PS4 or Xbox One?

PS4 or Xbox One?

  • PS4

    Votes: 25 64.1%
  • Xbox One

    Votes: 14 35.9%

  • Total voters
Hell yeah! Whoo! Though GTAV is one title I would almost perfer on a console because of the controller, and other things but if GTAV has modding support and is reasonably optimized (GTA IV anyone?) then I will take it.
Well firstly the Xbox has always had better game support meaning, more developers and secondly directx will mean it will probably be better supported given its X86.

And on that topic, smartass, its never been an issue before since this is the first consoles running X86. So yeah, putting windows on it to run a whole lot of extra applications will mean (because its windows based OS at least half the time) a better supported integration. Essentially these consoles are just PCs with dumbed down OSs.

But why the Xbox will win this one? One word: DirectX. Unlike previous incarnations, these consoles wont be coding to the metal. So the familiar DirectX over some modified OpenGL will mean that more games and more support. Also, running Windows as a separate interchangeable partition will be a bonus.

Also, who thinks it will only be a matter of time until the PC will run console games natively?

Because the PS3 was definitely short of any decent titles. My point still stands. If you need to put another operating system on the machine to get its full value, then that's not saying good things about the machine. Not to mention you have that exact OS on an actual PC already, so I still don't see the benefit of having it on your console, too. The XBox 1 will be optimized to run what comes on the XBox 1. Not something that is designed to run on virtually unlimited different configurations.

Regardless, I buy a game console to play games, not run Windows or run extra apps. And if we really want to use that as leverage, I could also install Windows on a PS4 considering it's x86 architecture. Someone will do it, at least. And honestly, it'd be more likely. Sony was the one who originally included the functionality to install a separate OS on the PS3 without having to bypass the current OS in any way.
What are you talking about? Comparing old consoles is absolutely useless.

They're are now PCs. They will run an API. They will have hardware and (probably) software that runs natively on PCs too. And, as I said, Direct X is by far more supported API, period. And this will NOT be on PS4.

So saying PS3 had lots of games, doesn't correlate to the PS4 being supported more than the Xbox One, yet, having DirectX is arguably a reason for why Xbox ONe may have more game developers working on it. It may be minor, but this is a discussion and a poll, and that is my view. That's the point im making. Your analogies to previous incarnations is completely pointless.
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And this is plainly wrong, but I guess it depends on how you define awesome. My CPU and one of my GPUs costs more than a PS4.

3 580s and a i7 wouldn't cost a ton more than a Xbox one. Also 3 580s and a i7 is complete overkill for gaming. Maybe $400 more, BUT monitors are cheaper than TVs. Maybe $325 for the GPUs, $150 for the CPU, $150 for the board, and $400 or so for other components. And "awesome" as in max out most games,which you can do with a $500 PC.
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What are you talking about? Comparing old consoles is absolutely useless.

They're are now PCs. They will run an API. They will have hardware and (probably) software that runs natively on PCs too. And, as I said, Direct X is by far more supported API, period. And this will NOT be on PS4.

So saying PS3 had lots of games, doesn't correlate to the PS4 being supported more than the Xbox One, yet, having DirectX is arguably a reason for why Xbox ONe may have more game developers working on it. It may be minor, but this is a discussion and a poll, and that is my view. That's the point im making. Your analogies to previous incarnations is completely pointless.

I didn't say anything about there being "more support". My point is that there is plenty of support for Playstation consoles, even if it's not more than the XBox. OpenGL is still very familiar compared to trying to work with the PS3's cell processor. So, that helps with support for the PS4. There will be no shortage of platinum titles for it, so it's not like PS4 owners will be missing out anymore than XBox 1 owners will be.

To say the XBox 1 has "more support" isn't saying much of anything. More devs building for it doesn't necessarily mean more quality games.

3 580s and a i7 wouldn't cost a ton more than a Xbox one. Also 3 580s and a i7 is complete overkill for gaming. Maybe $400 more, BUT monitors are cheaper than TVs. Maybe $325 for the GPUs, $150 for the CPU, $150 for the board, and $400 or so for other components. And "awesome" as in max out most games,which you can do with a $500 PC.

What are you even talking about?
I didn't say anything about there being "more support". My point is that there is plenty of support for Playstation consoles, even if it's not more than the XBox. OpenGL is still very familiar compared to trying to work with the PS3's cell processor. So, that helps with support for the PS4. There will be no shortage of platinum titles for it, so it's not like PS4 owners will be missing out anymore than XBox 1 owners will be.

To say the XBox 1 has "more support" isn't saying much of anything. More devs building for it doesn't necessarily mean more quality games.

What are you even talking about?

Did it look like I was talking to you?
3 580s and a i7 wouldn't cost a ton more than a Xbox one. Also 3 580s and a i7 is complete overkill for gaming. Maybe $400 more, BUT monitors are cheaper than TVs. Maybe $325 for the GPUs, $150 for the CPU, $150 for the board, and $400 or so for other components. And "awesome" as in max out most games,which you can do with a $500 PC.

