Post your SuperPi Score!

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thats not very extreme at all, not where he comes from anyway :rolleyes: average overclock for an e8600 over there is probably close to 5.7ghz(benchmarked at least)

that's right, this is nothing to applaud for. it was just a quick run on air to test the potentials. this specific batch is good on air, but a real clocker on ln2/cascade/dice. this specific chip already tested for over 6.2ghz, but i dont have any ln2 right now. and how'd you know i was from XS? you must be looking at user names here and over there :p
Woot! fastest Quad Core score!! here is my results @4ghz

you'll be the 3rd or 4th (my 5000, my 5400, and one more ahead of me)
4th if he keeps the 5000+'s score when my 5400 goes on.
5th soon, when i get my 7750 :D
you'll be the 3rd or 4th (my 5000, my 5400, and one more ahead of me)
4th if he keeps the 5000+'s score when my 5400 goes on.
5th soon, when i get my 7750 :D
Ah, didn't read the post right.
Well, I did alot better than I thought I would, from about 38 seconds stock, so now it's time for me to aim for that number 1 AMD spot. =P
it's amazing how efficient clock for clock the i7's are. anyways, i did some mild tuning in BIOS but instead of trying to lower the vcore, i kept vcore the same and raised the clocks instead. 9.702s

it's amazing how efficient clock for clock the i7's are. anyways, i did some mild tuning in BIOS but instead of trying to lower the vcore, i kept vcore the same and raised the clocks instead. 9.702s


Great score man. Could you run one at 4000mhz exact is possible. I am curious my self to see the difference between the q6600, q9550, and the 920 i7. What kind of cooling do you have?.
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