THE OFFICIAL PS3 vs. XBOX360 vs. Wii thread

Which do you like better: 360, PS3, Wii

  • 360

    Votes: 117 43.7%
  • PS3

    Votes: 89 33.2%
  • Wii

    Votes: 62 23.1%

  • Total voters
I would have to concur with what Blue said for the most part. One other thing to consider is that the Wii doesn't have as many games available..., yet. I think that the XBox 360 is a better looking system, but the Wii will have more fun games to play.
xbox 360 all the way it rocks xbox's customer service rocks and they have a lot of good games out.
I'm not going to say the following because I oppose your answer, but I feel it needs to be said.

That was total fanboyism at it's best. It is best to explain why you feel the xbox 360 is the better choice and customer service just don't cut it. Don't take this as my picking on you but rather lending good posting advice ;). Wehn You post with such a definite answer in a situation like this with little discussion to back up your argument, you come off as a fanboy.
for xbox 360 you must install a better cooling system tho else eventurally its going to get over heat. the original cooling system from it is really just garbage. when I open up my 360 lol my GPU can bbq a steak.
for xbox 360 you must install a better cooling system tho else eventurally its going to get over heat. the original cooling system from it is really just garbage. when I open up my 360 lol my GPU can bbq a steak.

I agree the Xbox 360 has a heating issue. I don't think the latest consoles though are really that bad are they? I doubt they are at the point where your going to fry your system. I would def. buy and extended warranty though. I never buy the extended warranty's but I plan to when I finally purchase my xbox360.
If it is true that the Wii has free online play, I think I would get it if I had the choice. But I won't actually be getting either one.
Games exclusive to PS3 and Wii will be their only selling point, as opposed to multi-platform games; they are hard to convert to wii playability and ps3 hd. Many gaming manufacturers are putting the pressure for a ps3 pricecut. Its not like theyr losing 300$ per system...oh wait, they ARE... In this sense, PC gaming may die out somewhat unless the use of the internet is stressed, and many new console games will be exclusive to systems, with a few primary design PS3 games with backed down xbox360 graphics

Actually, that completely contradicts what I have read. For the Wii devs there is an app called pancake, and this app allows you to make gestures with the remote/gyroscope functions and assign actions in the game to those combinations. Not to mention, IBM is actually the true winner of the console wars, considering every single console has an IBM based chip in it. So, really when you look at the xbox360 and the Wii, they have similar processors in them based off of PPC technology. The PS3 has Cell processors, though loosly based off of PPC technology it is far from it. To look into it even deeper, these processors have only really been effectively field tested and used in IBM blade servers, never once has a cell processor been used, or developed for in a consumer product. Add the factor of an untested and unused optical technology, blu ray, and you have yourself a totally untested technology. That is a very high risk gamble sony is doing. The PS3 is way overkill and the console isn't even taking advantage of its hardware, and by the time the PS4 comes out, the PS3 still probably won't be taking advantage of its hardware. Which is why, IMO, it was a very stupid move by sony. However, it seems like sony is relying on their customers to buy the PS3 to boost sales of blu ray.

So really any developer that makes a 360 game can port it over the Wii no problem, they will have to factor in the gestures of the wiimote instead of a standard control pad. Also, since the 360 and the Wii both have very similar hardware it also makes it easier to accomplish this. Sure the 360 is a bit more powerful spec wise, but both machine's hardware are based off of the same platform.
Actually, that completely contradicts what I have read. For the Wii devs there is an app called pancake, and this app allows you to make gestures with the remote/gyroscope functions and assign actions in the game to those combinations. Not to mention, IBM is actually the true winner of the console wars, considering every single console has an IBM based chip in it. So, really when you look at the xbox360 and the Wii, they have similar processors in them based off of PPC technology.

Thats true, but what I have been told is that games such as Red Steele and its more complex followers (ie star wars games) will not work well off a multi platform game company. Besides the companies lacking experience in wii technology, a game such as star wars could have many ways of using the sword for wii as u move the remote but on an xbox star wars game, there would only be one or 2 lightsaber attack buttons. In this sense, the game must be redesigned for the intended wii effect.
so, have they fixed the glitchy graphics and overheating problems yet.... or was that national manufacturer recall on hundreds of thousands of units just for fun....
Sonys been having overheating problems too, even when it was being developed so yeah.. you cant use that excuse :p

For the price of a PoS3, I can get a X360 AND a Wii, getting a great online service with MANY great games(X360), and great first party games (Nintendo) why pay $600 for JUST 1 system and nothing else. 2 for one sounds much better to me plus you get better software support, can play NES/SNES/Genesis/Xbox/X360 games + many more.

Sonys problem is they focus too much on technology and graphics, honestly if you buy a game just for the graphics you have a lot to learn. Lots of games with the really good graphics dont have much of anything else, technology isnt what should be focused on, innovation and gameplay, which Nintendo and M$ have done with their systems. Sony on the other hand, is using a beta format, has had TONS of bad press, VERY limited quantities of systems, and honestly I dont see any great games coming out making me want to throw $600 away at Sony for something that isnt better then what I currently have
Go for the Xbox 360, it really depends on what you are interested in but here are some reasons:

1. Customer service is excellent, as said before, they were very helpful

2. Xbox live, if you are into online play then you must have the 360. With all fanboyism a side, Xbox Live truly offers the best onling gaming for any console

3. Games: Gears of War. Thats all need be said for this section.

4. Multimedia, the 360 is a multimedia powerhouse when linked with a Windows PC

5. Graphics, if thats what you enjoy, then the Xbox 360 certainly beats the Wii.
Thats true, but what I have been told is that games such as Red Steele and its more complex followers (ie star wars games) will not work well off a multi platform game company. Besides the companies lacking experience in wii technology, a game such as star wars could have many ways of using the sword for wii as u move the remote but on an xbox star wars game, there would only be one or 2 lightsaber attack buttons. In this sense, the game must be redesigned for the intended wii effect.

That is why the Wii dev kit is around $1,000.00 dollars where at the PS3 dev kit is like $25,000.00. Not to mention if your company already has a gamecube dev kit you don't need to upgrade, you just need to patch some of the software.

So, no matter how you look at it, there is going to be a market for the Wii. It can be compared to running a mame box on your PC, you map keystrokes for certain functions.

A crude example would be, swing the wiimote up it counts as hitting X on a 360 controller, now hold one of the directional buttons and swing and it counts as Y, so on and so forth. If the the gyroscope is in position A then you defend, if its in position B then you are attacking, etc.

It is not as hard as you think it is. Madden 07 is a great example of a multi-platform game that is actually better on the Wii, IMO.

Great points, tlarkin. I completely agree with everything that you are saying, and those stats on the development kits for developers is interesting. However, I do think that the PS3 will do just fine anyway... :)
Plain and simple. Currently.
Graphics and game lineup = 360
Innovation and gameplay = Wii

I personally would love to own both as said above. But all I have now is the Wii. It's magnificent actually. It's pretty quite, loads quickly and plays as if your in a virtual world. The Wii has an included WiiSports game that I will find myself playing it 4-5 hours. The Wii doesn't have much games right now, but they have a lot of other things such as being able to play previous Nintendo games.

360, I can't comment because I don't have one, but I would love to have one. So if anyone can fill this in, that'll be great. What made me choose the wii at the moment was that I didn't care for the graphics pretty much, I don't have a HD BIG SCREEN TV and all these stuff needed to harness the 360. Regular TV and regular gamer.
I would go with the wii because you can download all the old Nintendo games like super smash bros the original Mario Bros and the Xbox 360 doesn't have backward compatibility with all those old xbox games, although most of them are supported and then it comes down to a simple decision do you want games like Halo or Super Mario Bros?
I would go with the wii because you can download all the old Nintendo games like super smash bros the original Mario Bros and the Xbox 360 doesn't have backward compatibility with all those old xbox games, although most of them are supported and then it comes down to a simple decision do you want games like Halo or Super Mario Bros?

Xbox 360 is backwards compatible with a lot of games.

You can download some really cool old school games on the 360.
Also Microsoft acknowledged the problems with their systems made in 2005. Anyone who had to get a '05 system repaired and paid for it (like myself) either have gotten a refund on the amount paid to repair it or will be soon. I got my check last week. Good to see they care for their customers.

I am also surprised that the PoS3 has as many votes as they do, probably all the Sony fanboys picking it. All the success of the PS2 has gotten in the head of Sony and they think they are so great when they are not
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Also Microsoft acknowledged the problems with their systems made in 2005. Anyone who had to get a '05 system repaired and paid for it (like myself) either have gotten a refund on the amount paid to repair it or will be soon. I got my check last week. Good to see they care for their customers.
Cool :) same here, i bought a unit that was refurbed and then sold as new to me. But it kept crashing so i rang the x360 help line and they were gr8. They done some trouble shooting then in the end result they gave me a return code. I took it back to the store and they replaced the unit with a brand spanking new one :D

I wonder what Sonys customer support will be like for the PS3 ??