
He was referring to the "burn them" thing posted. The KKK is known (even though it was not as prominent as lynching) for burning negros alive.

thanks, nobody else ever seen the guys dressed like ghosts with the pointy hoods around a burning cross, not in real life but i actually saw a photo of it hapenning at a photo gallery which only had photos from the past 2 or 3 years, o it still happens just not the killing part. (at least not nearly as often)
pleading the fifth implies you know more than you should about these racist gatherings. which just got my curiosity poked, never really think of nerdy/geeky black people, wonder how many there are on this sight? (not in a racist way, just wondering)
Lol, Bulldozer thread has turned into discussion about the racial demographics of forum geeks. Not good news for AMD. :p
well, it is the only demographic that we can not tell (other than religion) from the profile.

But it is pretty well established that BD needs work at the least.
oh, well then i am unsure. He types out words, and has the average grammar of one.

i'm not sure if you meant like whit or a black guy but either way, u be racist as sh*t in that post, more evidince from the comment about you pleading the fifth meaning you know more about those meatings than you should.
Guys come on. He probably pled the fifth because this kind of talk isnt really allowed and its OT anyway. You guys could definitely be offending someone
last OT post here for this anyway.
I am not an idiot. The 5th amendment says you do not have to testify against yourself. I could not, and would not pull it unless it actually applied. Johnny was close to right, and thats all I am saying. I have my right to be that way, just as you have the right to not be that way. Its called free will.
last OT post here for this anyway.
I am not an idiot. The 5th amendment says you do not have to testify against yourself. I could not, and would not pull it unless it actually applied. Johnny was close to right, and thats all I am saying. I have my right to be that way, just as you have the right to not be that way. Its called free will.

I didn't call you an idiot.... when people use that phrase out of context of legal matters it normally means they would rather not talk....To me that was smart, cause the conversation didn't need to keep going
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, but i am slight confused.

I have been trying to follow along in this thread, as i am in the midst of building a new computer. Right now i am caught between getting the new FX8150 and the 2600k. As you can guess, this holds me back dramatically as items depend on my choice (motherboard and such).

Now as i have been following along, i have been trying to grasp the opinions about the bulldozer. Hard as one topic goes off trail, then the next. Can anyone give me the short version of the cons of the FX8150? I understand that it is not a "true" eight core, as in the traditional sense of having 8 physical cores (this part doesn't bother me). As well as i am confused with the "windows 7 issue" > what is this? lol.

Maybe taking many steps back, but i'm just having a hard time following along lol.

Thanks :)
the cons of bulldozer, here's the pros, it beat the 2500k on i think 2 or 3 benchmarks and like 3 games, just about it, it sucks atm, there are a few patches in the working for the windows scheduler so it utalizes the cores properly and a bios update too, but it won't make up the gap completely from what they've been saying. really the 8150 loses to the 1100t in most cases, that's what's so sad.
that's what i said a while ago, someone got a 8150 so i said get them and bigfella together and we compare the benches for ourselves so we have a concrete set of numbers, only problem is i can see bigfella cheating/lying to keep intel's precious title of best.