Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)




Sorry about the blur.
I mainly use the laptop running fedora core 5 but sometimes use the windows xp desktop even though it is crap.
My computers are so rubbish... :(
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wow if you look back in my album my computer has changed a lot. Here is my newest pictures with the added uv reactive slot fan, the DVD drive, the new video card, and the UV light. I couldn't have done it with out computer forum :) . Actually I just got a new desk but I dont have my camera right now so I'll post some pictures later.
I dont think your pics are funny, I would like to see your real setup

oh sorry if they are offensive, was not the purpose..

My elcheapo digital camera is not supported on XP machines. So I got to get my dad to download the software onto his windows 2000. If indeed that succeeds I’ll get a pick on here.. The computer is stock with only a few mods, plan to do more in the future.. Added DVD player, and 40gig HD, plan to go to P4 and more ram...

currently 2.6cely with 256ram
this is the one I used back in the 80s :p

Back in Elementary school, we actually used to have those as our computers...... The programs were on this black, literally floppy disk things..... They actually had some pretty fun games on those, like Oregon Trail and one that was like word-chomper or something......
I don't have a camera to post a pic, yet mine is a X-Blade...the same type right next to the logo at the top of this site :)