Help buiding Computer

alright im about ready to order, i just need someones opinion on like liquid cooling or stuff, my one friend i asked said i should for sure get that so idk
I wouldn't say for sure. Air cooling will do just fine. I think its kind of a hassle and the benefits aren't that great. You'd be fine with a good airflow case and an after market CPU cooler.
liquid cooling is just a hastle, and a good quality air cooler from nactua or corsair or whatever will perfrom just as good as the liquid minus the hastle, your friend really doesn't seem too bright.
liquid cooling is just a hastle, and a good quality air cooler from nactua or corsair or whatever will perfrom just as good as the liquid minus the hastle, your friend really doesn't seem too bright.

im starting to notice this, maybe i should just find someone else to put it together for me, and later today or tomorrow i will have my final list of stuff ready and i will probably make a new thread just to make sure its all good to go and then be ready to order
Please post your full and final system for us to review (preferably type the actual names and hyperlink them).
and if you want a really really good water cooler but don't want the hassle of setting it up, then go with the Corsair H100. It's self contained and comes pre-filled.
the 990X is a waste, only a few things will take advantage of the extra 2 cores, and in everything else the 2600k will be faster than it, and also the 990X is a different socket too, and that socket won't recieve any new cpu's, but the lga1155 is getting ivy bridge i believe, and if you want a 6 core, then at the beggining of next year they are coming out with lga2011 and the sandy bridge e which will be like a 6 core 12 thread 2600k style cpu, where the 2600k is 4 core 8 threads.
the 990X is a waste, only a few things will take advantage of the extra 2 cores, and in everything else the 2600k will be faster than it, and also the 990X is a different socket too, and that socket won't recieve any new cpu's, but the lga1155 is getting ivy bridge i believe, and if you want a 6 core, then at the beggining of next year they are coming out with lga2011 and the sandy bridge e which will be like a 6 core 12 thread 2600k style cpu, where the 2600k is 4 core 8 threads.

so is it just better off to wait a bit before getting a new computer? because from everything i have seen there is tons of new stuff coming out
there's always a ton of new stuff coming out, bulldozer is coming soon, then ivy bridge and sand bridge e, then the updated bulldozers in january too, highest at launch is 8150p, in jan they got the 8170, pretty saan they will also have the 28nm gpu cores meaning the hd 7000's and gtx 600's, the computer market is the fastest moving/eveolving market there is,
there's always a ton of new stuff coming out, bulldozer is coming soon, then ivy bridge and sand bridge e, then the updated bulldozers in january too, highest at launch is 8150p, in jan they got the 8170, pretty saan they will also have the 28nm gpu cores meaning the hd 7000's and gtx 600's, the computer market is the fastest moving/eveolving market there is,

i do want something that will be playing the very best games and able to do heavy multitasking and video edtiting for the next few years, so should i wait for somethign else for a couple months or am i good now to get something?
the stuff you picked will probably max out everything for the next year and a half or so, a year at least, but you're also running three monitors and all, if you went to one i'd be saying more like 3 years probably, but like i said, the tech moves so fast and the games mave as fast as the tech, just look at battlefield 3 vs like cod 4 which when bf3 is out it would be about 4 years old, just look at the difference in detail from bf3's commersials of gameplay and cod 4 gameplay, the difference is rediculous, now i just wanna see bf3 v cod:mw3

but you should be fine, and in a year you can just get a new ive bridge i7 if you want to, which this'll still be a killer cpu then too, and new gpu's, which these'll still be killers too, you'll just need to wait and see, but by then there'll be trinity cpu's coming soon and the next gen of intel cpu's and both gpu's too.
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the stuff you picked will probably max out everything for the next year and a half or so, a year at least, but you're also running three monitors and all, if you went to one i'd be saying more like 3 years probably, but like i said, the tech moves so fast and the games mave as fast as the tech, just look at battlefield 3 vs like cod 4 which when bf3 is out it would be about 4 years old, just look at the difference in detail from bf3's commersials of gameplay and cod 4 gameplay, the difference is rediculous, now i just wanna see bf3 v cod:mw3

but you should be fine, and in a year you can just get a new ive bridge i7 if you want to, which this'll still be a killer cpu then too, and new gpu's, which these'll still be killers too, you'll just need to wait and see, but by then there'll be trinity cpu's coming soon and the next gen of intel cpu's and both gpu's too.

well im going to think it over, i think i might wait for a little bit and see what people say about that bulldozer thing thats coming out see if its any better
k, well check back then cuz the prices will have dropped and new things will be out then.

alright i plan to hang around here until then though, at the very least i can learn something lol, and your hard work didnt go to waste, when new stuff starts coming out i will make up my own list of parts then come here to see if its good and see how much i learned, i will probably fail but oh well lol, im probably going to wait for the new intel ones though. intel seems a lot better
don't you still need a comp for college? The next gen of i's will have 2 sockets, for 6 cores it will need a new one, but for 4 you can still use the lga1155 like the current ones, so that's a simple upgrade, and if bulldozer is better once those are out, then you can get a new mobo and bulldozer for ~650 for good ones or get a good am3+ now and just a new cpu, and the other stuff will still work on there, you'll just have to reinstall and reload everything you had save, a simple 1tb backup drive will let you save everything for the mave and are fairly cheap, around 60-70 i think

in other words, you can get a am3+ and a 1100t now and just upgrade the cpu, or a new cpu and mobo if you'd like, or get a 2600k and a lga1155 now, and get the ivy bridge which will work with a 1155 later, and if you must, a lga2011 and a sb-e which will probably be like the 990X and cost almost 1k for the cpu alone.
don't you still need a comp for college? The next gen of i's will have 2 sockets, for 6 cores it will need a new one, but for 4 you can still use the lga1155 like the current ones, so that's a simple upgrade, and if bulldozer is better once those are out, then you can get a new mobo and bulldozer for ~650 for good ones or get a good am3+ now and just a new cpu, and the other stuff will still work on there, you'll just have to reinstall and reload everything you had save, a simple 1tb backup drive will let you save everything for the mave and are fairly cheap, around 60-70 i think

in other words, you can get a am3+ and a 1100t now and just upgrade the cpu, or a new cpu and mobo if you'd like, or get a 2600k and a lga1155 now, and get the ivy bridge which will work with a 1155 later, and if you must, a lga2011 and a sb-e which will probably be like the 990X and cost almost 1k for the cpu alone.
i do need one, but im not starting anything major this year, for the first semester i may be finishing up high school shit i never did through the college(long story my school ****ed me over and its been a pain in the ass for 4 years cause of it)
could just grab a 200 buck netbook, good to have anyways to take to classes and stuff, cuz i don't think you need a 1.5k buck gaming laptop too
could just grab a 200 buck netbook, good to have anyways to take to classes and stuff, cuz i don't think you need a 1.5k buck gaming laptop too

yeah no way im getting a gaming laptop lol, i hate laptops but a cheap notebook would prob be good, laast laptop i had got so hot i picked it up and literally had burns on my fingers, im not exaggerating my fingers were literally burnt with blisters lol