling us to go get ****ed. They're working on it. I'm sure they're not sitting on the solution, they're probably working quite hard to get this fixed completely.

As far as I am concerned they released game in unplayable state. They knew about it, still realesed it and never told us. They should have said. "The game will lag and stutter until patch is realeased". They never. They kept their mouths shut and robbed me and others from my money. Some guy from Treyarch said that he knew that in Black ops he gets about 150 fps less than in MW2....yet did nothing about. I think it was some guy from testing. Read it on steam 2 days ago.
As far as I am concerned they released game in unplayable state. They knew about it, still realesed it and never told us. They should have said. "The game will lag and stutter until patch is realeased". They never. They kept their mouths shut and robbed me and others from my money. Some guy from Treyarch said that he knew that in Black ops he gets about 150 fps less than in MW2....yet did nothing about. I think it was some guy from testing. Read it on steam 2 days ago.

I'd like to see some legit sources on them supposedly releasing the game in the state that it's in. People are saying it's server related. One of the first fixes for it was tweaking some settings for GameServer. And they could have predicted the game would become laggy because of all of the people playing. It doesn't seem like a smart tactic to pull people into one of the year's most anticipated games and knowingly give them a broken game. If they just wanted the initial $60 from the PC community, they got it. But they won't get people to purchase whatever DLC they release before they fix it. So it sounds like more work for them if they released the game broken and did nothing about it, since they're going to have to fix it now.

And mind you, Treyarch's last game was World at War. Which was great. Even the launch was fine.
As far as I am concerned they released game in unplayable state. They knew about it, still realesed it and never told us. They should have said. "The game will lag and stutter until patch is realeased". They never. They kept their mouths shut and robbed me and others from my money. Some guy from Treyarch said that he knew that in Black ops he gets about 150 fps less than in MW2....yet did nothing about. I think it was some guy from testing. Read it on steam 2 days ago.

link or it didn't happen. 150FPS less? bollocks.
Nothing will change either way to be honest,people will either not buy the DLC and some will...Your forgetting that they have already made enough money from selling the game itself,DLC is just a little added bonus to their bank balance so they couldnt really care less if people buy it or not.

Look at all the moaning Mafia 2 started up with the DLC,There was thousonds if not more sighning petitions...did they offer it for free or reduce the price? NOPE.

As for COD atm,what a mess....still lag online,noobs running around with knives at 100mph,spawn on top of enemys....get shot in the back at spawn.

just pathetic.

I think il have to return to a real game....BC2 :p

And you are forgetting that like L4D2 and MW2, people will show their disgust at some things, but then will be extremely hypocritical and buy it anyway. If people actually stuck to it and didn't buy they wouldn't develop the DLC, or they wouldn't charge for it.

If it is the former, people will start to get bored of the games more quickly, won't buy sequels, companies won't make money, they will bring out DLC to keep people buying sequels, but not charge. Either way, if people actually stopped buying the overpriced DLC, charges would stop again

They released a patch already and it improved the game some. I've noticed a difference, as have some others. It's not like they're telling us to go get ****ed. They're working on it. I'm sure they're not sitting on the solution, they're probably working quite hard to get this fixed completely.

Companies shouldn't be allowed to release games that don't work properly. Days before the internet, there were never games with extreme bugs that made the game almost unplayable, because they couldn't just release a patch, they had to get it right first time. Why it should change, I don't know. I would rather have a game a couple months later and have the quality than to have it unplayable and/or extremely frustrating for the first couple months anyway.

On another note, Yesterday I played the single player at a friends for 90-120 mins and it is rubbish. Asked a clan member if mp is the same gameplay wise and he said pretty much and that he regrets buying it now (which is the general consensus from all the members that bought it, except for 1 that would have babies with MW2 as well if he could), so I'm definitely not going to buy it now, glad I didn't find out from my own copy after I bought it
this is the same crap that people go on about after every major release. get over it. its a great game and with the lag issue and spawning fixed (which they will) it will be awesome!
To be honest with myself as i bought both MoH and Black Ops at the moment i would say MoH is coming out on top.With MoH you move about a lot
more on the maps without getting killed where as in BO you dont have a chance.I still think that BO is MW2 in disguise.
this is the same crap that people go on about after every major release. get over it. its a great game and with the lag issue and spawning fixed (which they will) it will be awesome!

I think the point is that they released it in a very bad state. I really cannot comment since I have not played it, and that I really don't like COD, but from the comments on here I gather that it is really buggy and such.
I am pretty sure developers and companies have dates they need to release it by (binded by contracts or something) but I reckon if it is as unplayable as everyone says then they should push it back a little bit further and get rid of the bugs.
At Scan:

i7 950 @ 4.0
Dual GTX580
Highest settings = lag :p lol

I managed to beat a member of Team Dignitas though, which is nice :D


k back home now, so can write properly :)

Full settings + 3D + very high projector resolution + GTX580 SLI = Lag :confused:

It should be plowing through a DX9 game no problems, even with 3D and at high resolutions. I played on their "normal" systems, which were i7 950, GTX 480 + 6GB memory, and they were lagging. These are very high end systems that should be destroying the game
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This game ROCKS. At least multiplayer does. Online is much better than I' d ever thought, wish I could do that at home...but I am at a friends so I can't...ANYWAY, I love it :D Not sure if I will buy it though, purely due to the fact that I can't play online at home thanks to stupid bandwidth limits :mad: