Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Thinkpads looks cool. I like the older versions that don't have the touchpads.
Yeah I think they look pretty cool too. Loved my two ThinkPads before they died once and for all. :( My A31 didn't have a touchpad but the R40 did. I believe IBM called the TrackPoint + TouchPad combination an 'UltraNav'.
Ive had a few thinkpads and most of them just ended up being sold. Solid as tanks they were. I know I had a R52, and a few pentium 3 ones in the A series, I think the A20m and the like. They were great. Wish I still had them.
Mine had had years of abuse and hard work before they were given to me; so it's no wonder that eventually the boards in both machines died. I still wish I had mine, had they not died. I preferred the R40 to the A31 (was a slimmer and lighter machine), but the A31 lasted a few months longer.
The way I see it is that you can only remove so much thickness and weight before you start loosing structural integrity. The old ones feel a lot stronger, at least compared to the R52. The M90 is a lot stronger itself than the D630 too.
Yeah I do agree with you. The older laptops always seem a lot stronger and a lot more solid than the newer ones. The newer ones seem kind of "cheap and plastic" and a bit flimsy. Some of the best-built laptops I've come across these days are actually Dells.
From what I have seen, most of the newer laptops are mainly plastic. Flimsy too much for my taste. But I have not used a new dell. The D630 is the newest dell I have used, well other than the E series at school, but they feel a bit less stable than the 630. May be a moot point. Not sure.
I've used few of the newer Dell Studios, they're good laptops. They seem a lot more solid than say some of Acer's and HP's offerings.
Some shots of my PC, sorry they're not the best ever.











Thanks. :) Now deciding whether or not getting another case would be a good idea, I kinda like how my system's interior looks. ;)
any option you go with really won't be wrong. I personally would stay with CF, but you will get more out of a newer system.
I've got a while to decide yet. I'll see what my friend says, he's the one who's potentially buying my case and PSU. He likes my case and I don't really like it, so I told him I'd sell it to him (he's looking for a new case anyway). I like how my system looks inside the case and I like the overall look of the case, but I don't like the cable management.
I think I am going to. I bought it when I was like 12 years old and doing my first custom build. I saw it on eBay and it had lots of nice lights on it so I bought it. That's the only reason why. I just so happened to get a case from a quality brand with half-decent cable management, not that I used them. :D

This is how my system looked before Christmas:


Looks better now I'd say. ;)
It does not appear to be a bad case.
I think that is a lot cooler than what I was doing when I was 12. Back then to me a computer was this big block sitting in the desk that can magically send what I am thinking to people globally. Know a lot more now.