macbook 2.4ghz

"LOL I run MS office on 6,500 Macs at work just fine, so please GTFO with your poor attempt of trolling." I really don't care that you call me a troll if it makes you happy, or that you have 6,500 macs. You always talk about that, it must bring pleasure to you. And if you can run microsoft office on your 6500 macs, Good for you, but we were talking about laptops from 2002 with 32mb graphics cards, 800mhz single core processors, running office 2007.


Those specs you speak of can also run Office no problem. Not all my macs at work are brand new, some are 6 years old and they still run office 2004 with no problems.
I just feel for the price window's pc's are better, if I built a pc up to the price of say a baseline macbook pro I would have a much faster processor, graphics card, better resolution screen, blue ray, larger HDD, and would still have enough to go purchase quality software. I'm not saying apple are bad computer's I just feel for the price window's pc's are much better. And if I needed a smaller lighter laptop for the on the go I would purchase something like Dell inspiron mini or something of that class that apple does not offer.
I just feel for the price window's pc's are better, if I built a pc up to the price of say a baseline macbook pro I would have a much faster processor, graphics card, better resolution screen, blue ray, larger HDD, and would still have enough to go purchase quality software. I'm not saying apple are bad computer's I just feel for the price window's pc's are much better. And if I needed a smaller lighter laptop for the on the go I would purchase something like Dell inspiron mini or something of that class that apple does not offer.
Yea your building a desktop not a laptop. You would compare your pc to a mac pro since your talking about building a desktop and again you can't build an imac... or build a pc version of that
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I dont know that you should have bought it over a car, but you definitely got a good machine there.

I thought I would add my two cents on the Windows-MAC debate. A year ago I would have been completely hardcore on the windows side of things as Ive been a windows user for ages. Sure it plays games and handles my media pretty well, but when it came time for me to start getting into home recording which made me realize where Windows struggles so badly. I have a pretty decent machine (see sig) and used to have Windows installed and ran Cubase and Cool Edit Pro with a Tascam US-144 interface. What a drag!

First off it took forever to find all the correct codecs and drivers to make these programs talk to Vista and my interface and when they finally did they ran at an acceptable speed but I knew my machine could do so much better than it was being allowed to do.

Long story short, My brother who owns a recording studio recently switched from an all analog setup to an all digital Pro Tools rig with a Mac (dont ask which one, its the one thats only the screen, no tower) and that thing blew my computer out the water in every possible way with less ram and a slower processor!

The final straw with windows for me was that recently I tried to create a new partition to install linux to using vistas partition manager and for whatever reason it fubar'd everything and wouldnt let me boot into windows period!

So now im running Linux and I am bound determined that I wont go back. I got CoD4 running and GTA San Andreas so im set with my two favorite games, audacity for recording, open office for word apps, etc etc... and its all free!

So yeah, i used to love windows, now I dont and probably wont go back until I absolutely have to.

Glad to here you've switched... might I recommend this for recording? It's way better than Audacity if you can get it to work. :)

As far as the MacBook goes... it's all about preference. If you like Windows you should of gotten a Windows rig. Also, if you wanted to game you should of gotten a Windows rig. I personally prefer Mac (and Linux) though because it's much better for multimedia work, which I do a lot of (especially editing photos.) I also like the interface a lot better than Windows... not only does it look awesome, but it works really well too.
I don't care how you argue it or dress it up. I use both platforms at work and at home and Unix is way better than Windows in many aspects. That is just how I see it, hands down.
I don't care how you argue it or dress it up. I use both platforms at work and at home and Unix is way better than Windows in many aspects. That is just how I see it, hands down.

Yup! UNIX ftw! Unless you're gaming of course... still, you can get some decent games working on Mac.
Yup! UNIX ftw! Unless you're gaming of course... still, you can get some decent games working on Mac.

If all you want to do is game, then a PC with Windows is the way to go. That I won't argue with. However, Unix is a exponentially way more stable than windows.
As good as the os maybe I could ever justify paying the price of a mac when I know I can build a better pc for cheaper.

