What Web Browser Do You Use?

What Web Browser Do You Use?

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Google Chrome = AWESOME!!!!!

It has an extension for Google Voice! OH MAN!! The one thing I was missing from everything...
DUDE! Itz gotz awesomez extensionz!!

I use all 3 major browsers, which I think is pretty much reflected in the poll results so far. IE, Firefox and Safari. Basically, each browser sees webpages differently, becuase Microsoft still can't be bothered to adhere to agreed international standards. The result? designing websites needs 2 operating systems, 3 browsers and a whole load of patience. The guys here Beta test my work on Chrome once I'm near finished. Thankfully, Chrome and Firefox both adhere to CSS standards and Safari has only a few very minor quirks dealing with CSS
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Went back to FF this week...the one working browser that can be found for almost every platform, including OS X 10.4 and Windows Mobile 2003. Google Chrome needs an Intel Mac with OS X 10.5 to run :mad: I have 10.5, but I don't have an Intel Mac.
Chrome is pretty good. Good extensions. Fast loading of Google services. But it can't run on a PPC based Mac with OS X 10.4 :(.
Opera doesn't work too well either, text lags like crazy. Takes like 5 seconds for a couple words to show up, it drives me insane while typing.
Safari, meh, don't care for it.
I have used most of the top 4 browsers. Chrome, IE4,5,6,7,&8, and FF. I have no preference of FF over Chrome. On chrome however, I have not figured out how to use bookmarks, if it even has them (somebody please explain how to use them). I like how FF and chrome will tell you if you misspell something you are typing in them.
IE8 lags on my Laptops (Even at 2.8 dual core). I have no like for the IE browsers after IE6.
I just downloaded Safari, and will be back in a few days to give my opinion on that too.
I personally hated Safari and still do. I've been using Chrome lately, and prefer it over Opera, which I preferred over FF. I can see why the vast majority of people that use it think it is so good :D
I personally hated Safari and still do. I've been using Chrome lately, and prefer it over Opera, which I preferred over FF. I can see why the vast majority of people that use it think it is so good :D

i am basically exactly the same. love chrome and have for the last 6 months or so. a couple of things i wish they'd change but it is till better than opera and firefox. i don't really get why you people love it (firefox) so much :confused:
i am basically exactly the same. love chrome and have for the last 6 months or so. a couple of things i wish they'd change but it is till better than opera and firefox. i don't really get why you people love it (firefox) so much :confused:



I haven't tried the beta of IE9 yet, I'll see how that goes


I haven't tried the beta of IE9 yet, I'll see how that goes

it is alright. for being in beta it is quite good. a couple of things i hope they change between now and the final release though, such as the new tab page (although i can't remember if that came with it or if i used an add-on... i think it is built in. either way it needs to be refined a little before being even close to satisfactory).
Ive been using Internet Explorer 8 for a couple of weeks now and its not been one problem...i do like Firefox its just been getting too un-reliable for me with it keep crashing.

I dont like Opera,Safari or Chrome,The problem with todays latest Browsers is they try to add too much crap into them thinking it will make it a better experience but i just hate it,I prefer just a basic brower that Internet explorer 8 has been and the older versions of Firefox.
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I've been running IE9 for a few weeks now, a marked improvement over IE8 but finding it hard to adjust to the "home" icon and the "refresh" icon new positions, I know you have the option to move the "refresh" icon but it's still in the wrong place for me.
Still, it is beta and maybe feedback will dictate the icons eventual places differently.
Dude, they are putting Opera on Nintendo DSi.

Yeah, I knew that, I didn't even know that you could download opera for even jailbroken iPhones :p
I need to keep up with stuff. I guess it'd be perfectly feasible to go onto the opera website and download opera mobile:eek:?
I guess :D I don't remember seeing Opera for iPhone though. I've been on there to try to get it for my Axim, so I went through the list, but don't remember seeing it. It could most likely have been developed by a third party.

Opera for Mac sucks. I don't know why the heck it does this long delay of the typed text appearing on the screen. Maybe it doesn't like my architecture, idk.
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