Bad Company 2 Thread

I do like the new map packs, but I seriously hope that BF3 is more like BF2. Enough with this dumbing down for consoles, we want 64 (or 128) multiplayer online with gigantic maps, jets, commander system and more!!

+10 to that,Im sick of games developers just taking the easy option and porting games from console to pc these days.
I do like the new map packs, but I seriously hope that BF3 is more like BF2. Enough with this dumbing down for consoles, we want 64 (or 128) multiplayer online with gigantic maps, jets, commander system and more!!

I don't know about that. MAG had 128 players and ended up sucking pretty badly (arguably, that's because it was on ps3, but ignore that for a moment). More isn't always better. There certainly is a dumbing down going on in games, but I think that's just more of a loss in quality. We don't need quantity to make up for that loss of quality, however original and unique ideas and gameplay certainly would make up for it. I'm sure this influx of poorer quality games coming out has something to do with the industry pumping more and more games out (eg activitions COD doing a game per year), rather than simply upgrading or working on existing games and mechanics to make them better. But what are we to do.
As far as BF3 is concerned, how would you guys feel about a MW2 gun specialization style added to that game? I feel kind of restricted having the same guns over and over again. Okay 2 out of the 12 the class offers you is good. I prefer new content being added to keep interests and add edges. :gun:
As far as BF3 is concerned, how would you guys feel about a MW2 gun specialization style added to that game? I feel kind of restricted having the same guns over and over again. Okay 2 out of the 12 the class offers you is good. I prefer new content being added to keep interests and add edges. :gun:

That would kill it for me.
One of the reasons I liked BF2 was that the kits had no specializations/perks. Now BC2 sorta has it which is the thing that bothers me but the game is still go so yeah
Well im pissed off atm,Since buying the Specact Kit DLC on steam two weeks ago it would not unlock getting this error.


I sent Steam Support an Email and have still got no responce,so i contacted EA Live support and they said to me that the Key Steam gave to me is showing up as Invalid and EA cannot help me any further,So i said to the guy at EA...what happens if Steam never get back to me?....he would not answer me and just kept saying you need to contact Steam.

Really annoying,Theyre quick enough to take your cash though.
nev i bought BFBC2 Vietnam off Steam and because i had not bought BFBC2 off Steam they would not give me a code.So i got my money back went on EA Stores and bought BFBC2 Vietnam for £4.99 which is £5.00 cheaper than Steam and i have been playing it.Keep sending emails to Steam they will answer you in the end.I dont like Steam myself.Nev you have got to get Vietnam it's great.:)
hey mate,im not talking about Vietnam,i have that and it activated fine,Its the Specact DLC for the "Regular" BC2 im talking about that wont activate.

What you think of Vietnam so far Russ?ive got to like it now its a nice change of scenery.
Nev i did read all of your post i was just trying to say keep sending the emails
as they will answer you.As to Vietnam i think it's great i played it for about
10 mins to see what it was like and i shall give it a good go tomorrow.Hope father Christmas came to your house and left loads of goodies for you and family,all the best for the new year mate.:)
Nev i did read all of your post i was just trying to say keep sending the emails
as they will answer you.As to Vietnam i think it's great i played it for about
10 mins to see what it was like and i shall give it a good go tomorrow.Hope father Christmas came to your house and left loads of goodies for you and family,all the best for the new year mate.:)

Yeah il have to send another tommorow,I heard alot of people are having activation problems with Battlefield 2 aswell from the steam deals,maybe its not just me.

All the best to you aswell ;)
Hey so Steam is having a sale on BC2 its $7 and figured since its so cheap might as well get it for my dad since he really likes it, thing is I installed from box/dvd on his computer to see how it would play but he still prefers playing it on my computer.

My question is, if I buy it off steam do i have to download the whole game again or can i maybe move the BC2 folder from the EA folder into the Steam folder
I don't know about that. MAG had 128 players and ended up sucking pretty badly (arguably, that's because it was on ps3, but ignore that for a moment). More isn't always better. There certainly is a dumbing down going on in games, but I think that's just more of a loss in quality. We don't need quantity to make up for that loss of quality, however original and unique ideas and gameplay certainly would make up for it. I'm sure this influx of poorer quality games coming out has something to do with the industry pumping more and more games out (eg activitions COD doing a game per year), rather than simply upgrading or working on existing games and mechanics to make them better. But what are we to do.

That's true, but at least 64 players would be nice. BF2 had that and it worked brilliantly.

What I think BF3 needs is the gun customizations of MW2 (I don't know about Blackops, I think making your own skins and reticles is just pushing it too far) and the maps and commander + squad system of BF2. I don't want another game that gives me ADHD when I play it.
Anyone having random disconnects lately? its happened 3 times so far this week and its always towards the end of the bloody game when you have earned all the points!!!!

Ive been trying out weapons that i usualy dont use,And i must say the GOL is a fantastic Sniper rifle,cant believe i didnt bother using it before.

Really been enjoying the new maps too,Harvest Day is amazing for Sniping & Tank battles.
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What about Vietnam how are you getting on with that.Do you enjoy playing more than BFBC2 with the older weapons.
Not played Vietnam for a few days mate,been more sucked into the new Maps for the regular BC2.

oh and btw i got my "Specact" DLC to work,It finally accepted my key :D
Glad you got(oh and btw i got my "Specact" DLC to work,It finally accepted my key ) sorted,i will have try BFBC2 again to see if it can hold my attention
Glad you got(oh and btw i got my "Specact" DLC to work,It finally accepted my key ) sorted,i will have try BFBC2 again to see if it can hold my attention

Yeah i must have tried 7x...but it worked this time,and there was EA Live saying my code was not valid when i asked them for help....pff shows how good their support is.
Ive been trying out weapons that i usualy dont use,And i must say the GOL is a fantastic Sniper rifle,cant believe i didnt bother using it before.

Don't be surprised if people get very hostile towards you when you kill them with the GOL. There are a lot of people who hate people who use the GOL because it doesn't have any scope sway. :p
Don't be surprised if people get very hostile towards you when you kill them with the GOL. There are a lot of people who hate people who use the GOL because it doesn't have any scope sway. :p

Meh,i can put up with someone moaning....just last night i accidently Team killed when a dumbass ran infront of my tank...i said sorry just to be nice even though it was not my fault and i had nothing but abuse from the guy and he kept trying to teamkill me back :D
wow! i just started playing this MP and it's really addicting :D

one question though, do people really don't like the tank, because in most servers i've played nobody gets in the the tanks. also, sometimes i see somebody from my team get it so i get in to ride the machine gun, but it's usually some noob taht can't drive it! :p

srlsy wha'ts up with this?