And if you want a more secure and faster OS than Windows use linux.
As good as the os maybe I could ever justify paying the price of a mac when I know I can build a better pc for cheaper.

And if you want a more secure and faster OS than Windows use linux.

You can't compare the two products.

Mac laptop has the following standard, which not every PC machine has these:

Intel Core 2 Duo
2Gi of RAM
1" thick
made of a metal alloy - no plastic = more expensive
SMS sensor
iSight Camera
LED Back lit Screens

You try and build a desktop or a laptop spec for spec they are about the same price.
You can't compare the two products.

Mac laptop has the following standard, which not every PC machine has these:

Intel Core 2 Duo
2Gi of RAM
1" thick
made of a metal alloy - no plastic = more expensive
SMS sensor
iSight Camera
LED Back lit Screens

You try and build a desktop or a laptop spec for spec they are about the same price.

Hehem new macbooks are 0.95'' thick
Intel Core 2 Duo
2Gi of RAM
1" thick
made of a metal alloy - no plastic = more expensive
SMS sensor
iSight Camera
LED Back lit Screens

-- The thing is, Mac's only have a few models, For around $1000 +, and a lot of budget PC's start at around $500. That's why those features are not standard.
Go look at a hp laptop's, other than the metal body and 1 '' thick they are competetive at a lower price. Plus as for the size issue I would get a netbook. Finally I like how I can choose AMD or Intel, NVIDIA or Radeon. How I can get blue ray and mac can't. How Dell and hp offer 640 GB HDD in there laptops which seems that is key for media (music, movies and photos) and you can get that upgrade for cheap.
Intel Core 2 Duo
2Gi of RAM
1" thick
made of a metal alloy - no plastic = more expensive
SMS sensor
iSight Camera
LED Back lit Screens

-- The thing is, Mac's only have a few models, For around $1000 +, and a lot of budget PC's start at around $500. That's why those features are not standard.
But if you want those features you will need to look all through laptops rather than hmm if i go mac i know all those features are standard
Go look at a hp laptop's, other than the metal body and 1 '' thick they are competetive at a lower price. Plus as for the size issue I would get a netbook. Finally I like how I can choose AMD or Intel, NVIDIA or Radeon. How I can get blue ray and mac can't. How Dell and hp offer 640 GB HDD in there laptops which seems that is key for media (music, movies and photos) and you can get that upgrade for cheap.

Yea! you want a low powered netbook. And they don't even have Nvidia or ATI in them.

AMD or intel. Well AMD isn't just upto speed as intel TBH and if the heat sink some how dies on a AMD it doesnt give a heat warning or shutoff. Also blueray laptops. Apple wants to give portability and battery hence Hybrid Graphics etc.
Oh and the new macs can upgrade the HD's easily without voiding. All you need to do is take off the battery. Open the ram door i think and band place a new drive. And If you want to mod your MBP you can replace the DVD drive with a 500GB Sata although I suppose 1TB would prob be supported.
Go look at a hp laptop's, other than the metal body and 1 '' thick they are competetive at a lower price. Plus as for the size issue I would get a netbook. Finally I like how I can choose AMD or Intel, NVIDIA or Radeon. How I can get blue ray and mac can't. How Dell and hp offer 640 GB HDD in there laptops which seems that is key for media (music, movies and photos) and you can get that upgrade for cheap.

No they are not comparable.

HP laptops do not have the following standard:

SMS sensor
LED back lit LCD screen
Multi Touch track pad
ABGN wifi (this is typically an upgrade, most PCs only have B/G/N wifi)
HD video out (not standard)
Optical Audio out (typically not standard)
built in web cam (some have this standard)

LED back lit screen is easily $300 added to the price tag. Does this mean that it is way better? Not necessarily, but it does mean that it is more expensive because the part costs more. Therefore, you can't compare an HP to a Mac laptop because they don't have the same parts and features.

Custom build a BTO business class laptop with the same specs as a Macbook, then we will talk what is over priced.