Dude, seriously what? Everything you postulate here is wrong. Please, before you even go there, have you got ANY experience in hardware of this calibre? Or maxing out games, because seriously, you are talking as though you don't.

To max out games (even at 1080p) you need a $200 plus graphics card and $200 plus CPU. Please show me how you fit the rest of a computer in the last 100 bucks. You cannot.

A GTX580 new was nearly $600 each. Still are (~$400 - $600). Yes you can get them second hand for cheaper, but that's not what we're talking about.

Also, on the overkill statement, having 3 of them is essential is you want to game (ultra settings in BF4 or BF3 and so on) at 5760 x 1080 as I do. Also what is essential is a motherboard and CPU that can handle that. Mine was over $350 for the mobo and again for the CPU.

How much is a Xbox One? $600? that's 1/3 of my GPU costs alone, let alone the rest.
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Dude, seriously what? Everything you postulate here is wrong. To max out games you need a $200 plus graphics card and $200 plus CPU. Please show me how you fit the rest of a computer in the last 100 bucks. You cannot.

A GTX580 new was nearly $600 each. Still are. Having 3 of them is essential is you want to game at 5760 x 1080 as I do. Also what is essential is a motherboard that can handle that. Mine was over $350.

How much is a Xbox One? $600? that's 1/3 of my GPU costs.

Yeah 2 years ago. You can get 3 580s today for $325 used, but that's all you will be able to find them. Consoles don't game at 5760x1080. I was calculating based on your build which could be found for $600 used. $600 could get you a 7850 (XBox one level approximately) And a FX 6300 (XBox one level approximately agian). Also something I don't understand, are you on the pc or XBox or ps4 side of the fence? I can't tell.
Build me a new computer (like the PS4 - new) computer (including mouse and keyboard, windows, excluding monitor) that is based on the 7850 and the FX6300 that will max out BF4 at 1080p for $600.

You cannot. And don't side-step the question with nonsense.

You said:

PC! Seriously. A awesome gaming PC can be bought for as much as a Xbox One.

Which is total and utter BS.

The rest of your assertions are purely ridiculous. Seriously, you shouldn't be giving anyone build advice, because you don't have the experience or the knowledge. Period.
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These poll results seem to reflect what the people I have spoken to have said.
The few people that I spoke to said they would be getting a PS4, that includes people who currently have an xbox.
Not going to buy either since I have an Xbox 360 which I am happy with for the odd game (Forza, Burnout and various KiNect games) and I play most of my games on the PC now, but if I were to buy one of the new consoles I'd probably look at the PS4, so I voted for that.

Biggest reason is cost. I've just had a look on Amazon and seen that the PS4 is £349 pre-ordered (since it comes out here in the UK on the 29th) and the Xbox One is £430 pre-ordered.

I do prefer the Xbox controller but I could probably get used to a PlayStation controller.

Most games will be available on both so that wouldn't bother me, unless there was a specific exclusive I wanted. I could probably live without Forza because I'd play GT instead.
3 580s and a i7 wouldn't cost a ton more than a Xbox one. Also 3 580s and a i7 is complete overkill for gaming. Maybe $400 more, BUT monitors are cheaper than TVs. Maybe $325 for the GPUs, $150 for the CPU, $150 for the board, and $400 or so for other components. And "awesome" as in max out most games,which you can do with a $500 PC.

Everyone already has a TV though, so it isn't an extra expense really. Few people buy a TV just for a console.

I would like to see a $500 PC that can max out even most games, especially those that will come out with the next gen consoles. With the exception of a handful of games, all games on PC are console ports, so are held back by the limitations of now age old technology. Now that we have more up to date technology being the limitation there will be a huge fall off for what a cheap system will do.

Also, if you decide to post again with seemingly the only reason for your post being to try to belittle someone else or to call names infractions will be issued. It is not the first time there has been this problem with you, see this as a friendly (and last) warning to stop. If you do not like what Troncoso posts, don't reply, but when you reply and it is infact yourself that is being the tool, not him, that is not on.

When the prices come down I will probably end up with both. Which do I look forward to more though? Honestly the Xbox, but just because I like the Xbox controllers much better. I love my PS3, but for playing games the controllers are shocking compared to what MS offer with the 360, and it is near identical designs for both with the PS4 and One.

Plus now that FF15 is on One as well as PS4 I am all the more excited for it :D I was close to getting a PS3 at launch just for FF13VS, which of course didn't come and is now XV, so it worked out ok. Now when it comes out, that is most likely when I will end up with one
That's my main concern with the new line of consoles, my computer will quickly deteriorate in the ability to play games at higher settings. My computer is basically the same specs as the new PS4 so that's hopefully a good sign. I didn't really even plan on that but it came out that way.

I'd buy the PS4 but I have no need.