windows 8 beta is now out

XP does not fully utilize today's modern dual, quad, and 6-core CPU's. That's one reason to ditch it.
honestly for the average user I don't think we would see a big difference anyway. XP, 2000 and Vista all seem to use about the same processing power on my Core 2 Dual laptop. I can't say for sure about the SB lineup, but I did not see a difference in power between xp and 7 on a i3-380m either.
That's because differences are so damn small that they cannot be noticed by a human eye.


One computer has QUAD CORE CPU with XP installed.
Other computer ALSO has QUAD CORE CPU but with Windows 7 installed.

A game let's say Crysis 2 is being played on both computers.Do you think there will be ANY speed differences???
Well the answer is NO.Crysis 2 will work at THE SAME SPEED ON BOTH COMPUTERS.

Maybe Windows 7 does hande multiple core CPU a little bit better,but people come on!!!
The differences are SOOOOOOO SMALL that they cannot even be seen by a human eye.And don't tell me that you used a software which showed you better results on Windows 7 than it did on Windows XP.The hell with the software results!!!Those results that those kind of programs (designed for that) show you are just a SMALL DIFFERENCES and when I say "SMALL DIFFERENCES" I mean that those differences are soooooooooo small that a human eye can't see a difference.And if a human eye can't see a difference,WHAT IS THE POINT IN WASTING MONEY AND TIME ON UPGRADING FROM XP TO WINDOWS 7???
Hey you people use whatever you want lol,but if I ever get a computer with quad core or 6 core CPU (lol),I will still use XP and NOT Windows 7.

1. I don't want to waste any extra money.I would rather spend it on buying flowers to the person I like (hopefuly I am gonna meet her in September.(Shut up STARS))...

2. All of my programs work perfectly on Windows XP...

3. Every single detail I am doing works perfectly on Windows XP including everything else...

4. When it comes to playing games,the game speed differences CANNOT be noticed by a human eye AT ALL...

So when it comes to let's say playing games and their speeds and you people tell me that Windows 7 handles CPU better than Windows XP and that the game will work faster and better on Windows 7 then all I can tell you is:


But hey if you want to spend more money on newer OS just because it works faster for a fraction of a second which human eye can't notice then be my guest.I am surely not going to waste my money on every single Windows OS which come out.Hell Microsoft already made Windows 8.One year from now there will be Windows 9 and that will require to spend money AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!
And all that "AGAIN SPENDING MONEY" goes to MICROSOFT lol.

Well who can blame them.They are pretty smart when it comes to have more money as much as possible in a shortest period of time as possible.:D

But I am sticking to Windows XP for the next 10 years minimum.Everything 100% what I am doing works on Windows XP.So what's the point in spending money EVERY SINGLE TIME when new OS comes out???
Just because it has nice shiny Windows and effects and sounds???
If you want those shiny Windows,effects and sounds then make or use the theme for that and problem solved.
If you buy new OS every time just because it has newer features and you "need them" (but actually you don't need them AT ALL) then use programs for that.It is usually free and will do ALL the job the SAME way instead of spending SOOOO much money AND time on something you do NOT need and if you REAAAAAAALY need it then use freeware programs to do the job.If they are not free,then buy one,but it is STILL a LOT cheaper than buying an entire OS just because of few SMALL things which cost a LOT less than an entire OS,not to mention that you spend a LOT of money by buying new OS every time which seems to me Microsoft is making faster,faster and faster.

Jesus Christ lol.What's the rush? xD
Take it easy :p
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That's because differences are so damn small that they cannot be noticed by a human eye.


One computer has QUAD CORE CPU with XP installed.
Other computer ALSO has QUAD CORE CPU but with Windows 7 installed.

A game let's say Crysis 2 is being played on both computers.Do you think there will be ANY speed differences???
Well the answer is NO.Crysis 2 will work at THE SAME SPEED ON BOTH COMPUTERS.

Maybe Windows 7 does hande multiple core CPU a little bit better,but people come on!!!
The differences are SOOOOOOO SMALL that they cannot even be seen by a human eye.And don't tell me that you used a software which showed you better results on Windows 7 than it did on Windows XP.The hell with the software results!!!Those results that those kind of programs (designed for that) show you are just a SMALL DIFFERENCES and when I say "SMALL DIFFERENCES" I mean that those differences are soooooooooo small that a human eye can't see a difference.And if a human eye can't see a difference,WHAT IS THE POINT IN WASTING MONEY AND TIME ON UPGRADING FROM XP TO WINDOWS 7???
Hey you people use whatever you want lol,but if I ever get a computer with quad core or 6 core CPU (lol),I will still use XP and NOT Windows 7.

1. I don't want to waste any extra money.I would rather spend it on buying flowers to the person I like (hopefuly I am gonna meet her in September.(Shut up STARS))...

2. All of my programs work perfectly on Windows XP...

3. Every single detail I am doing works perfectly on Windows XP including everything else...

4. When it comes to playing games,the game speed differences CANNOT be noticed by a human eye AT ALL...

So when it comes to let's say playing games and their speeds and you people tell me that Windows 7 handles CPU better than Windows XP and that the game will work faster and better on Windows 7 then all I can tell you is:


But hey if you want to spend more money on newer OS just because it works faster for a fraction of a second which human eye can't notice then be my guest.I am surely not going to waste my money on every single Windows OS which come out.Hell Microsoft already made Windows 8.One year from now there will be Windows 9 and that will require to spend money AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!
And all that "AGAIN SPENDING MONEY" goes to MICROSOFT lol.

Well who can blame them.They are pretty smart when it comes to have more money as much as possible in a shortest period of time as possible.:D

But I am sticking to Windows XP for the next 10 years minimum.Everything 100% what I am doing works on Windows XP.So what's the point in spending money EVERY SINGLE TIME when new OS comes out???
Just because it has nice shiny Windows and effects and sounds???
If you want those shiny Windows,effects and sounds then make or use the theme for that and problem solved.
If you buy new OS every time just because it has newer features and you "need them" (but actually you don't need them AT ALL) then use programs for that.It is usually free and will do ALL the job the SAME way instead of spending SOOOO much money AND time on something you do NOT need and if you REAAAAAAALY need it then use freeware programs to do the job.If they are not free,then buy one,but it is STILL a LOT cheaper than buying an entire OS just because of few SMALL things which cost a LOT less than an entire OS,not to mention that you spend a LOT of money by buying new OS every time which seems to me Microsoft is making faster,faster and faster.

Jesus Christ lol.What's the rush? xD
Take it easy :p

OK 2 things, one: How long did it take you to write all that:confused:. 2: The only things better with win 7 are that the new driivers work better on it, and it looks nicer. That's all.
XP is gonna stay awhile because peoples computers are good enough. A computer with a p4, winXP, and 512mb of ram is all they need for surfing the web pretty fast so why should they get a quad core possessor and all that fancy high dollar stuff when they dont need it? Something to think about.
XP is gonna stay awhile because peoples computers are good enough. A computer with a p4, winXP, and 512mb of ram is all they need for surfing the web pretty fast so why should they get a quad core possessor and all that fancy high dollar stuff when they dont need it? Something to think about.

Windows 7 runs better on low spec computers, you just let windows determine what candy is enabled. XP is old, obsolete and completely unnecessary.
OK 2 things, one: How long did it take you to write all that:confused:. 2: The only things better with win 7 are that the new driivers work better on it, and it looks nicer. That's all.

1. It took me a century :D
2. Drivers always work good on any OS if you know how to work with them properly.And as for the look,everyone has different opinion on that.To me Windows 95 look is a lot nicer and better than the one Windows Vista and Windows 7 have.You can't really judge an OS on it's look and colors lol.

XP is gonna stay awhile because peoples computers are good enough. A computer with a p4, winXP, and 512mb of ram is all they need for surfing the web pretty fast so why should they get a quad core possessor and all that fancy high dollar stuff when they dont need it? Something to think about.

Exactly.Most of the people use computer just for WEB surfing and they surely do not need super strong CPU,GPU,RAM,HDD/SSD and God knows what lol.
Because I am pretty sure WEB pages do not require super strong system xD
So yea I agree with you.To them there is no point in wasting so much money because it will not make any difference.
The ONLY reason why would they wanna spend so much money on the upgrades is if they are crazy gamers who want to play the LATEST games on the BEST graphic quality level lol.But most users don't do that and they just surf the WEB,edit some text documents or images,watching movies,listening the music and so on.So in that case just like you said THEY SURELY DON'T NEED SUPER STRONG SYSTEM ON WHICH SO MUCH MONEY MUST BE SPENT.:D

Windows 7 runs better on low spec computers, you just let windows determine what candy is enabled. XP is old, obsolete and completely unnecessary.

Hehehe lol if you ask me XP is still a winner.There are 75% of computers and users still running Windows XP.Sure it's 11 years old,but it is still the most used OS and will be the most used one for years to come.
Most of the people do not even like the way things are organized in Windows 7 plus a tons of other things.Sure they try Windows 7 because it's newer and "better",but very soon they revert back to XP because they see it works and suits a lot better for them...75% of the people including me :D
I will continue using Windows XP for the next 10 years minimum.

1. It took me a century :D
2. Drivers always work good on any OS if you know how to work with them properly.And as for the look,everyone has different opinion on that.To me Windows 95 look is a lot nicer and better than the one Windows Vista and Windows 7 have.You can't really judge an OS on it's look and colors lol.

