Mac OS X Leopard. Hasta la vista, Vista.


Active Member
I'm using the Safari beta now, it's really good i must say. i like the font smoothing. and the grey theme rocks


New Member
The new Leopard will really change my life (and yours). With all the cool features, nothing compares to Macs. Steve Jobs deserves to be as well known as Bill Gates right now. Without him, this would be a boring world. Seriously.:)


New Member
i dont have quicktime, nor do i want to get it, can someone just tell me whats so great about this?

I hate apple and everything they represent, but this does look interesting..

*edit* i just looked at some vids of it, and it really doesnt look that great...
It had a few iFeatures that looked like they might be useful to some iFolk, but most of it (at least for me) would be really unessccary and useless (for example, the alex speaking thing sounds pretty cool because it doesnt sound like an idiot *cough Microsoft sam* but its a feature that i wouldnt ever use)

however, my iOpinion may be swayed..
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New Member
^^i dont know what you're trying to say^^

duh quicktime is made from apple, thats what I dont want it. Also, it sucks.


VIP Member
I just watched the keynote, a few features which are totally awesome are

the new ichat - awesome!

spaces - probably the best multiple desktop app I have ever seen

core animation - is eye candy that no one can touch, not beryl not compiz not aero not anyone. It is amazing looking, and it allows devs to create their own intuitive way applications look and run giving them APIs to access GPUs.

organization - stacks, yeah nicely done apple. The new finder, and cover flow is amazingly responsive and cool looking on that mac, and Leopard isn't even released yet!


New Member
I just watched the keynote, a few features which are totally awesome are

the new ichat - awesome!

spaces - probably the best multiple desktop app I have ever seen

core animation - is eye candy that no one can touch, not beryl not compiz not aero not anyone. It is amazing looking, and it allows devs to create their own intuitive way applications look and run giving them APIs to access GPUs.

organization - stacks, yeah nicely done apple. The new finder, and cover flow is amazingly responsive and cool looking on that mac, and Leopard isn't even released yet!

And remember - that's only 10 out of the 300 new features!

Some things I was disappointed with: No new hardware products (*cough*iMac*cough*), no mention of ZFS, and no talk about resolution independence.


New Member
Anyone else notice that Safari for Windows crashes alot. I know it's a beta but 4 crashes in 2 hours.


New Member
For anyone interested, these were benchmarks from something called i-Bench:



And a live demo test he did at the keynote:
