why is my Win7 Subscore so low?

Asus Crosshair 2 Formula
AMD Phenom 2 X4 940 BE
4GB G.Skill DDR2 1066
Sapphire Radeon HD3870
NexusTek RX-7000 700W
7200RPM 320gb WD

not much but will get me a nice FPS on cod. now before you ran that im using a Radeon card on a SLI ready mobo, i am going to upgrade the card to a double 550TI for SLI. this gpu im getting is my friends and he needs to get rid of it and i need a temporary one.

getting 4gb of 1066 is your biggest problem, the going rate of that used is $50 or so right now it's quite expensive. If you settled for 800, you could pick some up for $30ish if you waited it out for a good deal.

But for what you are going to have in it, yeah it's a capable gaming setup. The GPU is definitely the bottleneck, even in the newer COD games it will struggle. What resolution are you on? BUT, even with a single gtx550 Ti it will blast through all COD games with ease.

However, I would stay on the lookout for a gtx460. It smashes (lol) the gtx550 Ti for about the same price (both used are going for $90-100 or so). Even the 768mb is way stronger and very cost affective.
getting 4gb of 1066 is your biggest problem, the going rate of that used is $50 or so right now it's quite expensive. If you settled for 800, you could pick some up for $30ish if you waited it out for a good deal.

But for what you are going to have in it, yeah it's a capable gaming setup. The GPU is definitely the bottleneck, even in the newer COD games it will struggle. What resolution are you on? BUT, even with a single gtx550 Ti it will blast through all COD games with ease.

However, I would stay on the lookout for a gtx460. It smashes (lol) the gtx550 Ti for about the same price (both used are going for $90-100 or so). Even the 768mb is way stronger and very cost affective.

well the 1066 RAM i can get quite cheap from a friend, for about 35$ but might go for 800 not sure yet. the reso im playing at is 1024x1280 if im right so not too demanding as my intergrated card can take that. might get a single gtx460 and after awhile get a second one for SLI.
It is and thats exactly what it was meant to be, a broad statement. Meaning that the Windows sub score thing doesn't mean much. However of course there will be faster computers, but in your case, a 2700K is identical (when overclocked) to a 2600K and 6990s in CF are so retarded due to poor driver support. In fact they have some of the worst scaling ever, so on paper, your machine (btw very nice) should be seriously fast, but in practice, the driver support for quad crossfire is lame at best. I am yet to see a game that benefits over a a pair of 6970s which is cooler, cheaper and faster. And given the fact that GTX580s are faster than that.. .


But yeah, if you have massive monitor resolutions, multi gpus are a great options, just not the HD6990s - they're woeful.

I know my graphics cards suck balls. Thanks
I feel a bench-off coming on

wut? bench-off? really they exist nowadays? How awesome! Im not playing along, my laptop or pc would just suck so bad the benchmarker would show a popup saying: Your Computer and/or Laptop suck so bad they should explode.

Well I did reply to a post from Stranglehold, but he seems to have thought better of it....
I was thinking more along the lines of Unigine Heaven and 3Dmark11, seeing as we both have fairly extreme graphics solutions. Superpi is just a cpu speed test. Also, that thread doesn't seem to get updated.
eh, I'm not too up on benchmarking. Either way you go you could start a thread to allow others to compare their computers too.

I'm almost sure that there is a 3Dmark11 thread here already.

edit: there is http://www.computerforum.com/187388-3dmark11-rank-thread.html.

I know lol, I'm top in the 3Dmark11 thread.

I actually think Heaven is a better benchmark to use. It gives a very good indication of how the GPU's will handle heavy tesselation in games. The scores that it gives are also a little more meaningful.

My main computer is in bits atm so I won't be able to do any benching until the weekend. I will most likely start a heaven thread then.