Exactly.Most of the people use computer just for WEB surfing and they surely do not need super strong CPU,GPU,RAM,HDD/SSD and God knows what lol.
Because I am pretty sure WEB pages do not require super strong system xD
So yea I agree with you.To them there is no point in wasting so much money because it will not make any difference.
The ONLY reason why would they wanna spend so much money on the upgrades is if they are crazy gamers who want to play the LATEST games on the BEST graphic quality level lol.But most users don't do that and they just surf the WEB,edit some text documents or images,watching movies,listening the music and so on.So in that case just like you said THEY SURELY DON'T NEED SUPER STRONG SYSTEM ON WHICH SO MUCH MONEY MUST BE SPENT.:D

Hehehe lol if you ask me XP is still a winner.There are 75% of computers and users still running Windows XP.Sure it's 11 years old,but it is still the most used OS and will be the most used one for years to come.
Most of the people do not even like the way things are organized in Windows 7 plus a tons of other things.Sure they try Windows 7 because it's newer and "better",but very soon they revert back to XP because they see it works and suits a lot better for them...75% of the people including me :D
I will continue using Windows XP for the next 10 years minimum.


I bet.
According to this site: OS Statistics, Win 7 pulled even with XP as of July of 2011 but since then has passed XP so the statement that XP is installed on 75% of computers is a little off.

Even with all its patches in place, XP is less secure than 7. I still run XP on a few machines but prefer Win 7. I have the Win 8 preview installed and have an open mind about it. I personally don't care for the Metro GUI but can't really say I miss the Start button. I boot Win 8 then click the tile for the desktop and spend my time there. I'm hopeful that when Win 8 is released you'll be able to configure it to start with the desktop if that's your preference.
According to this site: OS Statistics, Win 7 pulled even with XP as of July of 2011 but since then has passed XP so the statement that XP is installed on 75% of computers is a little off.

Even with all its patches in place, XP is less secure than 7. I still run XP on a few machines but prefer Win 7. I have the Win 8 preview installed and have an open mind about it. I personally don't care for the Metro GUI but can't really say I miss the Start button. I boot Win 8 then click the tile for the desktop and spend my time there. I'm hopeful that when Win 8 is released you'll be able to configure it to start with the desktop if that's your preference.

As long as there are old computers around, XP will live.
I have some old comps that would have hardware issues trying to run W7.

I installed W8 64 bit several days ago.
Driver issues for ATI is a big issue as many are complaining (most be MS still hates AMD).
Yes, It is set for a touch screen environment but the metro tiles can be turned off to give the W7 look.
I did not need to use a e-mail account, I just left that blank.
All the ISO's use the same key #.

I quit playing with it for now because of the vid driver issue, If I can't have full screen the heck with it.

I have it on a separate partition on a secondary drive in single boot mode so I am not in a rush to delete it.

Also if you want AV other than MS you are limited to about 5-6 different brands.
I found my normal will not install.

Overall so far I would say unless you have a touch screen stick with W7.
So I just installed the beta, I personally like it. No doubt it still needs a lot of work but I guess that is why it is called a beta. My computer seems to run a little faster with it.

As for XP being less secure this is only truth. It gives admin permissions without you knowing about it which is the main issue it has with malware. Viruses they are all the same.

My question since we are on the subject of security is when I installed my beta version it had me un-install MSE, should I try to install it again or is it built into windows 8?
So I just installed the beta, I personally like it. No doubt it still needs a lot of work but I guess that is why it is called a beta. My computer seems to run a little faster with it.

As for XP being less secure this is only truth. It gives admin permissions without you knowing about it which is the main issue it has with malware. Viruses they are all the same.

My question since we are on the subject of security is when I installed my beta version it had me un-install MSE, should I try to install it again or is it built into windows 8?

I agree... partly anyway.
So I just installed the beta, I personally like it. No doubt it still needs a lot of work but I guess that is why it is called a beta. My computer seems to run a little faster with it.

As for XP being less secure this is only truth. It gives admin permissions without you knowing about it which is the main issue it has with malware. Viruses they are all the same.

My question since we are on the subject of security is when I installed my beta version it had me un-install MSE, should I try to install it again or is it built into windows 8?
It does have a form of MSE called Windows Defender built in, IIRC, check the control panel.
Also you can get alternate AV here:
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These were good old days:






And of course if you did not use them properly,you would get what you deserve:

HA! :D

Yeah, the good old days of Win 95 with no support for USB. :(

If I get nostalgic for Win 95, I have it installed in a VM on this machine and can fire it up anytime I want but I don't get the urge that often.

Can you actually say you like the look of Win 95 better than Win 7?


Win 7 looks much cleaner with better graphics and much better fonts.
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I always wanted to run 98se again, but I can't seem to figure out large drive support (only looking to fill 20 GB) without the boot floppy (I don't have that module bay). Well either way, Seems that windows 8 is a flop to me. I tried to dual boot it with with free BSD, and it broke the boot loader. I can not boot to either now. I am going to try again this evening, but I am just going to wipe the drive for BSD and install it.