Discussion/Beta Testing thread - Black Hole


Black Hole V4 is here!


.NET Framework 2.0

Supported Operating Systems:
XP Pro x64 SP2
Vista x64
7 x64
8 x64

Windows Server x64 may work but is not fully supported.
This is the first Black Hole release to run flawlessly in XP x64 by the way. The older releases had issues with XP x64, but this one seems to work perfectly with it.

My scores (2500K @ 4.3GHz)

As I type this we're all frantically working on this program. I've come up with another UI which we will probably use. I've ditched the blue and gone for black, to suit the name of the program a bit better.

I know this isn't the newest beta, but the only difference is a UI change, the score will still be the same. Here is the Athlon 64 3700+.


Yes, the CMOS battery on this isn't working, hence why it thinks it's 0:58 AM on the 22nd December. :/
I know this isn't the newest beta, but the only difference is a UI change, the score will still be the same. Here is the Athlon 64 3700+.


Yes, the CMOS battery on this isn't working, hence why it thinks it's 0:58 AM on the 22nd December. :/

Nice score lol! :D
Tomorrow I'm still going to see how the 4 looks to the right of the 'BH Benchmark' logo and I'll look into changing the colour and font of the final score to something which fits in better.