Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Bit of an update...:)
Sorry about bad quality, i'll get some better ones later



Awesome! It's sure is a monster isn't it! :good:
That looks really good, I was a little un-sure what the Red would look like when you mentioned it, but know I've seen it, looks real good! Nice work!
man how can you survive with the Intel Stock Heatsink ?

Its actually not too bad, I would like to upgrade and get a good one but to tell the truth I dont really need it at the moment. My E6750 is 2.66Ghz at stock and Iv OC'd it to 3.2Ghz where its very stable. Idle temps are 26 deg. (celcius) and load is about 43 deg. so Im not complaining :)
HP Pavilian Elite m9500f
8gb of ram
AMD 9750 Quad-Core 2.40 GHz
750gb Hard Drive
500gb Hard Drive
2 19" LCDs
Saitek Keyboard
Logitech MX Revolution mouse
Logitech THX Z-2200 Speakers



And every once in awhile i hook up to my tv.
Took this picture just in time..

Nice rig z400,

If i was to ever buy a pre-built pc again it would be another Hp, theyre realy good machines.
very nice patrick,i like the black case.

What job do you do if you dont mind me asking? :)